Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244
Email: {gcheng,gcf,kim}
By viewing different parallel programming paradigms as essential heterogeneous approaches in mapping ``real-world'' problems to parallel systems, we discuss methodologies in integrating multiple programming models on a Connection Machine CM5. In a dataflow based integration model built in a visualization software AVS, we demonstrate a simple, effective and modular way to couple sequential, data-parallel and explicit message-passing modules into an integrated programming environment on the CM5.
Table of Contents
One of the major issues in parallel processing concerns about homogeneous versus heterogeneous at both software and hardware levels. In parallel software development, currently there are two mainstream approaches to deal with this issue. One is to attempt to hide the heterogeneity of architectures from the programmer. This approach usually employs software technology, especially advanced compiler techniques, to present users with a homogeneous, high level programming model. This methodology leads to highly portable programs across multi-platforms with different architectures and programming models and greatly simplifies programming on parallel machines, while among its drawbacks are hard to obtain most efficient programs for a general application on a particular machine, and the extremely complex compiler design. Among examples of this approach are the FortranD project under development at the Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University and Rice University[11], various automatic tools, and the efforts of HPF[13] and the emerging MPI message passing standard[7]. The other approach acknowledges the heterogeneity at both software and hardware levels, by extending existing programming languages and software environments into parallel environments best exploiting the high performance of underlying architectures. The advantage of the latter approach is the resultant highly efficient programs and an open software environment most flexible to be able to support an integrated heterogeneous processing environment which we will discuss in this paper.
While the first approach is promising(attractive) and represents a major direction in parallel programming language development, we believe that the future of high performance computing lies in the integration of existing and emerging architectures and technologies into a heterogeneous networked computing environment, to be able to solve general classes of applications with various requirements in scientific computation, communication, programming models, hierarchy memory, I/O, data processing and visualization. Another advantage of this approach is in the adopting of existing programs where only those computationally intensive components need to be rewritten to run on supercomputers. This is especially important in porting a large existing application system when a significant proportion of the sequential code are those ``interface or management codes'', i.e. codes do not perform any real scientific computational tasks but simply manage the system and various computing resources, such as standard I/O, initiation, graphical user interface, system control interface, OS or file system interface and networking interface, to name a few. This heterogeneous approach, together with our view of parallel software as a mapping process between two complex systems - problems and parallel computers[10], would require integration methodologies and tools to facilitate multiple parallel programming models in an unified environment. System integration is expected to play a critical role in parallel software development and applications.
In this paper, we discuss issues in integrating programs written in different programming paradigms and languages on a MIMD machine Connection Machine CM5. Using a dataflow-based integration model built in a commercially available software Application Visualization System(AVS) to a case study of an atomspheric advection modeling application, we demonstrate a simple, effective and modular way to seamlessly couple sequential, data parallel and explicit message-passing parallel modules into an unified programming environment on CM5.
For this article, we shall consider that a programming paradigm
is a model or
an approach employed in solving a programming problem with a restricted
set of concepts. Programming paradigms either induce or are induced
by a class of languages, the programming environments that these languages
are supported in, and the software engineering discipline one uses to produce
systems within these environment. Typically, each class places different
requirements on its associated programming environment[12].
On existing parallel systems, there are two dominant
parallel programming paradigms:
Like the trade-off among various conventional
programming languages, expressiveness and efficiency are two major
factors featuring parallel programming models and it is even more
remarkable because the driving force using
a parallel computer is the efficiency, and programming on parallel
machines tends to be more difficult and less portable. The
programming languages for massively
parallel processors must go
beyond conventional languages in expressivity and cost/performance. Unfortunately,
unlike on sequential machines and due to efficiency
consideration on a particular SIMD/MIMD architecture with an
unique interconnection topology,
most parallel systems support only one single programming model, i.e.
either data parallel or message passing.
Given a targeted machine and an application problem, usually a decision must
be made to choose which parallelism to solve the problem, early before
looking into the problem, let alone at the implementation stage. This is
unnecessary and should be avoided, as mostly for a large application
problem some components may be well suited to data parallel, while others
to message passing paradigm. We should exploit the parallelisms at each level of
computations. There has been long debt in parallel
community and industry on the issue of data-parallel
versus message-passing programming, as well as SIMD versus MIMD machines.
As studied in [10], by viewing "real-world" problem and parallel computers
both as complex systems, the fundamental issue in solving problems
on a parallel computer becomes whether we can easily and efficiently map
a problem structure to a
particular parallel architecture. A general mapping followed by a computer
simulation typically consists of several
mapping stages (shown in Fig. 1).
