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Scripted foilset N Body Problems using Message Parallel Approach

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science on Fall Semester 97. Foils prepared 20 October 1997
Outside Index Summary of Material

This uses the simple O(N2) Particle Dynamics Problem as a motivator to discuss solution of ordinary differential equations
We discuss Euler, Runge Kutta and predictor corrector methods
Various Message parallel O(N2) algorithms are described with performance comments
There is a related data parallel module sharing the same initial foils

Table of Contents for full HTML of N Body Problems using Message Parallel Approach

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1 CPS 615 -- Computational Science in
Simulation Track
Message Parallel Module on ODE's and Particle Dynamics
October 20, 1997

2 Abstract of Message Parallel ODE and Particle Dynamics
3 Particle (N-Body) Applications and Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE's)
4 Particle Applications - Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE's)
5 Particle Applications - the N-body problem
6 Newton's First Law -- The Gravitational Force on a Particle
7 Equations of Motion -- Newton's Second Law
8 Numerical techniques for solving ODE's
9 Second and Higher Order Equations
10 Basic Discretization of Single First Order Equation
11 Errors in numerical approximations
12 Runge-Kutta Methods: Euler's method
13 Estimate of Error in Euler's method
14 Relationship of Error to Computation
15 Example using Euler's method from the CSEP book
16 Approximate solutions at t=1,using Euler's method with different values of h
17 Runge-Kutta Methods: Modified Euler's method
18 Approximate solutions of the ODE for et at t=1, using modified Euler's method with different values of h
19 The Classical Runge-Kutta -- In Words
20 The Classical Runge-Kutta -- Formally
21 The Classical Runge-Kutta Pictorially
22 Predictor / Corrector Methods
23 Definition of Multi-step methods
24 Features of Multi-Step Methods
25 Comparison of Explicit and Implicit Methods
26 Solving the N-body equations of motion
27 Representing the Message Parallel N-Body problem
28 Form of the Computation -- Message Parallel
29 Summary of Parallel N-Body Programming Methods and Algorithms
30 Status of Parallelism in Various N Body Cases
31 Other N-Body Like Problems - I
32 Other N-Body Like Problems - II
33 Essential Structure of Message Parallel O(N2) Algorithm - I
34 Essential Structure of Message Parallel O(N2) Algorithm - II
35 Structure of Runge Kutta Phases
36 The 9 Fortran Phases in Runge Kutta Update
37 Features of Message Parallel Computation
38 Message Parallel Force Computation MPGrav
39 Very Bad Naive Message Parallel Algorithm
40 Features of Very Bad Naive Message Parallel Algorithm
41 Much Better Message Parallel Algorithm
42 Blocking of Messages
43 Compilers, Caches and Data Locality
44 Communication and Computation Complexity
45 N-body Problem is a one dimensional Algorithm
46 Factor of Two in the Parallel O(N2) Algorithm
47 Best Message Parallel N Body Algorithm - I
48 Best Message Parallel N Body Algorithm - II
49 Choice of Place to Compute Fi,j
50 The Two Basic Distributions in HPF
51 The Example of Matrix Inversion
52 Example of Graphics Rendering
53 Final Remarks on Best Algorithm
54 Better Data Parallel Pipeline Algorithm for Computation of Accelerations,
taking 1/2 the time for iterations over force computation

55 Pipeline Algorithm in detail
56 Basic Message Parallel pipeline operation
57 Examples of Message Parallel Pipeline Algorithm
58 Notes and References

Outside Index Summary of Material

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Foil 1 CPS 615 -- Computational Science in
Simulation Track
Message Parallel Module on ODE's and Particle Dynamics
October 20, 1997

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
Full HTML Index
Nancy McCracken,
Geoffrey Fox
Syracuse University
111 College Place
Syracuse NY 13244-4100

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Foil 2 Abstract of Message Parallel ODE and Particle Dynamics

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
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This uses the simple O(N2) Particle Dynamics Problem as a motivator to discuss solution of ordinary differential equations
We discuss Euler, Runge Kutta and predictor corrector methods
Various Message parallel O(N2) algorithms are described with performance comments
There is a related data parallel module sharing the same initial foils

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Foil 3 Particle (N-Body) Applications and Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE's)

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
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Foil 4 Particle Applications - Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE's)

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Consider Models of physical systems represented as sets of particles rather than densities (fields) evolving over time
  • the solar system
  • an electrical or electonic network
  • a globular star cluster
  • the atoms in a crystal vibrating under interatomic forces
  • the molecule rotating and flexing under interatomic force
Laws of Motion are typically ordinary differential Equations
Ordinary means differentiate wrt One Variable -- typically time

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Foil 5 Particle Applications - the N-body problem

