I have produced a plan for the "American Option Project" with all the initial steps. I have found several steps that can be done before we get any legal action from Ann and suggest we start these now. They fall into two areas 1)Prepare test data and results to compare with. 2)Make Makivic program more effient. This is very relevant as one can view American Option calculation as a particular and very complex "measurement". So now measurement totally swamps Monte Carlo path generation and so one needs totally uncorrelated paths -- which Miloje does not calculate now but can be straightforwardly done! I will give Scott these plans friday and we can get started with or without Ann As an aside, I note that American Options will be a totally separate program from Miloje's code. It could be put in as a new measurement routine but I see many reasons against this. We will generate paths from Miloje -- certify them as "perfect", store on disk and read back In particular "American Option" can use a different language such as Fortran (for high performance) or Java (for the future) As another aside, I read chapter 15 of Hull. These derivatives fall into 2 classes a) Those which are like European options but more complex. We can do now as can I think any Monte Carlo b) Those like mortgage backed securities that can have early exercise These can be treated using "American Option" technique