At NPAC, we are building Enterprise Information Systems by integrating RDBMS technology into Web systems. One of such systems currently under prototyping is an mail-based information retrieval system, to be able to support searchable USENET newsgroups archive, mailing lists archive and personal mailbox archive. Using Oracle 7 database server as backend search engine in the WWW environment, various infomration entities can be easily managed and quickly retrieved via SQL-based queries which are accessible from a WWW form-based interface. Mails in the database are always kept up-to-date and consistent. On the other hand, a WWW interface provides a universal/global mechnism and a uniform GUI search interface to the centralized data repository, regardles of platforms, locations and times. Any security technique developed on HTTP protocol can be used in the system to ensure secure access and information protection. This system provides a powerful archive and search capability to the system proposed by Sandia. Currently we have a USENET newsgroups and mailin lists archive in full production, freely accessible on Internet. For detailed information about the functionality of this system, please visit .