Subject: C432 JGSI Review Resent-Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 08:24:10 -0400 Resent-From: Geoffrey Fox Resent-To: Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 14:12:26 -0400 From: Tomasz Haupt To: Geoffrey Fox a) publish b) This is a nicley written paper, with a rich bibliography setting the paper well in the context of related research. The general idea of agent based computations, although not entirely new, and thanks to Java more feasible than ever, is very interesting and worth pursuing. The authors describe a pilot implementation of such a system, and present some benchmark results based on two simple applications. The results are very encouraging. I have two general comments on the paper (which does not affect the high quality of the paper). 1. We need a better understanding of what does "global computing" actually mean. We do not want to make a false promise of free CPU form the Internet. What is the mechanism to participate in the computation, for example, providing resources? I know, the technology is (almost) there: SSL, Kerberos. Globus faces the same problem. Potential users (site administrators) ask the question: "how I will be credited for CPU I provide (while making resouces available to the Grid)?". What are the authenication/authorization policies? How to protect the CPU provider against an abuse? The technology is there, but what is the model of use? I realize that the authors concentrated on providing a proof of concept implementation. That's fine. But in the feature, these question will have to be answered. Note, that the pull model is much easier to understand (as far as security is concerned). Also, the agent based computation may become very useful for "private" clusters or "intranets", where the security is not an issue. So I would tend to see "global computing", for practical purposes, as intranet computing. 2. What is the cost of retargetting of a legacy application to the traveller environment? It is my understanding that it requires to rewrite the codes. And even though the net number of new lines to be inserted is really small, it is a major effort to examine the algorithm of the application in hand to make it right. I believe, that this model is better suited for a course grain, task parallel distrubuted computation that shares data only through input and output. There is one misspelling (p.8, UnicastRemoeObject - should be UnicastRemoteObject, and a minor flaw in fig 4 (msec). Fig 2 and 3, I guess originally in color, can be slightly improved: the blob representing the client is so dark, that it is virtually impossible to read the label of it. c) none