Subject: C444 JGSI Review Resent-Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 23:18:09 -0400 Resent-From: Geoffrey Fox Resent-To: Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1999 11:29:36 -0400 (EDT) From: (Tia Newhall) To: C444:Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Optimizations in a Java Just-In-Time Compiler a)Overall Recommendation paper needs changes and should be re-submitted before being accepted b)Words suitable for authors This paper discusses and evaluates optimizations that can be performed by a JIT compiler for Java. Several of the author's optimization techniques improve on previous work, or propose new solutions to optimizing OO code. The problem with this paper is that the authors fail to show timing results that measure overall performance improvements that result from their optimizations. The timing measures they present, compare only times of various combinations of their optimizations. They need to add a base case with which to compare their optimizations...for each benchmark, they should measure the running time on a JIT with none of their optimizations, and then show % improvements in execution time by applying different optimizations. Some of their optimization techniques are interesting, and I suspect would result in improvements in total execution time for a least some of these benchmarks, but they never show these numbers and these measures need to be in this paper...adding compiler optimizations to a JIT will result in longer running times, they need to show that the increase in compiling time due to their optimizations is recovered in producing faster code. A secondary problem is the authors claim in the Related Work section that "Finally, nothing can outperform devirtualization with inlining". This is a strong claim with no reference supporting it. I would guess that polymorphic in-line caching will actually do better in some cases because it really can handle overridden method calls. Devirtualization only can be applied to virtual method calls that are not polymorphic at run-time. So, if their claim is true (and I think it is too strong), they need to cite a result that shows this, or demonstrate this result in this paper. minor changes: The bar graphs in figures 4-7 are unreadable. In the pdf version, each bar is colored with the same stripe pattern. As a result, there is no way to tell which bar is which in graphs that show multiple values for each benchmark. c)Words for me if necessary