Distance Education for Curricula Enhancement at HBCUs Vision Distance education is likely to be revolutionized by the growing power of high speed networks and Web Software for delivery, preparation and teacher-student/student-student collaboration components of education and training. This impact will be important at all levels of education K-12, undergraduate, graduate, continuing education and institutional training as in the DoD. Currently there is very little experience as to what features of both hardware and software are important and it is probable that there is no one answer but different applications will have different requirements and varying success. NPAC has in TANGO and WebWisdom leading edge collaboration and dissemination technologies. Further the Virtual Programming Laboratory is a good prototype Web lab environment. Further we have substantial experience with computer Science graduate and undergraduate classes, Physics 105/106 undergraduate class, and Living SchoolBook at K-12 level in the use of the Web for education and training in many areas. Project Description and Value to PET The application of NPAC technology can impact both asynchronous (self study by student) and synchronous (teacher delivery) modes. Further it can be used both in MSRC training and education as well as in programs with the partnering HBCU's. The MSRC applications could be a model for much broader scale DoD training and so lessons learnt could be of profound importance. Again the HBCU applications are a model for how knowledge(from "leading edge research" Universities) in rapidly changing fields can be transferred to the curricula of educational institutions which are not so strongly coupled to research in these fields and so find it hard to keep their curricula up to date. Thus impact includes education in community colleges and similar institutions and will have broad national importance and not just confined to a few or all HBCU's. This proposal covers the initial phases of what is anticipated to be a long-term Focused Effort in Distance Education. The goal at this stage is to setup the necessary infrastructure to provide distance education at CEWES and the HBCUs and to conduct several trials designed to help evaluate different strategic approaches and technical details of the implementations. It is worth noting that taken individually, not all of these trials will be considered "successes" by those involved. The real measure of success must be developing from these trials an effective set of strategies and implementations for distance education which can be applied as this Focused Effort continues. Here the goal is not just to educate a few students better but to leave a lasting impact on the institution in terms of a better curricula and more knowledgeable faculty equipped with better Web based tools. This implies project must have committed involvement of HBCU faculty. We also rely on the established relationship of CEWES & PET management with the HBCUs. Consequently, we offer not a list of detailed deliverables, but an overall plan, with consultation among all of the partners to fix the details as the project proceeds. In light of the fluidity required by this project, the staffing and budget estimates are no more than rough estimates. As presented, these figures suppose strong involvement with both Jackson State University and Clark Atlanta University. They also rely on the reuse of course materials already developed by NPAC for these initial experiments--new courses can certainly be developed, but this will require adjustments to schedules and budgets. These assumptions are certainly subject to discussion and revision as the details of the plan are fixed. Deliverables NPAC will take primary responsibility for these items, but specific deliverables must be designed and agreed by all partners. * Ongoing enhancement of Tango, WebWisdom (and if involved the Virtual Workshop) to support the selected distance learning experiments. * A compact (1-2 week) presentation of a course involving only Syracuse and CEWES as a "shakedown" run for the delivery systems. Course topic will be decided in consultation with CEWES management, but a basic web technology course is anticipated. (by August 1997) * Once technical glitches are worked out, one more compact (1-2 week) course should be presented, possibly at one of the HBCUs rather than at CEWES. (by December 1997) * Once technical details are ironed out, Syracuse will coordinate with CEWES management and HBCU faculty to plan a set of distance learning experiments to be carried out during the remainder of the year and continuing into subsequent years. (by December 1997) * Once HBCU implementation starts, we suggest several different approaches could be tried with perhaps the different universities choosing to try out different learning models. Important issues to explore include: o Tradeoffs between synchronous and asynchronous delivery o Role of professors at "client" site (i.e. HBCU) could vary from traditional synchronous deliverer to being a mentor for students with remote University (e.g. NPAC) delivering material. o "Train the trainers" (i.e. professors at HBCU) versus "Train the Students" implementation. o Importance of the exploratory aspect of learning which is naturally supported by Web-based approach. * Regular semester-length courses to be offered at HBCUs starting January 1998. * While the ultimate goal of distance education is to minimize the need for face-to-face student-instructor contact, the nature of this project is such that we consider it advisable to make somewhat more on-site visits than we would expect in the long term. For the compact courses, we plan 1 day at the beginning of the course and one day at the end for followup. For the semester-length courses, we plan for trips of 1-2 day duration at the beginning, middle, and end of the course. Additional Requirements These items are considered critical to the success of this project, but while NPAC hopes to play a significant role in the decision-making process, they would seem ultimately to be the primary responsibility of our partners. * Installation of appropriate networked multimedia PC's at HBCU's in full classroom configurations (at least 24(12) machines with one(two) students per node). Smaller clusters with identical base hardware should be present at CEWES, NPAC and other relevant places. These systems should be linked by high speed networks supporting interactive video conferencing as well as multicast of educational videos served from a digital video server. * Hiring of a "Network Training Lead" by Jackson State University