HTML Quicker Reference
... Encloses the entire document and
overrides other filetyping mechanisms.
... Encloses the header (TITLE)
... The title of the document
... Encloses the body of the document.
... Section heading, n=1 (biggest) to 6
... Encloses block of text to be shown verbatim.
(Fixed width font; line feeds are honored.)
Encloses block of text that is a quote.
... Information about the author, last update, etc.
Unordered list
... Ordered list
... Menu list
... Directory list
Precedes each item in the above lists
... ... Definition list
Precedes each item title in DL
Precedes each item definition in DL
Creates a link (HREF) or anchor (NAME) or both.
Inlined image
Inserts an image from SRC, or text
from ALT if the image can't be used.
ALIGN is one of top, middle, bottom (default)
Text flow
Force a line break
Add a paragraph break
Horizontal rule (pseuedo page break)
Generic Font Changes
... Word to be introduced/defined
... Emphasis
... Citation of book, article, movie, etc.
Piece of computer code
... Example of keyboard entry
... Example of computer output
... Strong emphasis.
... Emphasized font.
Specific Font Changes
... Bold font.
... Italic font.
... Typewriter font.
Special Characters
& &
< <
> >
Stuff in a tag like this is ignored. (It's
not really a tag, its length is unlimited)
It can NOT include other HTML tags.
This document is a searchable index.
This is used separately from forms.
Encloses the entire form.
ACTION= URL to use when form is complete
METHOD= GET or POST (must be uppercase)
ENCTYPE= encoding, mostly unused
Some type of input field
TYPE= textarea, password, checkbox, radio, select,
button, submit, reset, hidden, jot
(must be lowercase)
NAME= name of the field
VALUE= value of button (label for submit and reset)
CHECKED (checkbox/radio) this item selected by default
SIZE= displayed field width, in characters
MAXLENGTH= maximum field width, in characters
A list of items to select
NAME= name of the field
SIZE= use scrollable list with size elements
MULTIPLE multiple selections allowed
Precedes each item in the option list
SELECTED This option is selected by default
A multiline text field, enclosed text is
the default value displayed.
NAME= name of the field
ROWS= number of displayed rows
COLS= number of displayed columns
protocol is one of http, gopher, ftp,
file, telnet, wais, news, mailto
#anchor is optional, :port defaults to 80
if left out.
path#anchor Uses the protocol, host, and port of the
current document.
#anchor Jump to another place in the current document.
Additional Information
Note that much of the above information is on the de facto behaviour of Mosaic
2.4, particularly the stuff relating to the FORMS.
General Rules
Anything not enclosed in special tags is interpreted as a continous stream
of text with no line breaks.
HTML tags are enclosed in angle brackets
tags are case insensitive
tag parameters are case insensitive (or should be - the forms GET/POST at
least isn't, also other FORMS parameters.)
Extra spaces are ignored if there is more than one in a row.
Line feeds are always ignored (note that many examples below include line
feeds while others don't. This is because I've used what I feel looks
natural, but it is not necessary).
You will get different results on different browsers.
When a browser finds a tag it doesn't recognize, it is supposed to ignore
Basic document
Of the stuff below, only the title is absolutely necessary. And the HTML tag is
useful if you don't want to name your file *.html.
Title of the document
Body of the document
Keep in mind that it is common to repeat the TITLE as a header for the
document. This is because Mosaic set a de facto standard that titles are not
shown in the document. Let us all bow and kiss Mosaic's feat.
In Mosaic for X, the 1-3 are large enough to be considered headers, other
browsers use much larger fonts than Mosaic for X. Almost all browsers separate
the header onto a line of its own.
Quotes around the NAME and the HREF parameters aren't usually necessary, but
are a good habit to get into (especially for HREFs).
Originally the NAME was an absolute requirement. Nowadays, apparently you can
get by without it. If used, the name should always start with a letter. Names
are case sensitive (I think).
People recommend relative links, I recommend caution. You have to change
relative links less often, but when you do have to change them, it's harder to
do. I'm happy with absolute path names, because I know I can write a script to
fix things if I move things around. Also keep in mind that the way .. works is
still both server and client dependent. In general, .. will be in terms of the
logical web file system, rather than the physical file system. This is true
because the client should convert things to full path names before making the
If you can, use cut and paste to include an HREF; this protects against typos.
If you only want an anchor, but not a link, don't include any HREF.
Just a couple of clearer examples.
This is an item.
This is another item.
This is an item.
This is an item description.
This is another item.
This is another item description.
MENU and DIR have fallen out of favor, even though they are useful. They would
normally be displayed as multi-column lists, which Mosaic doesn't support,
which is why they aren't used. Also, Mosaic screwed up the DL lists, as the DD
starts on a different line than the DT. Mosaic is the web, all bow to Mosaic.
Lists can be nested, with nice results on most browsers.
Inlined Images
The orignal idea was that inlined images would be used to produce special
characters and such, in a similar size as the font. That's why they are
inlined, rather than a separate block. Well, people use them as figures, big
Gifs are most universally accepted. X11 bitmaps are allegedly supported by all
Mosaic browsers, though I haven't seen this.
Remember that for any 8 bit display, the inlined image will be shown with very
few colors (especially if there are alot of images), whereas external images
will show with the maximum available colors. This is also browser dependent. In
general, if you are going for high-resolution images, inline only a small
sample (thumbnail) as a link to the full size image.
Too many inlined images take forever to load. Remember, they'll always load
fastest from your own site, everyone else will have it worse than you. Also,
smaller images load faster. Use thumbnails.
A single larger image will also load faster than several smaller images.
Preformatted Text
Strangely, the line feed immediately following the tag is ignored, as is
the one immediately preceding the tag. While this is common, it is
strictly a choice of the browser, and can even be interpeted as incorrect
behaviour. But it is so common that I doubt it will ever be changed.
Font Changes
The generic font changes usually map to one of the three specific font changes.
The generic font changes are recommended.
You can't make forms work without being able to modify and/or configure the web
server that the form points at. Jot is an undocumented feature. It seems the
the INPUT types of "select" and "textarea" correspond to the SELECT and
TEXTAREA tags, although since INPUT has no ending tag, this isn't clear to me
how they work. TYPE=hidden is used to store state, in the VALUE parameter. All
of the types must be lower case.
For More Information
Lots of good sources of information on HTML are on the web. Below are
additional sources of information.
Introductory Documents
A Beginner's Guide to HTML
How to Write HTML Files
Introduction to HTML
Fill-out Forms
Fill-out Forms Overview
Style Guides
The following offer advice on how to write ``good'' HTML:
Composing Good HTML
CERN's style guide for online hypert
Additional References
The HTML Quick Reference Guide, which provides a comprehensive listing of
HTML codes
The official HTML specification
A description of SGML, the Standard Generalized Markup Language
Dan Connolly's HTML Design Notebook. Dan Connolly is one of the
originators of HTML.
Written by Tom Fine, who likes and uses Mosaic, despite the attitude. The
section on other sources was largely stolen from NCSA's Beginner's guide to