;;; Resources derived from basic-resources.txt aud-resources.txt pre-resources.txt rec-resources.txt extra-resources.txt chat-resources.txt main-resources.txt ;;; by placeware.aud/buildInfo, 199911101539 ;;; Basic resources for the whole placeware.aud component. ;;; $Id: //placeware/main/build/placeware.aud/basic-resources.txt#12 $ ;;; Uncomment the next line to get line numbers in error messages ; -*-debug-*- ;;; Common colors [white #ffffff] [black #000000] [brown #333300] [textBG #ffffcc] ;light yellow background for java-generated text [editBG #cccccc] ;light gray bg for TextField/Area, turns white when editable [mainPanel [bg #e5cc99] [bgTile bg-main] [font Helvetica-12]] [wellPanel [bg #ccb27f] [bgTile bg-well] [shadowSize 1] [topColor1 #666633] [botColor1 #ffffcc]] [textPanel [bg #ffffcc] [shadowSize 1] [topColor1 #666633] [botColor1 #ffffcc]] ;;; Standard drop shadow effects [raised [shadowSize 1] [topColor1 #ffffcc] [botColor1 #666633]] [sunken [shadowSize 1] [topColor1 #666633] [botColor1 #ffffcc]] [planar [shadowSize 1] [topColor1 #333333] [botColor1 #333333]] ;;; Common fonts [font07 Helvetica-7] [font09 Helvetica-9] [font10 Helvetica-10] [bold10 Helvetica-bold-10] [ital10 Helvetica-italic-10] [font12 Helvetica-12] [bold12 Helvetica-bold-12] [ital12 Helvetica-italic-12] [font14 Helvetica-14] [bold14 Helvetica-bold-14] ;;; Handy widget functions [Label (fn text)] [ILabel (fn image)] [ILabelR (fn image (ILabel {image ,image} {alignment right}))] [IButton (fn images [opaque true])] [IHelpButton (fn images rollStatus [opaque true])] [RButton (fn images [opaque true] [on [suffix -on]] [off [suffix -off]])] [Checkbox (fn label)] ;;; Standard tab panel [tabStrip [shadowSize 1] [topColor1 #666633] [botColor1 #ffffcc] [shadowSizeN 0] [shadowSizeE 0] [shadowSizeW 0] [shadowInsetS 0]] [tabPanel [shadowSize 1] [topColor1 #ffffcc] [botColor1 #666633] [shadowSizeN 0]] ;;; Colors [chatBG #ffffff] ;white background for content of chat windows [spkrBG #999966] ;background color for speaker widgets ;;; Well for top-aligned buttons [buttonBox [bg #ccb27f] [bgTile bg-well] [shadowSize 1] [topColor1 #666633] [botColor1 #ffffcc] [nShadowSize 0] [hShadowInset 0] [align t] [sInset 3]] ;;; CONFERENCE INFORMATION panel [Info (fn [font ,font10] [height 14] [ascent 11] [align c] [valign c])] [SimpleInfoPanel (fn [layout (HBox /189/ (VBox {defaults ,textPanel} {hInset 1} 1/c/ (ILabel std-confinfo) 1// (Info %info {nLines 3}) ))] )] [ConfInfoPanel (fn [Info (fn [font ,font10] [height 14] [ascent 11] [align c] [valign c])] [layout (HBox /*/ (VBox {hInset 1} 1/c/ (ILabel std-confinfo) 1// (Info %info {nLines 3}) ) ) ] )] [InfoPanel (fn (HBox /*/ (HBox {defaults ,textPanel} /*/ (HBox %leftInfoSpacer) /160/ (Card %showInfo none (VBox /*/ (Label {alignment center} {font ,font10} "No Conference Information" ) ) info (ConfInfoPanel %infoPanel {hideIfEmpty F}) ) /*/ (HBox %rightInfoSpacer) ) // (IButton %setInfo pre-info-set) ) )] ;;; Common resources for audience consoles (assuming basic-resources) ;;; $Id: //placeware/main/build/placeware.aud/aud-resources.txt#11 $ [SlidePanel (fn style mode [stamp-check pre-slide-stamp-check] [stamp-arrow pre-slide-stamp-arrow] [stamp-x pre-slide-stamp-x] [stamp-point pre-slide-telepointer] [Layout (fn w h font (Card %card {defaults ,mainPanel} {font ,font} blank (Label {width ,w} {height ,h} "") ))] [halfsize [layout (Layout {font ,font09} 240 180)]] [fullsize [layout (Layout {font ,bold14} 480 360)]] [editable [layout (Layout {font ,bold14} 570 360)]] [floataud [layout (Layout {font ,bold14} 480 360)]] )] [ImageSlideLayout (fn w h (%image {width ,w} {height ,h} {fsWidth 480} {fsHeight 360} {telepointer pre-slide-telepointer} ;; TBD: fix this ))] [TextSlideLayout (fn (%text {bg ,editBG}))] [WebSlideLayout (fn (VBox {inset 6} */c/ (Label "Web page slide for the URL") 2// (%url {align c} {valign c} {nLines 2}) 2//* (%err {align c} {valign c} {nLines 2}) /c/* (HBox %viewPanel {defaults ,wellPanel} {inset 6} // (IButton %view aud-review-view)) ))] [DemoSlideLayout (fn (VBox /*/ (%recv {font ,bold12} {idleText "Please wait for the live demonstration."} {idleXmitImage demo-instructions}) ))] ;; No instructions here. [DemoSlideLayoutHS (fn (VBox /*/ (%recv {font ,bold12} {idleText "Please wait for the live demonstration."}) ))] [pollColor0 #ff0000] [pollColor1 #3366ff] [pollColor2 #ffff00] [pollColor3 #00cc33] [pollColor4 #cc00cc] [pollLabelSelect "Click one of the boxes below to select your answer."] [pollLabelClosed "Polls are closed. Voting is not allowed at this time."] [PollGraph (fn [barOutline ,black] [percentFg ,black] [countFg #666666] [percentFont Helvetica-10] [countFont Helvetica-8] )] [FSPollChoice (fn images color [layout (HBox {align c} /*/5 (%prompt {align r} {nLines 2} {font ,bold14} {height 18} {ascent 13}) /148/ (HBox //4 (RButton %button {images ,images}) /*/ (PollGraph %result {barFg ,color} {percentFont ,bold14} {countFont ,font12})) )] )] [FSPollSlideLayout (fn editLayout (Card %pollCard display (VBox {bg ,white} {shadowSize 1} {shadowColor ,black} {inset 6} 8// (%question {valign c} {align c} {nLines 3} {font Helvetica-bold-18} {height 22} {ascent 16}) 6//4 (HBox /0*/114 (Card %votingLabel {font ,font12} enabled (Label {text ,pollLabelSelect} {alignment right}) disabled (Label {text ,pollLabelClosed} {alignment right}) )) /*/ (VBox 6// (FSPollChoice %choice0 {color ,pollColor0} poll-box-large-1) 6// (FSPollChoice %choice1 {color ,pollColor1} poll-box-large-2) 6// (FSPollChoice %choice2 {color ,pollColor2} poll-box-large-3) 6// (FSPollChoice %choice3 {color ,pollColor3} poll-box-large-4) 