Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 2 September 1997

Foil 33 Programming with Guard Rings - Parallel

From CPS615 Laplace Example -- Programming Models and Performance CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Similarily we will not dimension PHI(4,4) but rather PHI(6,6) to hold communicated values
Now we preload PHI(1, . ), PHI ( . , 1), PHI(6, . ), PHI( . , 6) by communication and then basic "parallel" program update is identical to sequential case and one loops over x(I), y(J) with I and J in range 2 to 5
As "load imbalance" - not all processors have the same number of internal points, some differences are seen for "edge" processors with only 9 or 12 internal points

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