In this paper, we are interested in the software
environment and programming models used to effectively map a large
application onto a massively parallel system.
Parallel systems are built to solve large scale computationally
intensive applications(e.g., "grand-challange" problems).
The broad range of HPCC applications may embody a rich diversity of
program structures.
It is anticipated that no
one parallel programming model will satisfy all needs. Data parallel,
task parallel, and object parallel have all found applicability to
end user problems[21],[15]. A useful parallel programing environment
for MPPs must incorporate semantic constructs for delineating program
parallelism, identifying locality and specifying data set partioning, as well
as the normal requirements in conventional software engineering.
It will have to permit user accessibility to a mix of parallelism models,
either by incorporating them into a single schema or by providing means for
a single application to use different languages or different parallelism
models for separate parts of a user problem.
In either case, a parallel software system
will of necessity support interoperability among independently
derived program modules, perhaps even running on separate computers in
a distributed heterogeneous computing environment.
This is especially important for irregular and dynamic problems, and for
multidiciplinary applications, as it is often inevitable in those
applications to require coordination or
composition of multiple paradigms programming, e.g., high-level data-parallel and
low level explicit message passing,
considering the complex of problem structures to be expressed and solved by the
software environment. [9] gives such an example of multi-model earth system
in which an ocean model and an atmosphere model are loosely coupled each other.
While the homogenous approach
emphasizes a virtual programming
model due largely to portability consideration,
and high-level and low-level software are used
in a strict successive manner in the mapping as shown in
Fig. 1,
it is most likely that a large application problem would require
programming models of different abstraction levels to be used in a hybrid
fashion. For instance, Fig. 2 gives another
picture of how subtasks of an application task can be mapped to a
parallel system in a single mapping stage by multiple programming models.
A problem task may consist of subtasks requiring a set of
computing services such as parallel computation/communication,
parallel database management, parallel or
sequential I/O, real-time visualization,
sequential event-driven graphical user interface, networking interface, etc.
This mapping process will require not only a "universal architecture" of the
parallel computer to be able to efficiently support multiple programming models, it
also requires a software environment to be capable of supporting
task-level computation and
communication and integrating different programming
paradigms in a single framework. Software integration techniques are clearly
required in interfacing data and control flows
among components(modules) of different
programming models in this single mapping process.
CM5 is one of a few today's parallel computers which support both data parallel
and explicit message
passing programming models. We choose it to evaluate the methodologies
of multi-paradigm integration in this paper. However, we believe that
many of the issues discussed here are also applicable to the programming
integration in a heterogeneous computing environment in which multiple
parallel systems are connected by high-speed LAN and/or WAN networks.
In this section, we first examine integration
techniques of multi-paradigm programming
on a sequential machine and then discuss briefly
corresponding implementation on a Connection Machine CM5.
On a conventional uniprocessor machine, multi-paradigm integration
can be in general divided
into following four classes, based on the interface of how one
paradigm is combined in the others:
The current CM programming environment provides some restricted ways to
support this kind of integration, mostly through specialized library routines
which encapsulate optimized implementation details of the functions provided.
As an example, the CM Fortran Utility Library provides convenient
access from CM Fortran
to the capabilities of lower-level CM software. The purpose is
typically to
achieve functionality or performance beyond what is currently
available from the compiler.
CM Fortran programmers can use the library procedures in situations where
one is normally tempted to make explicit calls to lower-level software.
The utility procedures take CM Fortran array names and other CM Fortran data
objects as arguments so that there is no need to convert CM Fortran
objects into the data
types by lower-level software. The CM Fortran Utility Library provides
procedures for
inquires, random number generation, dynamic array allocation, interprocessor and
local data motion, and parallel I/O[23].
In order to exploit the special high-performance hardware arithmetic
accelerator (called vector unit)
in each processing node(PN) of the CM5 system, current CM5 programming
software provides some limited way to mix data-parallel
paradigm in message-passing program. Explicit message passing CMMD
programs can be written in data parallel programming languages CMFortran and C*,
in which case the programs use both the microprocessor and
the vector units of a PN, with
serial arrays stored in the microprocessor and parallel arrays in the VU memory.
It can thus take advantage of the VUs for high-speed floating-point
computations. Parallel arrays can be passed as arguments to CMMD message passing
primitives in much the same way as serial arrays. Within this integration model, data parallel
operations are confined in a ``node-level'' while the overall program is in explicit message-passing
If adopting this approach on a CM5, an ideal integrated program would be as follows:
Executed as a single process on the control processor(CP) of the CM5,
the main program in Fortran77 (or C) would
first act as a host sequential program in the
CMMD host/node programming model and starts a CMMD node program by
enabling and broadcasting some data to the node program which is written in
Fortran77, C or even CMfortran(node-level data-parallel), then
this host program invokes another subroutine written
in CMFortran (or C*). After the control is back to the
main program from the CMFortran subroutine, it collects the results sent
from the node CMMD program and finally ends. Before and after enabling the CMMD node
program or invoking the CMFortran subroutine,
there can be any other non-parallel computing
subroutines in the sequential host program.
