Discovering those common components and interfaces that will allow desktop access to remote resources Agenda Suggestions for presentations are given below. Overhead projectors and LCD projectors are available. Please note, that the agenda is subject to change. A technical report available from Argonne National Laboratory containing the proceedings is in preparation. The powerpoint slides provided on this sides are for personal usage only, consent for reusing the slides has to be obtained by the authors. Day 1, October 8th Time: Speaker Title 9:00-9:30 Gregor von Laszewski Introduction (ppt) 9:30-10:00 Dennis Gannon IPG (ppt) 10:00-10:20 Judith Devaney WebSubmit (ppt) 10:20-10:40 Dietmar Erwin Unicore (ppt) Break Headcount for dinner in the evening 10:50-11:10 Miron or Marvin Condor (ppt) 11:10-11:30 Andrew Grimshaw Legion(*) 11:30-11:50 Gregor von Laszewski Simple Reusable GlobusJ Components (ppt) 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch, at the Argonne Caffeteria in dining room B 1:00-2:00 All Discussion 2:00-2:10 Working group coordination 2:10-4:30 Worging group A, B, C 4:30-5:00 Report from Working groups 6:00 Dinner at the Argonne Guest House Day 2, October 9th 8:10-8:30 Piyush Arcade 8:30-8:50 Thomas Haupt Webflow(ppt) 8:50-9:10 DisCom2 Sandia 9:10-9:30 Dave Snelling UNICORE part II(ppt) 9:30-9:50 CEWES CEWES MSRC PET, DIstance learning 9:50-10:00 Mary Thompson Akenti(ppt) Break 10:00-lunch Working groups lunch - 2:00 Lunch, at the Argonne Caffeteria in dining room B 1:00-2:00 Working group Working Group Security CS Architecture Appl. Architecture Group Coordination Gregor Dennis Piyush Suggestions for Presentations As pointed out in the CFP, the focus of this workshop is to find solutions to the problems at hand. Therefore, the presentation should follow the headline "Discovering those common components and interfaces that will allow desktop access to remote resources." It could be valuable to analyze your project and point out solutions your team has developed in order to address some of the problems. It is also important not only to find that an "abstract" concept could be reused or developed, but it is very important to find out what is in place right now and can be reused by others (possibly components). This will lead us to identify issues which have not been worked on before. Since all of use are already sufficiently knowledgeable in many of the projects, it would be great to keep the overview slides for a project to a minimum. It is more important to point out concretely what solution you provide and how you do it. An example for a slide we probably do not need is: What is Metacomputing? This is the reason why the Globus talk is entitled: "Reusable Globus Java Components." The talk will not give an introduction to Globus, but focus on graphical user interfaces and class libraries developed to make the desktop access more easy. We list the following issues, which we would like to address in the workshop and follow-up discussions. The list is not intended to be a complete classification, but to remind us of some important issues (for a more complete list see the CFP): Information services to represent data and compute objects, ranging from databases to queuing systems GUI interfaces for ranging from job submission to job monitoring Administration of remote resources Technical Aspects ranging form operating system issues to supporting libraries. We would also like to collect the presentations for an online proceedings of this workshop as well as reference material. If you would like to talk about a topic or have other comments and suggestions, please send them to .