Summary of Timing Data for One Trade of the Parallel
Option Pricing Models on Various Platforms
Platform Machine EUS AMS Speedup
size (sec.) (sec.) EUS AMS
SUN10(seq.) 1 1.087 1.186
SUN4(seq.) 1 2.07 2.31
SUN IPC(seq.) 1 4.05 4.25
CM-5(with VU) 32 0.025
DECmpp-12000 8192 0.075 0.045
CM-2 8192 0.05
Alpha+Gigswitch 1 0.469 0.553 1 1
(PVM3) 2 0.239 0.279 1.96 1.98
4 0.130 0.151 3.61 3.67
8 0.089 0.099 5.27 5.59
IBM-SP1+Ethernet 1 0.505 0.568 1 1
(PVM3, EUI/IP) 2 0.260 0.290 1.94 1.96
4 0.145 0.160 3.48 3.55
8 0.094 0.110 5.37 5.16
IBM-SP1+HPswitch 8 0.0602 0.0663
1. The timing data is measured when the level of binomial
tree is 17.
2. On MIMD machines, all the two models weakly depend on
communication but solely depend on node performance of
the parallel systems. But on SIMD machine, it also
depends on communication. Different algorithms are used
on MIMD (with explicit message passing paradigm) and on
SIMD (with Fortran90 data parallel paradigm) systems.
3. EUS --- EUropean Stocahstic volatility binomial model;
AMS --- AMerican Stocahstic volatility binomial model.
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,
This page is maintained by Gang Cheng,
Last change: 04/06/94