C445 Just one report here! ================================================================================ Referee Report Complex Numbers for Java by Michael Philippsen and Edwin Gunther I. General Comments This is a solid contribution to the development of scientific computing capabilities in Java. The techniques presented should be of wide interest. Some elements of the presentation could be improved. I recommend acceptance after a revision. II. Specific Comments a. Page 3, Section 3.1 Change "... fields are no new keywords" to "... fields are not new keywords". b. Sections 3.2 and 3.3 are unintelligible unless one is very familiar with the gj system. These should be rewritten to not have this dependency. An appendix that relates this work to gj would be OK, or a little more of an introduction to gj would be better. c. Page 6, after bullet titled "Plain identifier" "mangeled" is a misspelling d. Page 6, in bullet "Selection" The description of the down-arrow superscript was lost on me on first reading. This is something fairly subtle, but quite important. Perhaps an example would help. e. Page 7, in bullet titled "Division" Change "For brevity, none" to "For brevity, neither" f. Page 8, first sentence I'm confused. You claim that when both real and complex parts are stored together in a single double-sized array that there must be two boundary checks performed. I am confused by this. I would think that only one check need be performed in this case. Two boundary checks are necessary when there are two separate arrays. g. Page 8, sections titled "Array access as left hand side ..." and "Array access" By this point my head began to hurt. I had a hard time disciphering the formal notation. An example would help. Actually, examples would help in understanding all of these. h. Page 10, section 5.1 You refer to a benchmark on "Microstrip calculations". It is necessary to describe what this application is about and what its key numerical kernels correspond to.