Paper Number: C264 Paper Title: An Index structure for Concurrent Transaction Processing and Fast Recovery Author: Constantinos V. papdopoulos Referee: Gang Cheng Address: NPAC, 111 College Place, Syracuse, NY 13244 Signature: Referee Recommendations. Please indicate overall recommendations here, and details in following sections. (3) Reject D: Referee Comments (For Editor Only): This paper describes a method for facilitating both concurrent transaction processing and recovery in a database management system, based on a generalized B+ tree as the base search structure. While the technical content is sound and the techniques described are useful and of interest to database and transaction processing audience, this paper seems not quite fit into the aims and goals of this journal. The concurrency control and recovery methods in the paper may only apply to the traditional database systems on uni-processor machines. All the work described in the paper is not related to the techniques and implementation on multi-processor or distributed parallel systems. A complete revise or rewritten to suite the general audience of this general would require work of developing similar techniques for parallel or distributed database (transaction processing) systems on concurrent machines. It is for this major reason that I recommend to reject this paper. E: Referee Comments (For Author and Editor) Paper number: C264 This paper describes a method for facilitating both concurrent transaction processing and recovery in a database management system, based on a generalized B+ tree as the base search structure. While the technical content is sound and the techniques described are useful and of interest to database and transaction processing audience, this paper seems not quite fit into the aims and goals of this journal. The concurrency control and recovery methods in the paper may only apply to the traditional database systems on uni-processor machines. All the work described in the paper is not related to the issues on multi-processor or distributed parallel systems. A complete revise or rewritten would require work of developing similar techniques for parallel or distributed database (transaction processing) systems on concurrent machines. F: Presentation Changes It would be better to have some examples associated with figures in Section 2.1 and 2.2 for a clear and direct picture of the search tree structures and those base operations on it.