from home of Great Wall.

I am a research scientist at the Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (NPAC) at Syracuse University, working in the areas of computational science and high performance computing and communication, and information technology for industry generally. My hobbies are fishing, music, traveling and soccer.


Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
111 College Place, Rm 3-201
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-4100
(315)479-8767(h)  (315)443-2083(o)  (315)443-1973(fax)


May 1993 - date: Jr. Research Scientist,
    Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University, 
    Syracuse, NY.
January 1992 - May 1993: Research Assistant, 
    Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University, 
    Syracuse, NY.
August 1991 - January 1992: Teaching Assistant,
    School of Computer and Information Science, Syracuse University, 
    Syracuse, NY.

April 1991 - August 1991: Programmer Analyst, Information System 
    Support Laboratory, Virginia Tech, VA.
June 1988 - January 1991: Research Associate, Senior Software Engineer,
    Chengdu Institute of Computer Applications, 
    Chinese Academy of Sciences.
August 1985 - May 1988: Research and Teaching Assistant,
    Computer Science and Engineering Department, Huazhong University of 
    Science and Technology, China.
June 1983 - July 1985: Application Programmer,
    Chengdu Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 


Ph.D. Candidate, Computer and Information Science,
    Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, August 1991 - date.
M.S., Computer Science and Engineering,
    Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, 
    September 1985 - May 1988.
B.S., Computer Science and Engineering,
    Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, 
    September 1979 - May 1983.


Supercomputing '93 Student Paper Award, Best student paper 
in the area of Graphics Application.

Member of Phi Beta Delta - Honor Society For International
Scholars, Alpha Sigma Chapter at Syracuse University, 1994 - date.

Co-developer of a Patent issued by the People's Republic of China. 
"A New Intelligent Magnetic-card Lock", 
Patent No.: ZL 92 2 14120.7. May 27, 1993.


Parallel and Distributed Computing and Applications, 
Parallel Database Systems, Programming Languages, 
Geographic Information Systems, Computer Graphics, and
Artificial Intelligence.
Selected Projects:
  1. Financial Modeling
  2. Computational Electromagnetics
  3. Coarse Grain Parallelism Using AVS
  4. Decision Support Database TPCD Benchmarking of Parallel Oracle 7 Server on nCUBE2 and IBM SP2 (restricted access is enforced due to protected confidential data)
Selected Publications:
  1. G. Cheng, Y. Lu, G. C. Fox, K. Mills and T. Haupt," An Interactive Remote Visualization Environment for an Electromagnetic Scattering Simulation on a High Performance Computing System " Proceedings of Supercomputing '93, Portland, Oregon, November 15-19, 1993.
  2. G. Cheng, K. Mills and G. Fox, " An Interactive Visualization Environment for Financial Modeling on Heterogeneous Computing Systems ," Proc. of the 6th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, R. F. Sincovec, eds., SIAM, Norfolk, VA, March 1993.
  3. G. Cheng, C. Faigle, G. C. Fox, W. Fumanski, B. Li, and K. Mills, " Exploring AVS for HPDC Software Integration: Case Studies Towards Parallel Support for GIS ," Proc. of the 2nd AVS Conference AVS'93, Lake Buena Vista, FL, May 1993.
  4. G. Cheng, G. C. Fox, G. C. and K. Mills, " Integrating Multiple Programming Paradigms on Connection Machine CM5 in a Dataflow-based Software Environment," Technical Report, Syracuse Center for Computational Science, 15 pps, August, 1993.
  5. G. Cheng, G. C. Fox, and K.A. Hawick," A Scaleable Paradigm for Effectively-Dense Matrix Formulated Applications," in Proc. of the European Conference and Exhibition on High-Performance Computing and Networking (HPCN Europe) 1994, Munich, Germany, April 18-20, 1994.
  6. G. Cheng, G. Fox, K. Mills and Marek Podgorny, " Developing Interactive PVM-based Parallel Programs on Distributed Computing Systems within AVS Framework," in Proc. of the 3rd Annual International AVS Conference, JOIN THE REVOLUTION: AVS'94, Boston, MA, May 2-4.
  7. G. Cheng, K.A. Hawick, G. Mortensen and G. C. Fox," Distributed Computational Eletromagnetics Systems," in Proc. of the 7th SIAM conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Feb. 15-17, 1995.
  8. Mills, K., Vinson, M. and Cheng, G., " A Large Scale Comparison of Option Pricing Models with Historical Market Data," in Proc. of the 4th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation, McLean, VA, IEEE Computer Society Press, October 1992.
  9. Mills, K., Cheng, G., Vinson, M., Ranka, S. and Fox, G.," Software Issues and Performance of a Stock Option Pricing Model on the Connection Machine-2 and DECmpp-12000," in Proc. of Fifth Australian Supercomputing Conference, Melbourne, Australia, December, 1992.
  10. Cheng, G., Sparling, L., Mills, K. and Lyster P., ``Four Dimensional Data Assimilation (NASA HPCC): Parallel Trajectory Model,'' Poster presentation at IEEE Supercomputing `93,Portland, OR, November 1993, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA.
  11. G. Cheng and Y. Zhang, "A Functional + Logic Programming Language in Interpretation-Compilation Implementation," Lisp And Symbolic Computation: An International Journal, Vol. 5, No. 3, 133-156, 1992, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  12. G. Cheng, Z. Kang, "A Computer-Based Information System on Moving Elements of Debris Flow," in Proc. of Japan-China Symp. on Landslides and Debris Flows, 1989, Tokyo, Japan.
  13. X. Huang and G. Cheng, "A Province-Wide Natural Disaster Precaution System: An Application of Geographic Information System to Natural Disaster Reduction," in Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on GIS, Beijing `90, 1990.