Paper Number: C465 Paper Title: The Software Architecture of a Distribute PSE Author(s): D.W. Walker, et al Referee: Mark Baker Address: c/o University of Portsmouth, Mercantile House, Portsmouth, PO1 2EG email: Signature: Referee Recommendations: 1) Publish as is... XXXX 2) Accept provided changes suggested are made 3) reject E: Referee's Comments (For Editor Only) - Paper number: C465 This is an excellent paper that provides a well-written introduction and description of a prototype distributed PSE. F: Referee's Comments (For Author and Editor) - Paper Number: C465 This is an excellent paper that provides a well-written introduction and description of a prototype distributed PSE. I have a few minor comments: o It may be worth considering adding some thoughts on PSE security, FT, QoS in the discussion and summary section. o Page 3, point 7, change “its input and machine, communication…” to “its, input, machine, communication…” o Page 3, section 2.1, paragraph starting “There are several ways”. I would suggest that you change “compiled for a target architecture” to “prepared for a…” o Page 5, paragraph 2, swap “also can” for “can also” o Page 12, paragraph 1, “vetoable” is there such a word? o Page 12, paragraph 2, last sentence, should be “A simple…” o Page 12, paragraph starting, “The script…” probably reads better with “specify what method” rather than “specify the method”! o Page 14, section 3.1, first paragraph, change “ie” to “i.e.,” o Page 19, section 4.5, first paragraph, “pre-existing”, why not just “existing”? o Page 19, section 4.5, first paragraph, change “that possess” to “that often possess” – not all legacy codes are as stated. o Page 19, section 4.5, first paragraph, I suggest you list the points on individual lines. o Page 21, section 5.3.1 first paragraph, surely the Java IDL is not a CORBA ORB! It is a CORBA compliant IDL! o Some words about how you debug and profile applications via the PSE would probably be a good idea.