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N particles, each with a mass mi , moving with velocity Vi through 3-dimensional space
Are governed by Newton's equations of motion
Basic Kinematics

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Foil 6 Newton's First Law -- The Gravitational Force on a Particle

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Foil 7 Equations of Motion -- Newton's Second Law

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Newton's Second Law
Incorporate laws into equations of motion
Example of force law for molecular dynamics

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Foil 8 Numerical techniques for solving ODE's

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ODE's give an equation for the derivative of X with respect to time t
They can be classified (if second order) by the boundary conditions used
Initial value problems
  • Give initial value Xo for X and first derivative X'o
  • of X, X', at A
Boundary value
  • Give endpoint
  • values X o X1
  • for X
  • at A and B

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Foil 9 Second and Higher Order Equations

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Second order equations such as
can always be rewritten as a system of 2 first-order equations involving X and a new variable Y representing the first order derivative:

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Foil 10 Basic Discretization of Single First Order Equation

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For simplicity, we assume just one first-order equation, where f is the function on right hand side which depends on X and t
We can always solve this by setting up a grid of equidistant points with grid size h=(B-A)/n where n is an integer.
Starting from the initial value, we calculate positions one step at a time

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Foil 11 Errors in numerical approximations

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Two sources of error:
Computational error includes such things as roundoff error, etc. and is generally controlled by having enough significant digits in the computer arithmetic
Discretization error is the accuracy of the numerical method and has two measures:
  • Global error - difference between solution and numerical approximation at any point. Difficult or expensive to estimate.
  • Local error - difference between solution and numerical approximation over only one time step. Easier to calculate and indicates global error indirectly.

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Foil 12 Runge-Kutta Methods: Euler's method

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Euler's method is not practical, but illustrates the technique.
It involves Linear approximation to get next point

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Foil 13 Estimate of Error in Euler's method

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Use Taylor's theorem to represent Y the exact solution:

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Foil 14 Relationship of Error to Computation

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Whenever f satisfies certain smoothness conditions, there is always a sufficiently small step size h such that the difference between the real function value at ti and the approximation Xi+1 is less than some required error magnitude e. [Burden and Faires]
Euler's method: one computation of the derivative function f at each step.
Other methods require less computation in order to produce the specified error e.

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Foil 15 Example using Euler's method from the CSEP book

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Initial Value Problem with known analytical solution:
The approximation with Euler's method and h=0.25:
Calculate a few values of the approximation:

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Foil 16 Approximate solutions at t=1,using Euler's method with different values of h

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Note it will take about one million iterations to get an error of order O(10-6)
The last column shows global error is of order O(h) as expected

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Foil 17 Runge-Kutta Methods: Modified Euler's method

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Use the derivative at one time step to extrapolate the midpoint value - use midpoint derivative to extrapolate the function value at the next time step
Evaluates the derivative function twice at each time step. Global error - O(h2), second order method
Sometimes called the midpoint method

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Foil 18 Approximate solutions of the ODE for et at t=1, using modified Euler's method with different values of h

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Note global error is now O(h2) and we get an error of O(10-5) after 128 iterations which would take about 1000 more iterations for Euler's method to achieve
So Euler has roughly half the computational effort per iteration but requires the square of the number of iterations

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Foil 19 The Classical Runge-Kutta -- In Words

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Runge Kutta methods achieve better results than Euler by using intermediate computations at intermediate time values
The fourth-order rule is the favorite method as it achieves good accuracy with modest computational complexity -- the algorithm is in words:
Use derivative of first time step to get trial midpoint
Use its derivative at first time step to get second trial midpoint
Use its derivative to get a trial end point
Integrate by Simpon's Rule, using average of two midpoint estimates
Global error is fourth order

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Foil 20 The Classical Runge-Kutta -- Formally

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Foil 21 The Classical Runge-Kutta Pictorially

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Compared with Euler, Runge-Kutta has 4 times more calculation per time step, but should use fourth root as many time steps

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Foil 22 Predictor / Corrector Methods

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First, predict Xi+1 using an explicit equation, with O(hn) error, and known values.
Then correct this value by using it in an implicit equation, with O(hn+1) error.
Simple example:

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Foil 23 Definition of Multi-step methods

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The predictor/corrector methods use previous values Xi-1, Xi-2, ...... to increase accuracy p - not extra values between Xi and Xi+1 as in Runge Kutta
General form of multi-step difference equation:
Xi+1 = am-1Xi + am-2 Xi-1 + ..... + a0Xi+1-m + h(bmf(ti+1, Xi+1) + bm-1 f (ti, Xi) + .....
  • + b0f(ti+1-m, Xi+1-m)))
if coefficient of f evaluation independent on ti+1 bm=0, this is an explicit equation

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Foil 24 Features of Multi-Step Methods

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Note these are essentially interpolation formulae for if one uses information from m t values, you can fit a degree m-1 polynomial
Taylor expansion and Polynomial fitting are essentially the same thing!
Implicit Multistep Methods are gotten using backwards difference interpolating polynomials starting at ti+1. But wherever we we need f(ti+1,y(ti+1)), we use f(ti+1, X*i+1) where X*i+1is derived from the explicit predictor equation
Note that implicit formulae should be best as explicit method involves extrapolation from ti to ti+1 whereas in implicit case ti+1 is endpoint of region in which interpolation done
Extrapolation is always unreliable and to be avoided!

