Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 20 October 1997

Foil 36 The 9 Fortran Phases in Runge Kutta Update

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1)XdeltaA(i) = V(i)
Xuse(i) = X(i) running over all i in Processor
2)VdeltaA(i) = MPGrav(i) involves communication
3)XdeltaB(i) = V(i) + h*VdeltaA(i)/2
Xuse(i) = X(i) +h*XdeltaA(i)/2
4)VdeltaB(i) = MPGrav(i) involves communication
5)XdeltaC(i) = V(i) + h*VdeltaB(i)/2
Xuse(i) = X(i) +h*XdeltaB(i)/2
6)VdeltaC(i) = MPGrav(i) involves communication
7)XdeltaD(i) = V(i) + h*VdeltaC(i)
Xuse(i) = X(i) +h*XdeltaC(i)
8)VdeltaD(i) = MPGrav(i) involves communication
9)X(i) becomes (X(i) + h*(XdeltaA(i)+2*XdeltaB(i)+2*XdeltaC(i)+XdeltaD(i))/6 )
V(i) becomes (V(i) + h*(VdeltaA(i)+2*VdeltaB(i)+2*VdeltaC(i)+VdeltaD(i))/6 )

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