A Web-Oracle Mail Archive --- A Case Study of Integration of Database Server and Web Technology Gang Cheng and Geoffrey Fox Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University abstract In this paper, we first review techniques used in integrating relational database management system (RDBMS) into World Wide Web (WWW). After examing current approaches used to combine an Oracle database server in a web server, we further describe a prototype system of using a web-oracle interface tool to build a mail database archive under web interface. System integration issues, database design and implementation details are discussed in building this prototype system. 1. Introduction For a long time, computer networking and database have been two quite separate fields, each developed their own technology with quite different driven force, although both borrow a few techniques from each other. Nevertheness, they both are core enabling technologies in an advanced information system, in which a networking subsystem focuses on information access/dissemination, and a database management system on information management/retrival. With the growing deployment of high-speed networks and innovative development of web-based networking applications and software, it becomes a natural approach to build a global information system based on evolving NII (National Information Infrastructure) and well-established RDBM (Relational Database Management System) technologies Such an information system will require the integration of web-based networking navigation software and database systems. Web-based networking software can be an ideal candidate of database access interface to a database server, having the folowing unique advantages over the traditional database interface clients: 1. a universal GUI-based interface for database access from hetergeneous platforms of PC and workstaions, based on the single networking protocol (i.e., HTTP) for client-server transport 2. a transparent networking client interface for remote and distributed database server access to allow the maximum information sharing and dissemination 3. an integrated multimedia information system combining other hypertext data representation On the other hand, a backend database server can significant enhance an ordinary Web server of HTML-based data reporsitory in the aspects of: 1. an advanced data management model (e.g., relational data model) for representation of not only the information content itself but that of the logical structure of information entities also. 2. an efficient, reliable and sophisticated text searching engine 3. a dynamic data processing engine for on-the-fly HTML programming and data retrival Using an Oracle7 RDBMS database server in a case study, we build a prototype system of a mail database archive under the web interface to demonstrate the enhanced capabilities of an integrated information system. 2. Motivations and snergy of Web-based Networking and Database Technologies in information access, dissemination, management and retrival key points in web technology . current trends in networking applications and information dissemination systems . major components in www . client-server model . weak points in web technology key points in rdbms technology . major components . weak points in database technology 3. Integration of RDBMS and Web server 4. A Mail Database archive using Oracle and web servers we choose MH mailbox as our example because it is being popular used in the UNIX world and is well defined. . Database design --- the ER model . WOW --- the web-oracle-web toolkit . major functionality --- focus on time-added dimension . implementation --- 5. Discussion Notice that mailbox is mostly text-based thus the multimedia capability of the integrated web-db system is not revealed in this prototype example. 6. Conclusion