Subject: C423 JGSI Review Resent-Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 23:17:51 -0400 Resent-From: Geoffrey Fox Resent-To: Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 22:52:25 -0700 From: (Allan Heydon) To: Geoffrey Fox CC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Overall Recommendation: Accept ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Overall, I think this is a very good paper. Even though it has not been through the initial round of reviewing that the other Java '99 papers have, I would definitely recommend it for inclusion in the Java Grande issue of "Concurrency: Practice and Experience". I like the fact that the paper discusses both the strengths and weaknesses of the Jaguar approach. I do think, however, that some of the strengths are over-stated (see comments below). Comments on Content ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. The thing that bothered me most about the paper were the claims that the Jaguar approach is inherently safer than using JNI. These claims are repeated throughout the paper: in the introduction, in section 2.2, in section 3.1, and again in section 3.4. Although I understand that the Jaguar philosophy is to write short, straight- line machine code in the unsafe code mappings, as far as I can tell there is nothing to prevent someone from adopting the same approach using JNI (of course, the JNI approach has serious performance problems, but those concerns are orthogonal to the issue of safety). And it is probably easier to shoot one's self in the foot with x86 assembly code than it is with C code. I think the claims of Jaguar's inherent safety should be toned down substantially. At the very least, they should not be repeated so many times. The strong performance arguments and benchmark results presented in the paper are more than enough to convince me of Jaguar's merits. 2. In a similar vein, the authors argue in section 3.4 that the use of machine code in the code mappings is an advantage because it is so difficult to use that people will be less inclined to provide "overly complex functionality as a single Jaguar primitive". Talk about positive spin control! I think the authors should seriously consider removing that sentence from the paper. 3. In the second paragraph of section 2, the authors may also want to cite two other papers that appeared at Java Grande 99: Practical Guidelines for Boosting Java Server Performance Reinhard Klemm Performance Limitations of the Java Core Libraries Allan Heydon and Marc Najork 4. The second paragraph in section 4.2 (i.e., the paragraph that begins with "Exposing the JaguarVIA API to Java...") repeats material covered earlier in the paper; it could easily be omitted. 5. I think the example presented in section 4.2 would be a bit more understandable if the authors included just a little more of the Java source code. In particular, I think it would help to show the VIA_VI class and its TxDoorbell field (and perhaps other fields as well for completeness). Also, in the example that is shown, the return statement should appear on its own line. 6. Based on the x86 assembly code shown in Figure 4, I wonder how familiar someone must be with the JIT being used in order to write code mappings. How hard would it be for someone other than the authors to write correct code mappings? What symbolic (i.e., variable) names can the assembly code refer to? 7. How difficult would it be to actually measure the JNI performance reported in the right graph of Figure 5 rather than "simulating" it. Although your methodology for computing the estimates seems sound, it does not seem like performing the experiments should be that much work, and it would make the results much more convincing. 8. In the second paragraph of section 5.2, the authors enumerate a problem with PSOs, and then claim, "This is not as limiting as it might seem." Yet they don't really provide any basis for that claim. So far, they've only used PSOs in toy benchmark programs, so I think their claim is overstated. Comments on Presentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. The figures appear out-of-order (Figs 2 & 3 are swapped, as are Figs 8 & 9). I presume this problem will be corrected in the journal publication. 2. In the left half of Figure 5, it is very difficult to distinguish the C curve (solid) from the Jaguar one (solid with tiny dots?). 3. The titles of many papers in the bibliography contain lower-case letters that should probably be upper-case (e.g. "evm", "java", "jit", "rmi", "k", "kvm", "jpvm", etc.). Capitalization can be preserved in LaTeX bibliographies using curly braces. Also, the reference for the K virtual machine should say "Sun Microsystems Inc.", not "Inc. Sun Microsystems". 4. Pet peeve: there are many, many instances of the word "which" that should be replaced by "that". For a guide to the correct usage, see the topic on "Which-Hunting" in "A Handbook for Scholars", Mary- Claire van Leunen, Oxford University Press, 1992. 5. Typos and suggested improvements: Pg 1, col 2, line -8 (from bottom): "...through compile-time code transformation..." -> "...through a compile-time code transformation..." Pg 2, col 2, line 15: "A large number of of user level..." -> "A large number of user level..." Pg 4, col 1, line 5: "...operation of a Java compiler is..." -> "...operation of a Java just-in-time compiler is..." Pg 4, col 1, section 3.1, line 3: "...the javac bytecode compiler and..." -> "...the javac compiler and..." Pg 4, col 2, line -4: "...of both field name and type, ..." -> "...of both a field's name and type, ..." Pg 5, col 2, line -4: "..., which prohibit overloadding." -> "..., which prohibits overloadding." Pg 6, col 1, section 4, line 6: "... which enable high-bandwidth and ..." -> "... which enables high-bandwidth and ..." Pg 6, col 2, paragraph 3: "...packet buffers must be first registered ..." -> "...packet buffers must first be registered ..." Pg 7, col 2, line -19: "They are implemented as the class..." -> "They are implemented by the class..." Pg 9, col 1, line -11: "...can be thought of a Java object..." -> "...can be thought of as a Java object..." Pg 11, col 1, mid-column: "This was accomplished by..." -> "The latter was accomplished by..." Pg 12, col 1, section 6, line 9: " much the JVM and the compiler itself." -> " much as the JVM and the compiler itself." Pg 13, col 1, section 7, line 6: " a Java object in this way provides..." -> " Java objects provides..." Pg 13, col 2, Acknowledgements: Remove sentence fragment "design.". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~