Title: Performance and Scalability Analysis of Teraflop-Scale Parallel Architectures Using Multidimensional Wavefront Applications Corresponding author: Adolfy Hoisie Id: 101 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Object-oriented Distributed Computing on the PVM Corresponding author: Chong-wei Xu Id: 100 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: A Framework for Generating Task Parallel Programs Corresponding author: Thomas Rauber Id: 102 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Data Sieving and Collective I/O in ROMIO Corresponding author: Rajeev S Thakur Id: 103 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: A data-parallel algorithm for iterative tomographic image reconstruction Corresponding author: Calvin A Johnson Id: 104 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Superconducting Processors for HTMT: Issues and Challenges Corresponding author: Kevin B Theobald Id: 107 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Interprocedural Communication Optimizations for Message Passing Architectures Corresponding author: Gagan Agrawal Id: 106 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Distributed Control Parallelism for High Speed Civil Transport MDO Corresponding author: Layne T Watson Id: 108 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: A Scalable Performance Analysis Methodology for Parallel Applications Corresponding author: John P. 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Klausewitz Id: 121 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Parallel Rendering of 3D AMR data on the SGI/Cray T3E Corresponding author: Kwan-Liu Ma Id: 122 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Packing/Unpacking Information Generation for Efficient Generalized kr->r and r->kr Array Redistribution Corresponding author: Yeh-Ching Chung Id: 126 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Distributed Applet-based Certifiable Processing in Client/Server Environments Corresponding author: Gerald M Masson Id: 125 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Distributed Self-Scheduling for Heterogeneous Workstation Clusters Corresponding author: Anthony T. Chronopoulos Id: 124 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Adapting to Load on Workstation Clusters Corresponding author: Robert K Brunner Id: 127 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: The Priority Broadcast Scheme for Dynamic Broadcast in Hypercubes and Related Networks Corresponding author: Chi-Hsiang Yeh Id: 128 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Semigroup and Prefix Computations on an Improved Generalized Mesh-Connected Computers with Multiple Buses Corresponding author: Yi Pan Id: 129 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Efficient VLSI Layouts of Hypercubic Networks Corresponding author: Chi-Hsiang Yeh Id: 130 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Tight Bounds on the Bisection Width and VLSI Area of Star Graphs and Hierarchical Cubic Networks Corresponding author: Chi-Hsiang Yeh Id: 131 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Latency Tolerant Algorithms for WAN Based Workstation Clusters Corresponding author: Mark Clement Id: 132 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: A Recursive PVM Implementation of an Image Segmentation Algorithm with Performance Comparisons in-between the HIVE and Cray T3E Corresponding author: James C Tilton Id: 133 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Scalable Algorithms for Barrier Synchronization and Generalized Critical Sections with Adjustable Multiplicity Corresponding author: Mostafa Bassiouni Id: 134 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Design Trade-Offs of Low-Cost Multicomputer Networks Corresponding author: Martin C Herbordt Id: 135 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: An Extension of the Petersen Graph for Small- to Large-Scale Parallel Architectures Corresponding author: Chi-Hsiang Yeh Id: 136 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: THE PARALLELIZATION OF A HIGHWAY TRAFFIC FLOW SIMULATION Corresponding author: Charles M Johnston Id: 137 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Fast Parallel Selection on the Linear Array with Reconfigurable Pipelined Bus System Corresponding author: Yi Pan Id: 139 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: New Algorithms for Efficient Mining of Association Rules Corresponding author: Hong Shen Id: 140 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Optimization Of a Parallel Pseudospectral MHD Code Corresponding author: Anshu Dubey Id: 141 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: A System for Evaluating Performance and Cost of SIMD Array Designs Corresponding author: Martin C Herbordt Id: 142 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Implementing MM5 on NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Computing System: a Performance Study Corresponding author: John Dorband Id: 143 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Large-Scale Distributed Computational Fluid Dynamics on the Information Power Grid using Globus Corresponding author: Rupak Biswas Id: 144 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Parallel Algorithms on the Rotation-Exchange Network - A Trivalent Variant of the Star Graph Corresponding author: Chi-Hsiang Yeh Id: 145 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: An Extension of the Petersen Graph for Small- to Large-Scale Parallel Architectures Corresponding author: Chi-Hsiang Yeh Id: 146 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Index-Permutation Graphs: Design of Interconnection Networks for Massively Parallel Computation Corresponding author: Chi-Hsiang Yeh Id: 147 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Token Space Minimization by Simulated Annealing Corresponding author: Rafi Lohev Id: 149 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: The DOE Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative: Challenges And Opportunities For Predictive Materials Simulation Capabilities Corresponding author: Christian Mailhiot Id: 150 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: Parallel Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Algorithm as a PDE Solver with Applications to the Time-Dependent Schroedinger Equation (TDSE) Corresponding author: Adam B. Ritchie Id: 151 Passwd: postscript: 1 Title: A C++-based Methodology for Rapid SIMD Software Tool Development Corresponding author: Duncan G Elliott Id: 152 Passwd: postscript: 1 A new paper was successfully submitted. Title: Implementing MM5 on NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Computing System: a Performance Study Corresponding author: John Dorband Id: 153 Passwd: postscript: 1