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Foil 25 Comparison of Explicit and Implicit Methods

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Adams-Bashforth fourth-order explicit method (4 step)
Adams-Moulton fourth order method (3 step) is an implicit Multistep method
Note coefficient of implicit method is a factor of 251/19 smaller than explicit method of same order -- this is why extrapolation is not so good!

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Foil 26 Solving the N-body equations of motion

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Introduce 3 vectors X V A for position,velocity and acceleration of particles
Numerical techniques iterate equations over time using Runge Kutta (in our detailed example) or more simply:
  • Euler's Equation which gives:
  • X(t+dt) = X(t) + h * V(t)
  • V(t+dt) = V(t) + h * Grav(X(t))
Note i labels particles not time steps

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Foil 27 Representing the Message Parallel N-Body problem

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Positions and velocities are 3 N dimensional arrays, X and V
other variables
  • M - Masses are a N dimensional array
  • h - step size
  • ns - number of time steps
subroutine for numerical method will take these arguments and update X and V.
A subroutine called MPGrav (message parallel) is assumed to compute new accelerations

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Foil 28 Form of the Computation -- Message Parallel

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Computation of numerical method is inherently iterative: at each time step, the solution depends on the immediately preceding one.
At each time step, MPGrav is called (several times as using Runge Kutta):
  • For each particle i, one must sum over the forces due to all other particles j.
  • Computation is O(N2) - there is a potential for parallel computation in either i (normal case in standard Message Parallel) or j or both.
We will use 4th order Runge Kutta to integrate in time and the program is designed an overall routine looping over time with parallelism hidden in MPGrav routines
We analyse Message Parallel version and other foils discuss Data Parallel version

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Foil 29 Summary of Parallel N-Body Programming Methods and Algorithms

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3 Parallel Programming Paradigms
  • Message Parallel (MIMD)
  • Data Parallel (HPF on MIMD and historically CMFortran on SIMD CM-2)
  • Shared Memory Parallel Fortran especially on distributed shared memory architectures such as Origin 2000
2 Important and very different Algorithms
  • Natural O(N2) which is slowest but needed in cases where objects are often very close as in dynamics of globular clusters mentioned on previous foil
  • Fast Multipole methods O(N) or O(N logN) which are getting increasing use

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Foil 30 Status of Parallelism in Various N Body Cases

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Data Parallel approach is really only useful for the simple O(N2) case and even here it is quite tricky to express algorithm so that it is
  • both space efficient and
  • captures factor of 2 savings from Newton's law of action and reaction
  • Fij = - Fji
  • We have discussed these issues in previous foils
The shared memory approach is effective for a modest number of processors in both algorithms.
  • It is only likely to scale properly for O(N2) case as the compiler will find it hard to capture clever ideas needed to make fast multipole efficient
Message Parallel approach gives you very efficient algorithms in both cases
  • O(N2) case has very low communication
  • O(NlogN) has quite low communication

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Foil 31 Other N-Body Like Problems - I

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The characteristic structure of N-body problem is an observable that depends on all pairs of entities from a set of N entities.
This structure is seen in diverse applications:
1)Look at a database of items and calculate some form of correlation between all pairs of database entries
2)This was first used in studies of measurements of a "chaotic dynamical system" with points xi which are vectors of length m
Put rij = distance between xi and xj in m dimensional space
Then probability p(rij = r) is proportional to r(d-1)
  • where d (not equal to m) is dynamical dimension of system
  • calculate by forming all the rij (for i and j running over observable points from our system -- usually a time series) and accumulating in a histogram of bins in r
  • Parallel algorithm in a nutshell: Store histograms replicated in all processors, distribute vectors equally in each processor and just pipeline xj through processors and as they pass through accumulate rij ; add histograms together at end.

