Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 19 September 1997

Foil 70 Useful Concepts in Communication Systems

From Master Set of Foils for 1997 Session of CPS615 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Useful terms include:
Scalability: Can network be extended to very large systems? Related to wire length (synchronization and driving problems), degree (pinout)
Fault Tolerance: How easily can system bypass faulty processor, memory, switch, or link? How much of system is lost by fault?
Blocking: Some communication requests may not get through, due to conflicts caused by other requests.
Nonblocking: All communication requests succeed. Sometimes just applies as long as no two requests are for same memory cell or processor.
Latency (delay): Maximal time for nonblocked request to be transmitted.
Bandwidth: Maximal total rate (MB/sec) of system communication, or subsystem-to-subsystem communication. Sometimes determined by cutsets, which cut all communication between subsystems. Often useful in providing lower bounds on time needed for task.
Worm Hole Routing -- Intermediate switch nodes do not wait for full message but allow it to pass throuch in small packets

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