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Overview of JDBC and its use with Microsoft Access

Given by Nancy McCracken(Sangetta Aggarwal, Udayan Parvate, Tom Pulikal) at ARL Database Tutorial on February 98. Foils prepared 7 October 97

JDBC provides a set of classes for Java with a standard SQL database access interface.
  • Goal is uniform access to a wide range of relational databases
Provides an API for database "drivers" to make actual connections and transactions to database products.
  • includes JDBC-ODBC bridge to standard ODBC drivers, a common interface for relational databases from C
JDBC is "low-level" interface, calling SQL commands directly but is meant to be a base for higher-level interfaces.
This talk has three sections:
  • Using JDBC in Java
  • JDBC drivers, including how to use examples at NPAC
  • MicroSoft Access and its JDBC interface

Table of Contents for Overview of JDBC and its use with Microsoft Access

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1 JDBC including Access Java - Database Connectivity Overview for ARL DoD PET Program Database Tutorial Fall 97
2 JDBC Main Features
3 Traditional Web/RDBMS access Compared to using Java
4 JDBC Software Architecture
5 Driver Access Architecture
6 JDBC API is Package java.sql
7 Driver Manager
8 Driver class creates Connection
9 SQL Statements
10 Statement Class
11 ResultSet class
12 Data from ResultSets
13 PreparedStatement class
14 CallableStatement class
15 Generalized example of getting results
16 A typical JDBC API usage sequence
17 Simple JDBC 2 Tier Applet - An Example
18 JDBC 2 Tier Applet
19 JDBC 2 Tier Applet
20 DBDiagram Example
21 More Details on JDBC Architectures
22 Driver Classification- I
23 Driver Classification - II
24 JDBC Driver API - I
25 JDBC Driver API - II
26 JDBC Driver API - III
27 Remote Database Access Current Options
28 mSQl jdbc driver for mSQl database
29 Weblogic jdbcKona driver for Oracle
30 Remote jdbc-driver features
31 PPT Slide
32 Remote jdbc Driver Client-side Description
33 Remote jdbc Driver Server-side Description - I
34 Remote jdbc Driver Server-side Description - II
35 JDBC 3 Tier Example
36 JDBC 3 Tier Example (contd.)
37 Java Servlets
38 Java Servlets (contd.)
39 Java Servlets (contd.)
40 JDBC Servlet Example
41 JDBC Servlet Example (contd.)
42 JDBC Servlet Example (contd.)
43 JDBC Servlet Example (contd.)
44 List of vendors
45 Practical Options at NPAC
46 Practical Options at NPAC contd.
47 Example - Using Imaginary's mSQL Driver
48 Example - using Imaginary's mSQL Driver -II
49 Example - Using Weblogic's Oracle Driver
50 Example - Using Weblogic's Oracle Driver -II
51 Example - Using Weblogic's Oracle Driver -III
52 Example - Using JDBC-ODBC Bridge - I
53 Example - Using JDBC-ODBC Bridge - II
54 Example - Using JDBC-ODBC Bridge -III
55 Example - usingJDBC-ODBC Bridge -IV
56 Example - usingJDBC-ODBC Bridge (contd.)
57 Microsoft Access
58 MS Access - Features (cont'd)
59 Cool Features of Access - I
60 Cool Features of Access - II
61 The Access Event Model
62 VBA class modules
63 Database Design - I
64 Database Design - II
65 Database Design - III
66 Access SQL - I
67 Access SQL - II
68 Access SQL - III
69 Access SQL - IV
70 Access Controls
71 Access Forms and Reports
72 Developing Multiuser Applications
73 Security in Access
74 Client-Server Applications
75 Web-Enabled Applications -I
76 Web-Enabled Applications -II
77 Web-Enabled Applications -III
78 Sample code for ASP files - I
79 Sample code for ASP files - II
80 Access as an Automation Client-I
81 Access as an Automation Client-II
82 Access as an Automation Client-III

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