1. WebIntegration Schematic of the emerging global "virtual machine" indicating local modules such as webserver and database; subnets running java applications or linked together in a webflow distributed computing environment; and agents that can gather, filter and organize information from the entire global network. 2. WebWorkTable Table showing in the last column the tools, underlying technologies and applications used in the evolving web environment that fall within classical technology domains (col 1) and are potentially valuable to high performance computing and communications (HPCC) applications (col 2) and industry applications (col 3). 3. WebMailEditor WebMail is an application that uses a web-based browser GUI interface and HyperWorld navigation methods to handle messages (send, receive, etc.), search, and manage mail. The editor shown here facilitates composing new messages and replying to messages received. 4. Enabling Web Technologies: Java for Webtop Publishing Enabling Web Technologies, such as Java, VRML, and Perl, are programming languages used to construct and empower the WebWorld. Java can send applications from the server to the client, in this case tools for formatting text. 5. Enabling Web Technologies: VRML for Visualizing Simulations VRML provides a standard language for describing 3-dimensional objects, which can then be rendered to display realistic images that can be rotated and manipulated. 6. WebTools: Web-based Editor under the HyperWorld Manager Webtools is a collection of prototype tools designed and developed at NPAC for building HTML pages, managing disk space, and navigating the Web. The WebTool HyperWorld Manager provides an environment in which a user can work through a web browser to create, edit and manipulate (copy, move, etc.) files and directories on a remote machine. Options for editing files remotely are shown here. 7. Applications Built on Enabling Technologieos Prototype project management system built using Java for sophisticated interactions between clients and servers and WebFlow to link together modules on several different computers. WebWork WebWork is a network of computationally extended WebTools servers connected together. HyperWorld Navigator HyperWorld Navigator is a consistent cognitive navigation model that crosses world boundaries. Web-top Productivity Tools Web-top Productivity Tools are applications integrated with the Web browser/client to perform tasks that contemporary word processing, spreadsheet, database, and desktop publishing applications do today. WebScript WebFlow