DRAFT, January 16, 1998

PET Strategic Plan for Visualization: Roadmap

This plan addresses the current and projected visualization capabilities required by DoD researchers. It concentrates on issues at the heart of the academic component of the PET program, namely identifying emerging technologies that can enhance the computing abilities of the MSRC researcher and providing for technology transfer. Three timelines are provided, reflecting the interplay between new technologies, evolving user needs, and PET efforts to address DoD needs through new technology. MSRC infrastructure issues, staffing issues, and day-to-day operations related to well-understood visualization activities are not discussed here.


Provide a set of resources and the accompanying training to enable local and remote MSRC researchers to fully utilize interactive 3D visualization for exploring and analyzing large collections of simulation results and/or field observations.

Solution Strategy

PET will reach this goal by drawing from the commercial sector, government labs, and academic efforts. Visualization personnel

DoD Researcher Needs

PET will periodically extend its initial assessment of visualization needs, since researcher needs and interests will evolve as new technologies present new opportunities.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Researchers request: visualization of very large data sets, real-time monitoring and/or interactive steering, and remote access to visualization capabilities

Researcher interest in collaborative visualization increases

ImmersaDesks at MSRC's promote researcher curiosity about VR for data analysis and multimodal interfaces

As MSRC vector machines fade and codes are reimplemented for new architectures, need for interactive computing and debugging increases??

Adaptive mesh techniques demand new visual representations

DREN connectivity increases user interest in collaborative visual data analysis

Low-cost desktop graphics promotes researcher demand for Windows-based visualization tools and desktop VR

Interoperable, multidisciplinary, and coupled codes heighten researcher needs for interactive steering and for effective visual representations

Emerging Technology

More detail is available here .
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Co-processing environments emerge

ImmersaDesk's widely available

Collaboration middleware available

Cross-platform visualization libraries become available

MSRCs connected by DREN

Lower-cost desktop graphics, including PC accelerator cards become available

Force-feedback devices emerge from research labs to market

Distributed Centers connected by DREN

Integrated "visual supercomputing" architectures available

Traditional graphics vendors all market low-cost, Windows-based machines

Speech-driven user interfaces are possible

Automated grid generation improves

Adaptive mesh techniques gain popularity

Low-cost, Windows-based, desktop VR is possible

Multidisciplinary codes are coupled

Multidisciplinary, coupled codes see increasing use

PET Efforts, current and projected

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Educate users about current vis packages (AVS, EnSight)

"Pioneer" use of ImmersaDesk for data analysis

Demonstrate collaborative vis over DREN/vBNS

Build Web-based training module in ImmersaDesk programming

Experiment with coprocessing environments

Develop cross-platform vis tools

Identify strategies for supporting remote users

Prototype collaborative vis software

Demonstrate multimodal (force-feedback) interface

Train in emerging vis software

Track possibilities for PC-based visualization

Demonstrate IMT visualization application

Evaluate coprocessing environments

Extend visualization capabilities of coprocessing environments

Identify strategies for data management of very large data sets

Define user requirements for collaborative visualization

Demonstrate multimodal (speech-driven) interfaces

Utilize "visual supercomputing" architecture for mega-run simulation

Deploy collaborative visualization environment

Deploy strategies for data management and interpretation of very large data sets

Enhance collaborative visualization environment

Last modified: January 16, 1998