Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 2 September 1997

Foil 14 Notes on HPF Implementation of Lapace Solver

From CPS615 Laplace Example -- Programming Models and Performance CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 (1) DefInes a data world of NTOT entries
2 (2) Breaks up world into equal parts in each processor decomposed in one dimension
3 (3) Instructs that PHINEW AND PHIOLD are aligned exactly with world i.e. PHINEW(I) and PHIOLD(I) are stored in the I'th position of world
4 (4) EOSHIFT is "End-Off" SHIFT. The calls shift PHIOLD by one both to left and right. The indices take care of WORLD (1 and NTOT) being boundary values
  • EOSHIFT (and corresponding circular shift (CSHIFT) are "standard" Fortran90 array manipulation routines. They are not specific to parallel computing. We can write this statement (4) as a direct array operation.
6 (5) Forms TEST as maximum change in absolute value of j at any world location. MAXVAL is a Fortran90 intrinsic function.
7 NOTE: Any subscript n:m is an "array section" or set of indices

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