Technically, however, this approach would pose significant difficulties
on the complier(linker) as it is now the compiler's responsibility, as
opposed to that of a third party daemon or the OS
in the process-based approach described below, to manage the time-sharing
of CM5's PNs and internal networks among the CMFortran subroutine and
the CMMD node program.
On the host machine of a parallel system, IPC-based systems
provide an open environment for the
parallel programming software to be naturally migrated into the
conventional software environement in which software such as concurrent
operating system, networking, graphics, I/O, and
sequential programming languages have been well-established for many years.
This process-based approach also opens great
opportunities to construct a ``metacomputer''
via a networked environment[18].
Depending on the way(protocal) to facilitate the IPC, such as data exchange,
management of buffers and sockets, process control and synchronization,
an integration system of this kind can be quite different.
For example, PVM[20], a process-based general message-passing system,
provides a set of user interface primitives that may be incorporated into
existing procedural languages. PVM primitives exist for the invocation of
processes, message transmission and reception, broadcasting,
synchronization via barriers, mutual exclusion, and shared memory.
Processes in PVM may be initiated by synchronously or asynchronously, and
may be conditioned upon the initialization or termination
of another process, or upon the availability of data values.
The PVM constructs therefore
permit the most appropriate programming paradigm and language to be used for
each individual component of a parallel system.
In our work, we use another process-based system, AVS[24], which was primarily
used for visualization applications. We will demonstrate in later sections
the advantages of the AVS's dataflow IPC model in
facilitating data-parallel and message-passing programming paradigms on CM5.
The CM5 system combines the features of SIMD and MIMD designs, integrating
them into a single parallel architecture. The unique feature of CM5 provides
us the alternatives to exploit both paradigms in the parallel
programming environment.
The CM5 architecture is designed to support especially well the data parallel
which implies a relatively synchronous parallel programming
featuring a single conceptual thread of control and a global
approach to data layout and I/O,
in which arrays of data are laid out across all processors, and all
elements are computed upon simultaneously, by their respective
processors. Although the conceptual model itself is completely synchronous,
in practice processors may execute asynchronously any operations that are
independent of other processors, such as conditional operations
on locally stored data. The CM5 data parallel compilers
take full responsibility and advantage of this
freedom to exploit the MIMD hardware capabilities of the CM5. Currently,
CM5 supports data parallel Fortran(CMfortran), data parallel C(C*) and
data parallel Lisp(*Lisp) programming languages.
Explicit message passing model is extended from the data parallel model on CM5,
by using a package of macros and runtime primitives called CMMD supporting
MIMD style low level communications operations. Programs that use
CMMD typically operate in a SPMD(single program multiple data) style in
that each processing node of the CM5 runs an independent copy of
a single program and manages its own computations and data layout, and
communication between nodes is handled by calls to CMMD message
passing primitives. The message passing
programs can be written in Fortran 77, CMFortran, C, C++, C* and an
assembly language DPEAC.
As shown in Fig. 3, each processing node(PN) is a general-purpose computer
that can fetch and interpret its own instruction stream, execute arithmetic
and logical instructions, calculate memory address, and perform
interprocessor communication. All PNs can perform independent tasks or
collaborate on a single problem. A control processor(CP) is similar to
a standard
high-end workstation acting as a partition manager to communicate with the
rest of CM5 system through the Control Network and Data Network.
CMOST, a parallel timesharing operating
system enhanced from the UNIX,
runs on the CP to make all CM5 resource allocation and swapping
decisions, as well as most system calls for process execution, memory
management, I/O and access from/to local networks.
The Control Network provides tightly coupled communication services.
Optimized for fast response and low latency, its functions include
synchronizing the PNs, broadcasting data to every node, combining
a value from every node to produce a single result, and computing
certain parallel prefix operation. The Data Network provides
loosely coupled communication services. Optimized for high bandwidth,
it provide point-to-point data delivery.
A data parallel or CMMD message passing process running on the CP plus
the nodes is a single process time-sharing the CM5 system
with other processes.
AVS[1] is a widely available
commercial visualization environment based on a dataflow model
for scientific data visualization and process control.
