NAME - qsub - submit an NQS batch request.
SYNOPSIS - qsub [ flags ] [ script-file ]
DESCRIPTION - Qsub submits a batch request to the Network Queueing System (NQS).
What follows is a terse definition of the flags implemented by the Qsub command
-a - run request after stated time
-bb - broadcast message when the request begins execution
-be - broadcast message when the request ends execution
-d - delete the script file after spooled
-e - direct stderr output to stated destination
-eo - direct stderr output to the stdout destination
-h - print short synopsis of switches
-ke - keep stderr output on the execution machine
-ko - keep stdout output on the execution machine
-lc - establish per-process corefile size limit
-ld - establish per-process data-segment size limits
-lf - establish per-process permanent-file size limits
-lF - establish per-request permanent-file space limits
-lm - establish per-process memory size limits
-lM - establish per-request memory space limits
-ln - establish per-process nice execution value limit
-ls - establish per-process stack-segment size limits
-lt - establish per-process CPU time limits
-lT - establish per-request CPU time limits
-lv - establish per-process temporary-file size limits
-lV - establish per-request temporary-file space limits
-lw - establish per-process working set limit
-mb - send mail when the request begins execution
-me - send mail when the request ends execution
-mr - send mail when the request is restarted
-mt - send mail when the request is transferred to the execution
-mu - send mail for the request to the stated user
-nr - declare that batch request is not restartable
-o - direct stdout output to the stated destination
-p - specify intra-queue request priority
-q - queue request in the stated queue
-r - assign stated request name to the request
-re - remotely access the stderr output file
-ro - remotely access the stdout output file
-rs - specify that a request is restartable
-s - specify shell to interpret the batch request script
-v - print the current Qsub version number
-x - export all environment variables with request
-z - submit the request silently
Here is an example of the use of embedded flags within the script file.
# Batch request script example:
# QSUB -a "11:30pm EDT" -lt "21:10, 20:00"
# Run request after 11:30 EDT by default,
# and set a maximum per-process CPU time
# limit of 21 minutes and ten seconds.
# Send a warning signal when any process
# of the running batch request consumes
# more than 20 minutes of CPU time.
# QSUB -lT 1:45:00
# Set a maximum per-request CPU time limit
# of one hour, and 45 minutes. (The
# implementation of CPU time limits is
# completely dependent upon the UNIX
# implementation at the execution
# machine.)
# QSUB -mb -me # Send mail at beginning and end of
# request execution.
# QSUB -q batch1 # Queue request to queue: batch1 by
# default.
# QSUB # No
more embedded flags.
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