ACM 1999 Java Grande Workshop

The workshop will be held in the B-1 Auditorium of the Computer Science
Department (Gates Hall), on the Stanford University Campus. ?????
The dinners ????? (Sat. 6/12 and
Sun. 6/13 at 7pm) will be at the Holiday Inn, 625 El Camino, Palo Alto,
within walking distance of the campus.
Saturday, June 12, 1998
8:30am - 8:35am: Welcome - Klaus Schauser and Marc Snir
8:35am - 9:15am: Invited Talk
9:15am - 10:30am: Session (1)
The Gateway System: Uniform Web Based Access to Remote Resources
Tomasz Haubt, Erol Akarsu, Geoffrey Fox, Alexey Kalinichenko, Kang-Seok
Kim, Praveen Sheethalnath and Choon-Han Youn
NPAC at Syracuse University
Wide-area Parallel Computing in Java
Rob van Nieuwpoort, Jason Maassen, Henri E. Bal, Thilo Kielmann and
Ronald Veldema
Vrije University
Ajents: An Object-Oriented Java Environment for Distributed, Parallel
and Mobile Applications
Matthew Izatt, Patrick Chan and Tim Brecht
York University and University of Waterloo
10:30am - 11:00am: Coffee Break
11:00am - 12:15am: Session (2)
Practical Guideline for Boosting Java Server Performance
Reinhard Klemm
Bell Laboratories
Performance Limitations of the Java Core Libraries
Allan Heydon and Marc Najork
Compaq Systems Research Center
Performance Measurement of Dynamically Compiled Java Executions
Tia Newhall and Barton P. Miller
University of Wisconsin Madison
12:15am - 1:30pm: Lunch
1:30pm - 2:45pm: Session (3)
Interfacing Java with the Virtual Interface Architecture
Chi-Chao Chang and Thorsten von Eicken
Cornell University
Design Issues for Efficient Implementation of MPI in Java
Glenn Judd, Mark Clement, Quinn Snell and Vladimir Getov
Brigham Young University and University of Westminster
Oject Serialization for Marshalling Data in a Java Interface to MPI
Bryan Carpenter, Geoffrey Fox, Sung Hoon Ko and Sang Lim
NPAC at Syracuse University
2:45am - 3:15am: Coffee Break
3:15pm - 4:30pm: Session (4)
A More Efficient RMI for Java
Christian Nester, Michael Philippsen and Bernhard Haumacher
University of Karlsruhe
Transparent Communication for Distributed Objects in Java
Michael Hicks, Suresh Jagannathan, Richard Kelsey, Jonathan T. Moore
and Christian Ungureanu
NEC Research Institute and University of Pennsylvania
Javelin++: Scalability Issues in Global Computing
Sean P. Brydon, Paul Kmiec, Michael O. Neary, Sami Rollins and Peter
University of California, Santa Barbara
4:30pm - 6:30pm: Poster Session
7:00pm: Dinner (Sponsored by IBM and ????)
Sunday, June 13, 1998
8:30am - 9:15am: Invited Talk
9:15am - 10:30am: Session (5)
Fixing the Java Memory Model
William Pugh
University of Maryland, College Park
A Tale of Two Directories: Implementing Distributed Shared Objects in
Maurice P. Herlihy and Michael P. Warres
Brown University
Efficient Support for Complex Numbers in Java
Peng Wu, Sam Midkiff, Jose Moreira and Manish Gupta
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and IBM T.J. Watson Research
10:30am - 11:00am: Coffee Break
11:00am - 12:15am: Session (6)
Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Optimizations in a Just-In-Time
Kazuaki Ishizaki, Motohiro Kawahito, Toshiaki Yasue, Mikio Takeuchi,
Takeshi Ogasawara, Toshio Suganuma, Tamiya Onodera, Hideaki Komatsu and
Toshio Nakatani
IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory
The Jalapeno Dynamic Optimizing Compiler for Java
Michael G. Burke, Jong-Deok Choi, Stephen Fink, David Grove, Michael
Hind, Vivek Sarkar, Mauricio J. Serrano, V. C. Sreedhar, Harini Srinivasan
and John Whaley
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and MIT
Java Annotation-aware Just-in-Time (AJIT) Compilation System
Ana Azevedo, Alex Nicolau and Joe Hummel
University of California, Irvine and University of Illinois, Chicago
12:15am - 1:30pm: Lunch
1:30pm - 2:20pm: Session (7)
Analysis and Development of Java Grande Benchmarks
J. A. Mathew, P. D. Coddington and K. A. Hawick
University of Adelaide
A Methodology for Benchmarking Java Grande Applications
J. M. Bull, L. A. Smith, M. D. Westhead, D. S. Henty and R. A. Davey
The University of Edinburgh
2:20am - 3:00pm: Coffee Break
3:00pm - 5:30pm: Java Grande Panel - Chair Geoffrey Fox
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