Subject: More C395 to 408 Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 18:22:39 -0500 From: Geoffrey Fox Organization: Syracuse University To: CC: C395 Editorial Letter N=1 Snir DECISION OK We believe that this paper is suitable for publication in our journal and hope you can consider the comments of the referee who suggests that one would like a more integrated issue-oriented discussion. The length is also noted but we don't expect that you need consider this as critical. Given our predjudice, we would like to see some comments as to how your analysis can be used in Java MPI linkage. RESUBMITTAL DETAILS Please include a memo describing your changes so that we can evaluate your resubmission without further refereeing. _______________________________________________________________________ C397 Referee This is a sound paper which needs more practical details to be suitable for Concurrency:Practice and Experience. There is some discussion in sec 5.3 but this could surely be extended with a more interesting application than the dining philosopher case. The experience can be focussed on education if that is most appropriate. C397 Letter N=1 Fox DETAILS OK We enclose a referee report on your paper and hope you will be able to add the requested experience in using your system. RESUBMITTAL DETAILS Please include a memo describing your changes so that we can evaluate your resubmission without further refereeing. ______________________________________________________________________________ C398 Referee The authors describe an approach to load balancing a distributed cluster aimed mainly at case where jobs are rather uncorrelated. This field has attracted much attention for several years and I do not believe the existing field is well referenced in this paper. The work of Berman (Apples) is well regarded and there was even a special issue of Concuurency several years ago. I believe this paper should also be strengthened by the study of more interesting applications (matrix multiplication is not very typical) C398 Letter N=1 Fox DETAILS OK We enclose a referee report on your paper and hope you will be able to address these comments and we look forward to receiving a revised paper. RESUBMITTAL DETAILS Please include a memo describing your changes so that we can evaluate your resubmission without further refereeing. ____________________________________________________________________________ C399 Referee This is an interesting paper but this is the wrong journal. There may be enough information to implement concept but this journal should and has only published papers which contain substantial practical experience C399 Letter N=1 Fox Details NOT OK Based on our referee's report, we regret that we are unable to publish your paper. We expect that you will find a more suitable journal and we apologize for the inconvenience. _______________________________________________________________________________ C400 and C401 ACCEPT NO referee reports C404 405 407 408 to be sent out -- 2 referees each _____________________________________________________________________ C402 Referee This is an important subject but this paper does not make it clear where it makes novel contributions. Every day we read about yet another Beowulf installation or similar activity. I believe this paper can skip some of the now familiar introduction (refer to Pfister's book) and focus on essential contributions with a fairer description of others work. C402 Letter N=1 Fox DETAILS OK We enclose a referee report on your paper and hope you will be able to modify your paper accordingly. RESUBMITTAL DETAILS Please include a memo describing your changes so that we can evaluate your resubmission more easily.