6// (FSPollChoice %choice4 {color ,pollColor4} poll-box-large-5) ) //6 (HBox 206*//0* (IButton %clearVote pre-slide-clearvote)) ) wait (VBox {bg, white} */c/* (ILabel poll-wait)) edit (editLayout) ))] [HideShow (fn body (Card {defaults ,mainPanel} hide (VBox */c/* (Label " ")) show (body) ))] [showSlidePanelBeforeEveryWebSlide F] [exit [link exitLink] [leap otherLeapFrame] [rollStatus "Click here to exit the console."] ] [help [link helpLink] [leap otherLeapFrame] [rollStatus "Click here to get help."] ] [pbp [href "http://www.placeware.com"] [target "pw_pbp"] [rollStatus "Click here to get more information about PlaceWare."] ] [dlSnap [link dlSnapLink] [target "pw_dlSnap"] [rollStatus "Click here to download the PlaceWare snapshot/app demo plug-in."] ] ;; Should match dlSnap, above. [snapshotPluginLink "dlSnapLink"] [snapshotPluginTarget "pw_dlSnap"] [snapshotPluginPrompt "You need to upgrade or install the PlaceWare Snapshot Plugin to show a demo. Click 'Ok' to download it now."] ;;; These are for the expanded view for a slide. ;; Describes the window that appears. [expandedSlideFrame [layout (SlidePanel %slide floataud aud)] [title "Expanded View"] ] ;; The expanded view button, with card for hiding it. [ExpandedViewButton (fn (Card %expandCard hide (VBox) show (IButton %expand aud-main-expandedview) ) )] ;;; Common resources for presenter consoles (assuming basic- & aud- resources). ;;; $Id: //placeware/main/build/placeware.aud/pre-resources.txt#39 $ ;;; Colors [pselBG #ffcc66] ;background color for primary list selection [darkRed #993300] [HSPollChoice (fn images color [layout (HBox {align c} /*/3 (%prompt {align r} {nLines 2} {font ,font09} {height 10} {ascent 7}) /74/ (HBox //2 (RButton %button {images ,images}) /*/ (Graph %result {barFg ,color} {percentFont ,font07} {countFont ,font07}) ) )] )] [HSPollSlideLayout (fn (Card %pollCard display (VBox {bg ,white} {shadowSize 1} {shadowColor ,black} {inset 3} 2// (%question {valign c} {align c} {nLines 3} {font ,bold10} {height 12} {ascent 9}) 0//0 (HBox /0*/57 (Card %votingLabel {font ,font07} enabled (Label {text ,pollLabelSelect} {alignment right}) disabled (Label "") )) /*/ (VBox 3// (HSPollChoice %choice0 {color ,pollColor0} poll-box-small-1) 3// (HSPollChoice %choice1 {color ,pollColor1} poll-box-small-2) 3// (HSPollChoice %choice2 {color ,pollColor2} poll-box-small-3) 3// (HSPollChoice %choice3 {color ,pollColor3} poll-box-small-4) 3// (HSPollChoice %choice4 {color ,pollColor4} poll-box-small-5) ) ) wait (VBox {bg, white} */c/* (ILabel poll-wait-small)) ))] [PollEdit (fn (VBox {vInset 20} {hInset 40} /c/ (ILabel poll-edit-instructions) /*/ (%text {bg ,white}) 10// (HBox *//10 (IButton %okButton std-ok) //* (IButton %cancelButton std-cancel) )))] [PollControls (fn (Card %pollingControlsCard shown (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} {hInset 4} {vInset 14} /c/7 (VBox {defaults ,wellPanel} {vInset 2} {shadowInsetE 0} {shadowInsetW 0} // (RButton %pollsOpen pre-slide-open) // (RButton %pollsClosed pre-slide-close) ) /c/22 (VBox {defaults ,wellPanel} {vInset 2} {shadowInsetE 0} {shadowInsetW 0} // (RButton %showResults pre-slide-show) // (RButton %hideResults pre-slide-hide) ) // (Card %previewPollResultsCard show (VBox /c/8 (ILabel pre-slide-preview) 2/26/ (PollGraph %preview0 {barFg ,pollColor0}) 2/26/ (PollGraph %preview1 {barFg ,pollColor1}) 2/26/ (PollGraph %preview2 {barFg ,pollColor2}) 2/26/ (PollGraph %preview3 {barFg ,pollColor3}) 2/26/ (PollGraph %preview4 {barFg ,pollColor4}) ) hide (VBox) ) *//* (IButton %edit aud-sec-change) *// (IButton %clearVotes pre-slide-clearall) ) hidden (VBox) invisible (VBox) ) )] [AnnotationControls (fn (Card %annotationControlsCard shown (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} {leftInset 8} {topInset 30} {align l} // (HBox {align t} 7// (VBox {defaults ,wellPanel} {align c} {inset 4} 00// (RButton %teleptr pre-slide-point ) 23// (RButton %stampArrow pre-slide-stamp-arrow) 02// (RButton %stampCheck pre-slide-stamp-check) 02// (RButton %stampX pre-slide-stamp-x ) 23// (RButton %drawDoodle pre-slide-doodle ) 02// (RButton %drawLine pre-slide-line ) 02// (RButton %drawArrow pre-slide-linearrow ) 02// (RButton %drawRect pre-slide-rect ) 02// (RButton %drawText pre-slide-text ) 23// (RButton %selDelete pre-slide-seldelete ) ) 5// (VBox {align l} 11// (ILabel pre-slide-point) 58// (ILabel pre-slide-stamp) 99// (ILabel pre-slide-draw) 81// (ILabel pre-slide-erase-label) ) ) 14//* (IButton %clearAnnotations pre-slide-clear) ) hidden (VBox) invisible (VBox) ) )] [DemoControls (fn (Card %demoControlsCard shown (VBox 20/c/ (ILabel pre-demo-label) 10/c/ (IButton %start pre-demo-open) ) hidden (VBox) invisible (VBox) ) )] [PollSlide [halfsize [layout (HBox /240/ (HSPollSlideLayout))]] [fullsize [layout (HBox /480/ (FSPollSlideLayout {editLayout (fn (VBox))}))]] [editable [layout (HBox /480/ (FSPollSlideLayout {editLayout ,PollEdit}) /90/ (PollControls))]] ] [ImageSlide [halfsize [layout (ImageSlideLayout 240 180)]] [fullsize [layout (ImageSlideLayout 480 360)]] [editable [layout (HBox /480/ (ImageSlideLayout 480 360) /90/ (AnnotationControls))]] ] [TextSlide [halfsize [layout (HBox /240/ (TextSlideLayout))]] [fullsize [layout (HBox /480/ (TextSlideLayout))]] [editable [layout (HBox /480/* (TextSlideLayout))]] ] [WebSlide [halfsize [layout (HBox /240/ (WebSlideLayout))]] [fullsize [layout (HBox /480/ (WebSlideLayout))]] [editable [layout (HBox /480/* (WebSlideLayout))]] ] [DemoSlide [halfsize [layout (HBox /240/ (DemoSlideLayoutHS))]] [fullsize [layout (HBox /480/ (DemoSlideLayout))]] [editable [layout (HBox /480/ (DemoSlideLayout) /90/ (DemoControls))]] [floataud [layout (DemoSlideLayout)]] ] [SlideSetManager (fn (VBox // (HBox {defaults ,sunken} {bg ,black} {vShadowSize 0} {vInset 1} 19// (ILabel pre-sets-slideset) 81// (ILabel pre-sets-date) 18//* (ILabel pre-sets-nslides) ) /67*/ (HBox {defaults ,sunken} {bg ,white} /*/ (%slideSetList {actionOnSelect true} {selectionBG ,pselBG} {loadedIconPos 1} {titlePos 16} {savedPos 242} {countPos 275} {font ,font10} {itemHeight 13} {ascent 10} {loadIcon pre-sets-load-icon}) ) // (HBox {defaults ,wellPanel} {hShadowInset 0} {sShadowSize 0} {align b} // (IHelpButton %loadIntoAud pre-sets-load "Load selected slide set into console" ) // (IHelpButton %upload pre-sets-upload "Upload a slide set into this place." ) // (VBox // (IHelpButton %clearVotes pre-clear-all-polls "Clear all votes on all poll slides in the selected slide set." ) // (IHelpButton %clearAnno pre-clear-all-anno "Clear all annotations on all non-whiteboard slides in the selected slide set." ) ) ) // (HBox {defaults ,wellPanel} {hShadowInset 0} {sShadowSize 0} {align b} // (IHelpButton %newSlideSet pre-sets-new "Create a new, empty slide set" ) // (IHelpButton %saveSlideSet pre-sets-save "Save the selected slide set" ) // (IHelpButton %revertSlideSet pre-sets-revert "Revert the selected slide set" ) // (IHelpButton %copySlideSet pre-sets-copy "Make a duplicate of the selected slide set" ) // (IHelpButton %deleteFromList pre-sets-delete "Delete the selected slide set" ) // (IHelpButton %renameSlideSet pre-sets-rename "Rename the selected slide set" ) ) ))] [SlideSetPreview (fn (VBox {defaults ,raised} {hInset 2} {vInset 4} /*/ (HBox // (VBox /60*/ (HBox {defaults ,sunken} /*/ (SlideList %slideList)) // (HBox {defaults ,wellPanel} {align t} {hShadowInset 0} {nShadowSize 0} {sInset 3} // (IButton %prevSlide pre-sets-previous) // (IButton %nextSlide pre-sets-next) ) 3// (%slideInfo) ) /*/ (VBox /c/1 (Card %presenterImageCard hide (VBox) show (HBox {defaults ,sunken} /60/ (%presenterImage {width 60} {height 60}) ) ) // (Card %presentedByCard hide (VBox) show (VBox /c/1 (ILabel %presentedByLabel aud-main-presenter) /*/ (%presentedBy {align c} {valign t}) ) ) ) ) /c/ (HBox {defaults ,sunken} {sShadowSize 0} // (SlidePanel %slide halfsize rev) ) /c/ (HBox {defaults ,wellPanel} {hShadowInset 0} {nShadowSize 0} {sInset 3} // (IButton %showToAudience {images pre-sets} {show [suffix -showthis]} {copy [suffix -copythis]}) ) ))] [SlideListPreview (fn (VBox {font ,font10} 3/**/ (SlideSetManager) 9//1 (ILabel pre-sets-preview-label) /*/ (SlideSetPreview) ))] [SlideList (fn [bg ,white] [fg ,black] [selectionBG ,pselBG] [selectionFG ,black] [font ,font12] [selectionFont ,bold12] [actionOnSelect true] [itemHeight 15]) ] [NameSetDialogLayout (fn (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} /***/ (%messageArea {font ,bold14} {align C}) // (%inputArea {bg ,white}) *//* (HBox *// (IButton %okButton std-ok) *//* (IButton %cancelButton std-cancel) ) ) )] [SetInfoDialog (fn (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} {inset 10} 8/l/ (ILabel cadm-telephone-audience) 2/f/ (VBox {defaults ,sunken} {inset 6} /l/6 (HBox {valign c} /50/ (ILabelR cadm-current) 4/160/ (Card %currentA {font ,bold12} none (Label {alignment center} "(none)") info (HBox {defaults ,textPanel} {align c} {hinset 2} /*/ (ConfInfoPanel %curAudTagA {hideIfEmpty F}) ) ) ) // (HBox {align c} /50/ (ILabelR cadm-change) 3/*/ (Field %newAudTagA) 3// (IButton %setAudTagA config-ok)) ) 20/l/ (ILabel cadm-telephone-presenter) 2/f/ (VBox {defaults ,sunken} {inset 6} /l/6 (HBox {valign c} /50/ (ILabelR cadm-current) 4/160/ (Card %currentP {font ,bold12} none (HBox */c/* (Label "(none)")) same (HBox */c/* (Label "(same as audience)")) info (HBox {defaults ,textPanel} {align c} {hinset 2} /*/ (ConfInfoPanel %curAudTagP {hideIfEmpty F}) ) ) ) // (HBox {align c} /50/ (ILabelR cadm-change) 3/*/ (Field %newAudTagP) 3// (IButton %setAudTagP config-ok)) ) ))] ;;; Common resources for recording (assuming basic-resources). ;;; $Id: //placeware/main/build/placeware.aud/rec-resources.txt#36 $ [Yes (fn [on [images pre-acc-yes-on]] [off [images pre-acc-yes-off]])] [No (fn [on [images pre-acc-no-on]] [off [images pre-acc-no-off]])] [StartButton (fn [on [images pre-present-start-on]] [off [images pre-present-start-off]])] [StopButton (fn [images pre-present-stop])] [DialButton (fn [on [images pre-present-hangup]] [off [images pre-present-dial]])] [ConfirmEraseRecordLayout (fn (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} /****/ (%messageArea {font ,bold14} {align C}) *//* (HBox *// (IButton %appendButton pre-rec-append) 8// (IButton %eraseButton pre-rec-erase) 8//* (IButton %cancelButton std-cancel) ) ) ) ] [ConfirmTelephonyAlertLayout (fn (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} {font ,font10} {inset 4} /****/ (%messageArea1 {font ,bold14} {align C}) 8//8 (HBox {hInset 20} /*/ (VBox {inset 8} {defaults ,sunken} // (PCard))) /****/ (%messageArea2 {font ,bold14} {align C}) *//* (HBox %silenceButtons *// (IButton %soonerButton pre-rec-1min) 8// (IButton %laterButton pre-rec-5min) 8//* (IButton %neverButton pre-rec-nowarn) ) *//* (HBox %disconnectButtons *//* (IButton %doneButton pre-done-snapshot) ) ) ) ] [PublishDialogLayout (fn (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} {inset 4} {font ,font10} // (Label {font ,bold12} "Publish the current recording?") 