It incorporates visualization, graphics,
visual programming, process management and networking
into a single comprehensive visualization application software and
development environment. We are most interested in its software
integration capability in this article.
The AVS dataflow is a model of parallel computation in which a flow
network of autonomous processes compute by passing data along arcs
that interconnect them by input/output ports. Each module/process fires autonomously
as soon as all the inputs it requires arrive
on its input ports. It then produces a value that flows on
its output port(s) and thus triggers further computations.
The AVS flow networks are built from a menu
of modules by using a direct-manipulation
visual programming interface.
Both process control and data transfer among processes in AVS are in a
modular fashion and is completely transparent to the programmer.
AVS provides a data-channel abstraction that
transparently handles module connectivity and ports type-checking.
The module programmer needs only to define the input and output ports
in AVS predefined data types and using a set of AVS routines and micros.
Message passing occurs at a high level of data abstraction and
only through the input and output ports. AVS kernel(manager) executes the flow
network and supervises the real data transfer which is
eventually carried out by sockets at a lower level.
Although AVS does not provide support for parallel computing within the
module, a specific module may use machine/language specific features to
achieve such parallelism as data parallel or explicit message passing.
Using the modular process management in AVS and time-sharing CMOST
on the CP and CM5's parallel programming software, we can naturally
combine programs in data-parallel, message passing and sequential
programming languages available on CM5 into a single process-based
software system. An AVS/CM process would be a module or a
set of modules written in the same language/paradigm. A typical parallel
process will have two distinct portions in the code:
Multiple modules can either be compiled and linked individually into separate
executables(processes) or they can be linked into a single executable.
Modules in different processes must communicate data through the CP under
the supervise of the AVS kernel. If the modules are written in different
paradigms, they are in different processes.
If both modules are in the same process on the CM5,
only a pointer needs to be passed, therefore, modules written in the same
paradigm can be grouped in a single process and data transfer among them
has no communication (data-movement) cost.
AVS provides a sufficiently high level way to integrate both
data parallel and message passing programming paradigms into a
single environment on CM5, so that the programmers have the
freedom to choose either parallel programming fashion to solve
their problem, independently or in a mixed way. Other advantages
using this integration system include:
This is a general parallel programing environment which can allow
sequential with parallel, data-parallel and explicit message passing
programming, concurrent and pipeline, and control parallelism
and functional parallelism. Running in an interactive environment,
it gives the user maximum control
over the optimization of heterogeneous resources and
capabilities of a high performance computing system.
The process-based integration system offers many advantages for high performance
computing in terms of multi-paradigm programming, software re-use and modularity.
For such a system to be effective, attention needs to be
given to several key performance issues.
The current coarse-grain dataflow system suffers from the problem of
inefficiency in terms of data-movement overhead and memory usage.
First, since scientific data sets are inevitably very large and the data flows
between any two processes have to be through the sequential pipeline on
the serial host computer, data transfer between the host machine(i.e. CP) where
running AVS kernel and the
parallel processing nodes(PNs) can be very costly. This may cause
a long start-up time
to fill up a pipeline and also cause delayed error
detection if an error occurs in the data set being transferred. Secondly,
because each module is buffering its entire data on the input and output ports and
all the intermediate data have to reside in memory, the total memory
requirement on the host can be very large. Continuous swapping of running processes
by the operating system can make this situation even worse.
In addition, there are other limitations in
the current AVS system. It provides very limited support to
dynamic modification
of flow network, e.g., the processes and their communication
requirements are changing with time -- processes can be created or
destroyed, communication pattern will move at run-time[19].
It is also difficult in AVS to perform a round-way dataflow computation,
i.e., output data of a down-stream module is used as input to a up-stream module.
We have to use CMMD host/node programming model for the AVS/CM module,
thus sacrifice certain advantages in the hostless programming.
Performance of these systems on massively parallel machines will in
large part depend upon the systems' capability to support
high bandwidth and low latency for data transfer between a host machine
and all the node processors, and the way how a problem's tasks are decomposed.
The task granularity must be restricted in a coarse-grained domain and
the task partitioning should be carefully evaluated to consider the
balance of each module's computation
time and process communication time.
System software is needed to support high-bandwidth parallel I/O and shared
memory segments between processes. For example, the CM/AVS system
under development
at Thinking Machines would greatly reduce the process-level
data-movement overhead in the AVS integration environment
In CM/AVS, CM5 shared-memory
regions are used to exchange data, if they are in the same CM5 partition, or
they exchange data directly over the routine network via CM-domain socket,
if they are in different partition. They may communicate with serial
modules on a workstation over the fastest available network
connecting the various components, using parallel sockets.