8// (Label "Select one or more audio options:") 8// (VBox {hInset 12} // (Checkbox %postPDF "Produce Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) Recording") 8// (Checkbox %postRealAudio "Produce RealAudio Slideshow Recording") 8// (Checkbox %postNetShow "Produce NetShow Slideshow Recording") 8// (Checkbox %postNoOp "Produce Non-Streamed Audio (.au) Recording") ) 8// (Label "Publishing status:") 4// (HBox {hInset 4} /*/ (%publishingStatus {font ,bold10} {bg ,textBG})) 8// (HBox *// (IHelpButton %okPublish std-ok "Click here to publish the current recording") *//* (IHelpButton %cancelPublish std-cancel "Click here to cancel publishing") ) ) )] [viewCurRec [link curRecLink] [target "pw_curRec"] [rollStatus "Click here to view the current recording."] ] [viewPubRec [link pubRecLink] [target "pw_pubRec"] [rollStatus "Click here to view the published recordings for this place."] ] [playFirstSecs [link firstSecsLink] [target "pw_firstSecs"] [rollStatus "Click here to play the first 30 seconds of telephone audio."] ] [playLastSecs [link lastSecsLink] [target "pw_lastSecs"] [rollStatus "Click here to play the most recent 10 seconds of telephone audio."] ] [PCard (fn (VBox // (Label "Telephone Number to Dial:") 4// (HBox /*/ (%phoneCCNum) 2// (DialButton %startPhone {rollStatus "Click here to connect the server to your teleconference."}) ) 8// (HBox // (Label "Phone Status:") /*/ (HBox {hInset 4} /*/ (%phoneStatus {font ,bold10} {bg ,textBG})) ) 8// (HBox //4 (Label "Listen to audio:") //4 (IButton %playFirstSecs {defaults ,playFirstSecs} pre-rec-first) *// (IButton %playLastSecs {defaults ,playLastSecs} pre-rec-last)) ))] [SlideRecordPanel (fn [Basics (fn (HBox //* (ILabel pre-present-record) //2 (StartButton %startRecord {rollStatus "Click here to start recording."}) //* (StopButton %stopRecord {rollStatus "Click here to stop recording temporarily."}) ) )] [Phoney (fn (VBox %phoney // (HBox // (Label "Record Teleconference Audio:") 8// (Yes %doPhone) 3// (No %dontPhone) ) 8// (Card %phoneCard show (PCard) hide (VBox) ) ) )] [RecStatus (fn (VBox // (Label "Recording Status:") 4// (HBox {hInset 4} /*/ (%recordStatus {font ,bold10} {bg ,textBG})) ) )] [mini-layout (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} {font ,font10} {inset 4} // (Basics) 8// (RecStatus) 8// (Phoney) ) ] [full-layout (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} {font ,font10} {inset 4} // (Basics) 8// (RecStatus) 8// (Phoney) 8// (Label "Current Recording:") 4// (VBox {hInset 6} // (HBox //* (IButton %viewCurRec {defaults ,viewCurRec} rec-view) //* (IHelpButton %postProd rec-publish "Click here to publish the current recording.") // (IHelpButton %eraseRecord pre-present-erase "Click here to erase the current recording.") ) ) 6// (VBox %publishedRecs // (Label "Published Recordings:") 4// (VBox {hInset 6} // (IButton %viewPubRec {defaults ,viewPubRec} rec-view) ) ) ) ] [confirmation [width 400] [height 150] [layout (ConfirmationLayout)] ] [confirmEraseRecord [width 400] [height 150] [layout (ConfirmEraseRecordLayout)] ] [confirmTelephonyAlert [width 400] [height 270] [layout (ConfirmTelephonyAlertLayout)] ] )] [recordingFrame [title "Record Presentation"] [layout (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} {inset 2} // (SlideRecordPanel %record))] ] [publishDialog [width 300] [height 240] [layout (PublishDialogLayout)] [title "Publish Current Recording"] ] [ConfirmationLayout (fn (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} /****/ (%messageArea {font ,bold14} {align C}) *//* (HBox *// (IButton %okButton std-ok) *//* (IButton %cancelButton std-cancel) ) ) ) ] [confirmationDialog [width 400] [height 130] [layout (ConfirmationLayout)] ] ;;; Extra resources shared by main-resources.txt and admin-resources.txt ;;; $Id: //placeware/main/build/placeware.aud/extra-resources.txt#8 $ ;;; Seating chart parameters [MoodPrompt (fn [defaults ,textPanel] [align c] [valign c] [font ,font09] [height 12] [ascent 9] [margin 2] )] [MoodWidget (fn [nMoods 5] [font ,font09] [textColor ,black] [rollColor #999999] [image seats-color-bg] [sizeW 129] [sizeH 65] [itemH 13] [select seats-color-select] [selectX 0] [selectY 1] [colors seats-color-] [colorX 2] [colorY 4] [textX 14] [textY 11] )] [SeatPrompt (fn [alignment center] [font ,font10])] [SeatWidget (fn [nMoods 5] [showOwnRow true] [whereInHouseB "You are seated in section %b, row %r"] [whereInHouseR "You are seated in row %r"] [whereInHouseS "You are seated in the audience"] [whereOnStage "You are on stage"] [whereStanding "You are not currently seated"] [seats seats-seat-] [empty seats-seat-empty] [your-row seats-cell-your-row] [yourself seats-cell-yourself] [selected seats-cell-selected] [rollover seats-cell-rollover] [mouse-dn seats-cell-mouse-dn] )] [seatSpecsSmall [image seats-small-bg] [sizeW 129] [sizeH 91] [stageMinX 30] [stageMaxX 99] [stageMinY 0] [stageMaxY 10] [houseMinX 1] [houseMaxX 128] [houseMinY 17] [houseMaxY 90] [maxCellW 5] [maxCellH 7] [maxSeatW 4] [maxSeatH 6] ] [seatSpecsMedium [image seats-medium-bg] [sizeW 200] [sizeH 166] [stageMinX 54] [stageMaxX 140] [stageMinY 1] [stageMaxY 18] [houseMinX 1] [houseMaxX 199] [houseMinY 31] [houseMaxY 164] [maxCellW 8] [maxCellH 13] [maxSeatW 5] [maxSeatH 9] ] [seatSpecsLarge [image seats-large-bg] [sizeW 234] [sizeH 166] [stageMinX 74] [stageMaxX 160] [stageMinY 1] [stageMaxY 18] [houseMinX 1] [houseMaxX 233] [houseMinY 31] [houseMaxY 164] [maxCellW 9] [maxCellH 13] [maxSeatW 6] [maxSeatH 9] ] ;;; Chat resources ;;; $Id: //placeware/main/build/placeware.aud/chat-resources.txt#1 $ [userIcons [audioNo std-icon-blank] [audioYes std-icon-audio] [userDefault std-icon-blank] [userYou std-icon-diamond] [userMuted std-icon-muted] ] [UserList (fn (HBox {defaults ,sunken} {bg ,white} /*/ (Speaker %speaker {borderSize 2} (%userList {defaults ,userIcons} {selection ,pselBG} {itemHeight 15} {sbWidth 13})) ))] [AudChatNamesPanel (fn [privChatImages aud-chat-chat] [layout (HBox {font ,font12} //* (VBox /56*/ (UserList) // (HBox {defaults ,buttonBox} // (IButton %privateChat {images ,privChatImages}) // (%mute {mute [images aud-chat-mute ]} {unmute [images aud-chat-unmute]}) ) ) // (VBox %micPanel {defaults ,wellPanel} {inset 3} */c/* (Microphone %microphone {images aud-chat-talk}) ) )] [privateChatLayout (PrivateChatTextPanel %text)] )] [PreChatNamesPanel (fn [layout (VBox {font ,font12} /l/2 (ILabel pre-chat-seatrow) /95/ (UserList) //9 (HBox {defaults ,buttonBox} //* (IButton %privateChat pre-chat-chat ) // (%mute {mute [images pre-chat-mute ]} {unmute [images pre-chat-unmute]}) ) // (VBox %micPanel {defaults ,wellPanel} {nInset 7} {eInset 5} {sInset 6} {wInset 6} /c/ (Microphone %microphone {images pre-chat-hold})) )] [privateChatLayout (PrivateChatTextPanel %text)] )] [RichChatArea (fn [bg ,chatBG] [defaultFont ,font10] [defaultPrefixFont ,ital10] [statusFont ,ital10] [selfFont ,ital10] )] [ChatTextArea (fn (Card %card {defaults ,sunken} chatEnabled (RichChatArea %richChatArea) chatDisabled (ILabel {alignment center} pre-hands-chatdisabled) ))] [ChatTextPlain1 (fn (VBox /56*/ (ChatTextArea) 3// (HBox 1//* (ILabel aud-main-enter)) 2// (HBox {align c} /*/ (%inputArea {bg ,white}) 2// (IButton %sayButton aud-chat-post)) ))] [ChatTextPlain2 (fn say (VBox /60*/ (ChatTextArea) 2// (HBox {align c} /*/ (%inputArea {bg ,white}) 2// (IButton %sayButton {images ,say}) ) ))] [ChatTextPlain3 (fn (Card %card chatEnabled (RichChatArea %richChatArea) chatDisabled (ILabel {alignment center} pre-hands-chatdisabled) ) )] [RowChatTextPanel (fn [layout-plain (ChatTextPlain1)])] [PreChatTextPanel (fn [layout-plain (ChatTextPlain3)])] [PrivateChatTextPanel (fn [layout-pc (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} /40/ (HBox {defaults ,wellPanel} {hInset 2} {vInset 3} {align c} // (HBox %micPanel 6/c/8 (Microphone %microphone {images std-pchat-hold})) /50*/ (Speaker %speaker {bg ,spkrBG} (Label %userName {bg ,textBG} {font ,font10} "")) ) /*/ (HBox {defaults ,sunken} {shadowSizeN 0} {inset 3} {nInset 0} /*/ (ChatTextPlain2 std-pchat-send)) ) ])] [BroadcastChatTextPanel (fn [connectedLabel "BROADCASTING"] [disconnectedLabel "No longer broadcasting"] [layout-pc (VBox {bg #cc9900} /40/ (HBox {defaults ,sunken} {inset 3} {align c} //3 (HBox %micPanel // (Microphone %microphone {images pre-hands-broadcast})) /*/ (Speaker %speaker (Label %userName {alignment left} {font ,font10} "")) ) /112*/ (HBox {defaults ,sunken} {inset 3} {nInset 0} {shadowSizeN 0} /*/ (ChatTextPlain2 pre-hands-posttxt)) )] )] ;;; Resources for full weight consoles ;;; $Id: //placeware/main/build/placeware.aud/main-resources.txt#131 $ [namePanel [shadowSize 1] [shadowColor #999966]] [SlideListViewer (fn [textFG ,black] [textFont ,font10] [notesFG ,darkRed] [notesFont ,ital10] [audienceLayout (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} //2 (%slideInfo {titleFont ,bold14} {font ,font10} {height 18} {ascent 14}) // (HBox /*/ (VBox /c/3 (Card %presenterImageCard hide (VBox) show (HBox {defaults ,sunken} // (%presenterImage {width 60} {height 60}) ) ) // (Card %presentedByCard hide (VBox) show (VBox /c/3 (ILabel %presentedByLabel aud-main-presenter) /20/ (%presentedBy {font ,bold10} {align c}) ) ) 3/*/ (HBox {defaults ,sunken} /*/ (SlideList %slideList)) /c/ (HBox {defaults ,buttonBox} // (IButton %prevSlide aud-review-prev) // (IButton %nextSlide aud-review-next) ) ) 4// (HBox {defaults ,sunken} // (SlidePanel %slide fullsize rev)) ) )] [presenterLayout (VBox {font ,font10} /*c/ (SlideListPreview) )] [nameSetDialog [width 320] [height 180] [layout (NameSetDialogLayout)] ] )] [QnATextArea (fn [bg ,chatBG] [defaultFont ,font10] [defaultPrefixFont ,bold10] [statusFont ,ital10] [selfFont ,ital10] [prefixCount 1] [prefix1 Notes] [Notes [msgColor #993300] [msgFont ,ital12]] )] [MembersList (fn [defaults ,userIcons] [bg ,white] [selection ,pselBG])] [SeatChangePanel (fn [layout (VBox {align c} /f/4 (Label %whereOwn {alignment center} "You are here.") //4 (SeatWidget %seatWidget {defaults ,seatSpecsLarge} {showSelRow true} {whereInHouse "You are seated in: Row %r, Seat %s of Section %b."} {whereOnStage "You are seated on stage."} {whereStanding "You are not currently seated."}) //18 (ILabel pre-audience-click) // (HBox {align t} //8 (VBox {hInset 6} 11/25/ (MoodPrompt %moodPrompt) // (MoodWidget %moodWidget) ) // (VBox // (VBox {hInset 6} /11/ (ILabel pre-audience-selected) /90/ (HBox {defaults ,sunken} /*/ (MembersList %members {itemHeight 15})) ) 8// (IButton %seatJoin pre-audience-move) ) ) )] )] [PreWebConfirm (fn (VBox /*/ (Card %webConfirmChoose main (VBox */c/ (Label {font ,font12} "WEB SLIDE CHECKING IN PROGRESS" ) 2/c/ (Label {font ,font10} "Waiting for approval of the web slide below." ) 1/c/ (Label {font ,font10} "Click 'Cancel' to cancel the new web slide request." ) 1/c/ (Label {font ,font10} "Click 'OK' to show the new web slide now and stop this safety check." ) 2/c/* (HBox *// (IHelpButton %cancelWeb std-cancel "Click here to cancel web slide request." ) 4//* (IHelpButton %okWeb std-ok "Click here to display the web slide." ) ) ) okay (VBox {defaults ,sunken} */c/ (Label {font ,font10} "Web slide will be displayed." ) 1/c/ (Label {font ,font10} "If this window does not close automatically," ) 1/c/* (Label {font ,font10} "please close it yourself." ) ) cancel (VBox {defaults ,sunken} */c/ (Label {font ,font10} "Web slide request has been cancelled." ) 1/c/ (Label {font ,font10} "If this window does not close automatically," ) 1/c/* (Label {font ,font10} "please close it yourself." ) ) ) ))] [NewSlidePanel (fn (VBox /*/ (Card %newSlideCard main (VBox {defaults ,sunken} // (VBox {inset 1} // (HBox {bg ,textBG} {vInset 2} *//* (ILabel pre-new-slide-label) ) ) 1/c/ (VBox // (HBox // (IHelpButton %newWhiteboard pre-new-wbs2 "Click here to create a new whiteboard slide." ) // (IHelpButton %newText pre-new-ts2 "Click here to create a new text slide." ) // (IHelpButton %newPoll pre-new-poll2 "Click here to create a new poll slide." ) ) // (HBox // (IHelpButton %newWeb pre-new-ws2 "Click here to create a new web slide." ) // (Card %newSnapCard T (IHelpButton %newSnapshot pre-new-ss2 "Click here to create screen snapshot slides." ) F (IButton %newSnapshotDownload {defaults ,dlSnap} pre-new-ss2-install ) ) // (Card %newDemoCard T (IHelpButton %newDemo pre-new-ds2 "Click here to create a new demo slide." ) F (IButton %newDemoDownload {defaults ,dlSnap} pre-new-ds2-install ) ) ) ) ) web (VBox {defaults ,sunken} 4//* (ILabel pre-enter-url-label) /****/ (%webInput {bg ,white} {font ,font09}) *//4 (HBox 2//* (RButton %webSafetyCheck {rollStatus "Turn web slide checks on/off"} pre-web-safety-1 ) //4 (IHelpButton %cancelWeb std-cancel "Click here to cancel web slide request." ) //4 (IHelpButton %okWeb std-ok "Click here to display the web slide." ) ) ) confirmWeb (VBox {defaults ,sunken} */c/ (Label {font ,font10} "WEB SLIDE CHECKING IN PROGRESS" ) 2/c/* (HBox *// (IHelpButton %cancelWeb2 std-cancel "Click here to cancel web slide request." ) 4//* (IHelpButton %okWeb2 std-ok "Click here to display the web slide." ) ) ) snap (VBox {defaults ,sunken} */c/ (Label "Click 'Done' when") 1/c/ (Label "finished taking snapshots.") 2/c/* (IHelpButton %cancelSnap pre-done-snapshot "Click here when you have finished taking snapshots." ) ) ) ) )] [audSlides [audience.slideLayout (HideShow {body ,AudSlideArea})] [presenter.slideLayout (HideShow {body ,PreSlideArea})] [presenter.secondaryLayout (HideShow {body ,PreSecondary})] [presenter.webConfirmLayout (HideShow {body ,PreWebConfirm})] [Stats (fn [alignment right])] [SlideTitle (fn [font ,bold12] [height 16] [ascent 12])] [AutoSlides (fn [font ,font10] [texts 2] [text0 " "] [text1 "AUTOMATIC SLIDE SHOW"])] [mainLayout.cards (Card {defaults ,mainPanel} {frameNotifier true} hide (VBox {inset 6} 30/*/ (%hideMsg {align L} {valign T}) 20/r/ (IHelpButton %setName config-setname "Click here to change your screen name." ) ) )] [audience.mainLayout (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} {frameNotifier true} /c/4 (ILabel %ownerBrand aud-owner-brand) /*/ (ITabPanel %tabs {tabs 3} {minY 0} {maxY 17} {tab0 [name Pres] [width 70] [defaults ,tabStrip] [image aud-main-tabs-psc-p] [flash-image-suffix -fp]} {tab1 [name Seating] [startXOffset 7] [width 53] [defaults ,tabStrip] [image aud-main-tabs-psc-s] [disabled-image-suffix -nos]} {tab2 [name Chat] [startXOffset 7] [width 45] [defaults ,tabStrip] [image aud-main-tabs-psc-c] [disabled-image-suffix -noc]} Pres (VBox {defaults ,tabPanel} {inset 3} /*/3 (VBox //2 (%loadStats {layout (Grid {cols 2} {font ,font10} (Stats %stats1) (Stats %stats4) (Stats %stats2) (Stats %stats5) (Stats %stats3) (Stats %stats6))}) // (InfoPanel) 4// (Card %presPanel Init (VBox {defaults ,raised} {font ,font12} */c/* (Label "Initializing...") ) F (VBox {defaults ,raised} {font ,font12} */c/* (Label "No slides are being shown") ) T (VBox //2 (SlideTitle %slideTitle {align c} {valign c} {nLines 2}) // (HBox //2 (Card %presenterImageCard hide (VBox) show (HBox {defaults ,sunken} /*/ (%presenterImage {width 60} {height 60}) ) ) /*/ (Speaker %roomSpeaker (VBox // (%slideNumber {font ,font10}) 2// (AutoSlides %auto) *// (Card %presentedByCard hide (VBox) show (VBox // (HBox 1//* (ILabel %presentedByLabel aud-main-presenter)) 2// (%presentedBy {font ,font12} {valign c}) ) ) )) ) ) ) /*/ (Card %qnaCard show (VBox 2// (QuestionPanel %questionPanel) 2/0*/ (QnATextArea %qnaArea {defaults ,sunken} {inset 4} ) ) hide (VBox) ) ) 3/c/3 (Card %reviewSlidesCard show (IHelpButton %reviewSlides aud-main-review "Click here to review the slides in this presentation." ) hide (VBox) ) ) Seating (VBox {defaults ,tabPanel} {hInset 2} {vInset 6} {font ,font10} 2/c/4 (SeatWidget %seatWidget {defaults ,seatSpecsMedium}) /c/* (VBox /25/ (MoodPrompt %moodPrompt) 2// (MoodWidget %moodWidget)) ) Chat (VBox {defaults ,tabPanel} {inset 3} {font ,font12} //6 (HBox /*/ (HBox {defaults ,namePanel} 3/0*c/ (%userName)) 2// (IHelpButton %setName config-setname "Click here to change your screen name." ) ) /*/ (VBox %rowChatPanel /120c/ (VBox //2 (HBox 1//* (ILabel aud-main-row)) /*/ (AudChatNamesPanel %rowNames)) 4/*/ (RowChatTextPanel %rowText) 8//3 (HBox //* (IButton %changeRow aud-main-browserows) // (ILabel aud-main-browse)) ) ) ) 8// (HBox %serverAudioF //* (IButton %exit1 {defaults ,exit} std-exit) // (IButton %help1 {defaults ,help} std-help) ) 8// (HBox %serverAudioT //* (IButton %exit2 {defaults ,exit} std-exit) //* (Card %clientAudio F (IHelpButton %downloadAudio {link downLink} pre-setup-download "Click here to download the PlaceWare media plug-in.") T (IHelpButton %configureAudio pre-setup-levels "Click here to configure your audio settings.") ) // (IButton %help2 {defaults ,help} std-help) ) )] [audience.accessoriesDialog [title "Creating Slide Review"] [layout (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} *20/20c/ 5/20c/20* (HBox */250/* (Label {font ,bold14} {fg ,black} {alignment center} "Creating slide review window.")) (HBox */250/* (Label {font ,bold14} {fg ,black} {alignment center} "One moment, please.")) )] ] [audience.accessoriesLayout (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} {inset 8} // (SlideListViewer %slideList) )] [HeaderTab (fn images tab rollStatus [opaque true])] [presenter.mainLayout (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} {nInset 6} {frameNotifier true} /l/ (ILabel %ownerBrand aud-owner-brand) 6// (InfoPanel) 6// (HBox //* (HeaderTab %slidesTab pre-main-header-present SlideSets "Click here to open the Controls window to the Slide Sets tab." ) // (IHelpButton %uploadSlides pre-main-upload-slides-squat "Upload a slide set into this place." ) ) // (HBox {bg ,textBG} {defaults ,sunken} 2/*/2 (%slideInfo {titleFont ,bold12} {height 16} {ascent 12}) ) /60*/ (HBox {defaults ,sunken} /*/ (SlideList %slideList)) // (VBox {defaults ,wellPanel} {shadowSizeN 0} {shadowSizeS 0} {shadowInsetE 0} {shadowInsetW 0} //3 (HBox {align t} // (IButton %prevSlide pre-previous-slide) // (IButton %delSlide pre-del-slide) // (IButton %nextSlide pre-next-slide)) 3/c/3 (VBox %micPanel // (Speaker %roomSpeaker (Microphone %microphone {images pre-main-broadcast}))) ) 6// (NewSlidePanel) ;; we include these here so that private chats work before the accessories ;; panel is displayed. We always null these out so that they are never ;; displayed to the user in this panel // (PreChatNamesPanel %rowNames) // (RowChatTextPanel %rowText) 6// (HBox //* (IButton %exitButton {defaults ,exit} {error "Can't find exit link."} std-exit) //* (HeaderTab %controlsButton pre-controls Setup "Click here to open the Controls window.") // (IButton %helpButton {defaults ,help} {error "Can't find help."} std-help) ) )] [BrandButton (fn images hostedImages [opaque true])] [AudSlideArea (fn (VBox /360/ (SlidePanel %slide fullsize aud) 3// (HBox /480/ (HBox 5/c/ (ExpandedViewButton) *// (BrandButton %pwBrand {defaults ,pbp} aud-basic-brand aud-hosted-brand ) ) ) ) )] [PreSlideArea (fn (VBox /360/ (SlidePanel %slide editable pre) 1// (HBox /480/ (HBox 5/c/ (ExpandedViewButton) *// (BrandButton %pwBrand {defaults ,pbp} aud-basic-brand aud-hosted-brand ) ) ) ) )] [PreSecondary (fn (HBox {frameNotifier true} {eInset 6} {nInset 4} /0*/ (Card %presNotesCard show (VBox ;; PRESENTATION TEXT & NOTES // (Card %qnaCard show (HeaderTab %questionsTab pre-main-header-questions Questions "Click here to open the Controls window to the Questions tab." ) hide (VBox) ) // (VBox {defaults ,sunken} // (VBox {inset 1} // (HBox {bg ,textBG} {vInset 2} /*/ (ColorLabel %miniQM {font ,font12} {height 16} {alignment center} {defaultLabel "Presenter Notes"}) // (IHelpButton %clearPresNotes pre-clear-pres-text "Clear the Presenters Notes and Q&A messages." ) ) ) /60*/ (PreChatTextPanel %chatPanel) ) ) hide (VBox) ) 18// (Card %seatingChartCard show (VBox ;; AUDIENCE // (HBox /b/* (HeaderTab %audienceTab pre-main-header-audience Audience "Click here to open the Controls window to the Audience tab." ) // (HeaderTab %chatButton pre-chat-header Chat "Click here to open the Controls window to the Chat tab." ) ) // (HBox //2 (SeatWidget %seatWidget {defaults ,seatSpecsSmall}) // (VBox {font ,font10} /25/ (MoodPrompt %moodPrompt) 2/*/ (MoodWidget %moodWidget) ) ) ) hide (HBox) ) ))] [presenter.accessoriesDialog [title "Creating Controls"] [layout (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} {font ,bold14} *20/20c/ 5/20c/20* (HBox */250/* (Label {alignment center} "Creating Controls window.")) (HBox */250/* (Label {alignment center} "One moment, please.")) )] ] [SetupBox (fn body (HBox {defaults ,planar} {bg ,textBG} {vInset 2} 4/*/ (body)) )] [presenter.accessoriesLayout (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} {inset 2} /*/ (ITabPanel %tabs {tabs 6} {minY 0} {maxY 16} {tab0 [defaults ,tabStrip] [name Setup] [width 40] [image pre-acc-tabs-setup]} {tab1 [defaults ,tabStrip] [name SlideSets] [width 58] [image pre-acc-tabs-slidesets]} {tab2 [defaults ,tabStrip] [name Presentation] [width 74] [image pre-acc-tabs-presentation]} {tab3 [defaults ,tabStrip] [name Chat] [width 35] [image pre-acc-tabs-chat]} {tab4 [defaults ,tabStrip] [name Audience] [width 58] [image pre-acc-tabs-audience]} {tab5 [defaults ,tabStrip] [name Questions] [width 59] [image pre-acc-tabs-questions]} Setup (VBox {defaults ,tabPanel} {inset 10} 10// (HBox {align c} {defaults ,sunken} {inset 8} //5 (ILabel pre-setup-name) /*/5 (SetupBox (fn (%userName))) // (IButton %setName config-setname) ) 30// (HBox %setupAudioPanel {align c} {defaults ,sunken} {inset 8} //5 (ILabel pre-setup-audio) /*/ (Card %serverAudio F (SetupBox (fn (Label "Audio disabled by administrator"))) T (Card %clientAudio F (HBox /*/ (SetupBox (fn (Label "Plug-In not downloaded"))) 5// (IButton %downloadAudio {link downLink} pre-setup-download) ) T (HBox /*/ (SetupBox (fn (Label "Available"))) 5// (IButton %configureAudio pre-setup-levels) ) ) ) ) 15// (HBox {hInset 6} // (ILabel pre-setup-showresults) *// (Yes %showPollsEnabled) 8// (No %showPollsDisabled) ) 10// (HBox {hInset 6} // (ILabel pre-chat-allowed) *// (Yes %chatEnabled2) 8// (No %chatDisabled2) ) 10// (HBox {hInset 6} // (ILabel pre-seating-allowed) *// (Yes %seatingEnabled2) 8// (No %seatingDisabled2) ) 10// (HBox {hInset 6} // (ILabel pre-qna-allowed) *// (Yes %qnaEnabled2) 8// (No %qnaDisabled2) ) 10// (HBox {hInset 6} // (ILabel pre-pres-notes-allowed) *// (Yes %presNotesEnabled2) 8// (No %presNotesDisabled2) ) 10// (HBox {hInset 6} // (ILabel pre-revslides-allowed) *// (Yes %revslidesEnabled2) 8// (No %revslidesDisabled2) ) ) SlideSets (VBox {defaults ,tabPanel} {inset 4} /*/ (SlideListViewer %slideList)) Presentation (VBox {defaults ,tabPanel} {inset 10} /l/2 (ILabel %recordLabel pre-present-recording) // (VBox %recordControls {inset 8} {defaults ,sunken} // (SlideRecordPanel %record) ) 3*/l/2 (ILabel pre-present-auto) //* (VBox {inset 8} {defaults ,sunken} // (SlideCyclePanel %cycle) ) ) Chat (VBox {defaults ,tabPanel} 4/c/ (%rowNames) 6// (VBox {defaults ,sunken}) // (HBox {align c} {inset 6} // 8// 8// (ILabel pre-chat-allowed) (Yes %chatEnabled) (No %chatDisabled)) //6 (VBox {defaults ,sunken}) /*/ (HBox {inset 6} /*/ (%rowText)) ) Audience (VBox {defaults ,tabPanel} 4// (HBox {inset 6} // (ILabel pre-seating-allowed) 8// (Yes %seatingEnabled) 8// (No %seatingDisabled) ) 4// (Card %seatingControlsCard show (VBox {inset 8} /c/ (SeatChangePanel %seatChange) ) hide (VBox) ) 4// (VBox {hInset 8} // (HBox //2 (Label "Current occupants:") /25/ (%userCount {alignment right}) ) 4// (HBox %audioCountPanel //2 (Label "Audio-enabled occupants:") /25/ (%audioCount {alignment right}) ) ) ) Questions (VBox {defaults ,tabPanel} 4// (HBox {inset 6} // (ILabel pre-qna-allowed) 8// (Yes %qnaEnabled) 8// (No %qnaDisabled) ) 5/*/ (Card %qnaControlsCard show (VBox /*/ (QuestionManagerPanel %questionManager) ) hide (VBox) ) ) ))] [SeatChangeFrame (fn (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} {inset 10} // (SeatChangePanel %seatChange)) )] [seatingFrame [layout (SeatChangeFrame)] [title "Seating Chart"] ] [seatingFqos [layout (SeatChangeFrame)] [title "QoS Chart"] ] [QoSthreshY 0.02] [QoSthreshR 0.10] [privateChatLayout (PrivateChatTextPanel %text)] [privateChatFrame [title "1-on-1 Chat"] [width 375] [height 200]] [setInfoLayout (SetInfoDialog)] ] [QuestionPWMList (fn [bg ,white] [fg ,darkRed] [selectionBg ,pselBG] [selectionFg ,black] [secondaryBg ,white] [secondaryFg ,darkRed] [font ,font12] [selectionFont ,bold12] [secondaryFont ,ital12] [doubleSelFont ,ital12] [audioNo std-icon-blank] [audioYes std-icon-audio] [bcastYes std-icon-bcast] [markedYes std-icon-check] [itemHeight 15] ) ] [QuestionManagerPanel (fn ;; inherits confirmationDialog [layout (HBox {inset 5} /*/ (VBox //6 (%numRaised) // (HBox {align c} //* (HBox {defaults ,wellPanel} {align b} {shadowSizeS 0} {shadowInsetE 0} {shadowInsetW 0} {topInset 3} // (IButton %filter pre-hands-setmark) // (ILabel pre-hands-checkmark) // (IButton %unfilter pre-hands-clearmark) ) //8 (ILabel pre-hands-showhands) //8 (RButton %showAll pre-hands-all) // (RButton %showMarked pre-hands-marked) ) /112*/3 (HBox {defaults ,sunken} /*/ (QuestionPWMList %questions)) /c/20 (VBox {defaults ,wellPanel} {shadowSizeN 0} {shadowSizeS 0} {shadowInsetE 0} {shadowInsetW 0} //4 (HBox // (IButton %giveFloor pre-hands-give) // (IButton %takeFloor pre-hands-take) // (IButton %remove pre-hands-dismiss)) // (HBox // (IButton %giveAnswer pre-hands-answer) // (IButton %1on1 pre-hands-chat)) ) // (Card %chatPanels "text" (VBox {align f} /134/ (%answer) /c/ (HBox {defaults ,buttonBox} // (IButton %post-all pre-hands-postall) // (IButton %post-priv pre-hands-private)) ) "private" (PrivateChatTextPanel %chatTextPanel) "broadcast" (BroadcastChatTextPanel %bcastTextPanel {connectedLabel "QUESTIONER HAS THE FLOOR"}) "disabled" (VBox {defaults ,sunken}) ) ))] )] [QuestionManagerMiniPanel (fn [layout (HBox {defaults ,textPanel} {inset 2} /*/ (Label %statusLabel {alignment center} "") ) ] )] [QuestionPanel (fn [floorBG #cc9900] [panelInset 2] [statusPend0 "There are no questions pending."] [statusPend1 "There is one question pending."] [statusPendN "There are %N questions pending."] [statusPlace "Your question (%P of %N total):"] [statusFloor "Your question:"] [dismissForm "Dismissed by presenter (%Q)"] [Question (fn [height 15] [ascent 12] [nLines 2] [align l] [valign t])] [layout (Card %panel basic (VBox {inset ,panelInset} //2 (HBox {align c} //* (ILabel aud-sec-questions) 2// (Card %set submit (IButton %submit aud-sec-submit) cancel (IButton %cancel aud-sec-cancel) change (IButton %change aud-sec-change)) ) // (%setText) // (%status {font ,font10}) // (Card %hand raised (Question %pendingQ {font ,bold12}) lowered (Question %dismissQ {font ,ital12})) ) floor (VBox {inset ,panelInset} {bg ,floorBG} //2 (HBox {align c} //* (ILabel aud-sec-havefloor) 2// (IButton %post aud-sec-post) ) // (%postText) /*/ (HBox {align t} /0*/ (VBox // (Label {text ,statusFloor} {font ,font10}) // (Question %currentQ {font ,bold12})) 2// (VBox // (VBox %micPanel 2// (Microphone %microphone {images pre-hands-broadcast})) 2/r/ (IButton %done aud-sec-done) ) ) ) questionsDisabled (VBox {inset ,panelInset}) )] [privateChatLayout (PrivateChatTextPanel %chat)] [privateChatFrame [width 375] [height 200] [title "Chat with Moderator"]] )] [cycleFrame [title "Automatic Slide Show"] [layout (VBox {defaults ,mainPanel} {inset 8} // (SlideCyclePanel %cycle))] ] [SlideCyclePanel (fn [Basics (fn (VBox {align l} //20 (HBox {align c} //8 (ILabel pre-present-autoshow) // (StartButton %startCycle) 3// (StopButton %stopCycle)) // (HBox {align c} //8 (ILabel pre-present-seconds) // (IButton %cycleFaster pre-present-down) /24f/ (HBox {defaults ,sunken} {bg ,textBG} /0*c/ (%cycleTime {font ,font10} {alignment center})) // (IButton %cycleSlower pre-present-up)) ))] [mini-layout (Basics)] [full-layout (VBox {align l} {font ,font10} //20 (Basics) //2 (ILabel pre-present-slidefile) /f/8 (HBox {defaults ,textPanel} 2/*/ (%cycleSet {font ,font10})) /c/8 (ILabel pre-present-change) )] [confirmation [width 400] [height 150] [layout (ConfirmationLayout)]] )] [imageIndex ../placeware.aud/aud-images/main-index.txt]