In fluid dynamics, the simple one-dimensional advection
equation (1)
with constant positive
velocity serves as a basic model for
the shape-conserving movement of an initial distribution of fluid volume
toward positive x.
Since the analytic solution is known in this
simple case, numerical approximations to the advective process
can be critically evaluated on fundamental properties such as
accuracies, stabilities,
coordinate systems and computer time and memory requirements.
where u is the fluid velocity and
u is the mixing ratio
We choose from [17] five numerical advection algorithms with different
diffusion, dispersion and monotonicity properties. They are
`Donor-cell', `Partial donor-cell', `van Leer',
`Hain' and `Lax-Wendroff',
named after the authors of the algorithms.
'Donor-cell' is then implemented in CMFortran and `van Leer'
in CMMD, while the
rest models are in Fortran77. All the ``AVS/CM interface part'' codes are
written in C.
To demonstrate the system's integration capability on a heterogeneous
architectures, we purposely run the AVS kernel on a IBM RS/6000,
the `Hain' module on a DEC5000 and the `Lax-Wendroff' on a SUN4,
while the data-parallel `Donor-cell', the message-passing `van Leer'
and the sequential `Partial donor-cell' module are running
on a 32-node CM5. The system configuration is shown in
Fig. 4.
Fig. 5 is a screen dumped picture showing the system parameter control panel(left),
model output windows(top) and the flow network(bottom). The flow-chart-like
diagram is the process configuration built by the AVS visual programming interface
Network Editor, in which 'Advection Interface' is a system control module for
model input parameters steering and the 'graph viewer' is an AVS system module
for model graphical output and both run on the same machine
as the AVS kernel. The other modules correspond to the
respective advection models.
This prototype environment has the following features:
The purpose of this experiment in integrating multi-paradigm programming
is to provide programmers with a rich and attractive programming environment
with which choice of high and low level programming models can be made upon
problem structures, as well as particular machine architectures,
to facilitate a gradual and eventually efficient mapping from problems
to parallel systems. In the case multiple programming languages are
required, this environment supports a seamless and modular way
to interface the data and control transfer among processes in different
With its visual programming interface, modular program structure,
dataflow based execution, interactive visualization functionality
and its open system characteristics, a process-based integration software like
AVS provides an excellent framework to
facilitate integration of various system components required by a large,
multidiciplanary applications, including integration of sophisticated
interactive visualization, database management, heterogeneous networking,
massively parallel processing and real-time decision making, as well as
a useful tool for software development and project planning. We believe
that with the adoption of HPCC technologies into industry
applications, system integration will play an ever-growing important
role in parallel software development and system design.
2 Multi-paradigm Parallel Programming Environments
2.1 Multi-paradigm Programming in Mapping Problem
Domain to Parallel System
Fig. 1 Computation and Simulation as a Series of Mappings
Fig. 2 Integration of Multiple Programming Models as a Single Mapping
2.2 Multi-paradigm Programming
2.3 Parallel Programming on Connection Machine CM5
Detailed description about CM5 architecture and software system
can be found in [22] and related CM5 documents from TMC. In this
section, we briefly outline existing parallel programming environment
on CM5.
Fig. 3 Components of a CM5 System
3 AVS - A Dataflow Based Integration Tool for
Multi-paradigm Programming on CM5
3.1 The Application Visualization System
3.2 A General Parallel Programming Environment on the CM5 with AVS
3.3 Performance Consideration in the Process-based
4 A Case Study --- Comparison of Numerical Advection Models
In the previous work, we have demonstrated the use of AVS in two
real-world applications, a stock option
pricing modeling[3] and an electromagnetic scattering
both in the context of scientific visualization and also, more broadly,
as an attractive environment for software integration in high performance
distributed computing. Those work motivated us to explore further
the AVS's capability of system integration for HPCC applications
such as GIS[6], four-dimensional data assimilation and environmental
modeling, in particular, the methodology to support multi-paradigm parallel
programming as described in this paper. In this section, we use a simple
case study to demonstrate the feasibility to integrate CMFortran and CMMD
modules on a CM5 in the proposed AVS environment. This is not a HPCC application but it
allows us to evaluate all the technical and system issues involved
in the integration.
in which C is the
constituent density and p
Our case study is to create a prototype interactive computing/visualization
environment in which a couple of 1D advection models are purposely implemented
in different programming paradigms on CM5 and the results can be
graphically compared with through a graphical user interface.
Fig. 4 System Configuration of the Prototype Integration System
The Graphical User Interface of the Integrated System
5 Conclusion
We are grateful to
Ricky Rood of NASA/Goddard
who made the original advection codes available to us.