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Foil 32 Other N-Body Like Problems - II

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3)Green's Function Approach to simple Partial Differential equations gives solutions as integrals of known Green's functions times "source" or "boundary" terms.
  • For the simulation of earthquakes in GEM project the source terms are strains in faults and the stresses in any fault segment are the integral over strains in all other segments
  • Compared to particle dynamics, Force law replaced by Green's function but in each case total stress/Force is sum over contributions associated with other entities in formulation
4)In the so called vortex method in CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) one models the Navier Stokes Equation as the long range interactions between entities which are the vortices
5)Chemistry (see foil 7) uses molecular dynamics and so particles are molecules but force is not Newton's laws usually but rather Van der Waals forces which are long range but fall off faster than 1/r2

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Foil 33 Essential Structure of Message Parallel O(N2) Algorithm - I

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Let MPGrav(i) return the acceleration of i'th particle which is specified by position X(i) and velocity V(i)
The kernel of algorithm increments X(i),V(i) from t to t+h using Runge-Kutta method.
This involves 4 function calls to MPGrav(i) for the four different choices of position and time needed in the Runge-Kutta method.
Let Xuse(i) be position vector used in each function call. Then we have
(time,Xuse) = (t,X) (t+h/2, X + (h/2)Dxa) (t+h/2, X + (h/2)Dxb) (t+h, X + hDxc)
where Dxa Dxb Dxc are shift vectors calculated by previous phase of Runge-Kutta method

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Foil 34 Essential Structure of Message Parallel O(N2) Algorithm - II

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Note that MPGrav(i) result depends on the array Xuse and fixed parameters such as mass
  • It happens to be independent of time and velocity although sucvh velocity and time dependent forces could be accomodated
The calculation involves an iteration over desired number of time steps increasing t by h each time.
Each time step involves 9 phases -- at each phase, one loops over all N particles (or rather over all N/Nproc particles stored in a given processor)
Some phases (4 of them) involve communication and computation; the others "just" SPMD computation.
The number of phases depends on ODE strategy used -- with the simple Euler method, there are 1 or 2 phases, depending on how one counts.

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Foil 35 Structure of Runge Kutta Phases

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Foil 36 The 9 Fortran Phases in Runge Kutta Update

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1)XdeltaA(i) = V(i)
Xuse(i) = X(i) running over all i in Processor
2)VdeltaA(i) = MPGrav(i) involves communication
3)XdeltaB(i) = V(i) + h*VdeltaA(i)/2
Xuse(i) = X(i) +h*XdeltaA(i)/2
4)VdeltaB(i) = MPGrav(i) involves communication
5)XdeltaC(i) = V(i) + h*VdeltaB(i)/2
Xuse(i) = X(i) +h*XdeltaB(i)/2
6)VdeltaC(i) = MPGrav(i) involves communication
7)XdeltaD(i) = V(i) + h*VdeltaC(i)
Xuse(i) = X(i) +h*XdeltaC(i)
8)VdeltaD(i) = MPGrav(i) involves communication
9)X(i) becomes (X(i) + h*(XdeltaA(i)+2*XdeltaB(i)+2*XdeltaC(i)+XdeltaD(i))/6 )
V(i) becomes (V(i) + h*(VdeltaA(i)+2*VdeltaB(i)+2*VdeltaC(i)+VdeltaD(i))/6 )

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Foil 37 Features of Message Parallel Computation

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This problem is classic SPMD with different phases of computing and communication which the four 4 MPGrav phases further subdividable into subphases which are compute only -- communicate only phases
We divide particles equally between processors
  • N Particles
  • Nproc Processors
  • N/Nproc particles per processor
As no "locality" in force, all particles are "equal" and it does not matter which particle is placed in which processor
Remember each of nine phases is a full loop over all particles in a given processor with local index running from 1 ... N/Nproc
We get "automatic" balanced parallel computation in steps 1) 3) 5) 9) with "embarassingly parallel" (i.e. no communication) operation

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Foil 38 Message Parallel Force Computation MPGrav

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MPGrav(i) uses Xuse(i) and mass M(i) and calculates a 3 vector force from 3 vector Xuse(i,j)
MPGrav(i) = S M(i)*M(j)*( Xuse(j)-Xuse(i))
where ri,j = | Xuse(i)-Xuse(j) | is distance between particle i and particle j
This calculation involves communication as N-Nproc of values of j (and parameters Xuse(j) M(j) ) are stored outside the processor holding the i'th processor
We describe algorithms with increasing complexity and efficiency!
Note in discussions, we are rather sloppy as to whether i,j are "local" (1...N/Nproc) or "global" (1...N) indices

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Foil 39 Very Bad Naive Message Parallel Algorithm

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For each i in each processor, set MPGrav(i) =0
We will implement a naive "owner's-compute rule" algorithm where MPGrav(i) is calculated in processor that is home to i
Now loop over over j= 1...N (j ¹ i)
When j is stored in processor holding i, increment MPGrav(i) by contribution due to j
When j stored in a different processor, communicate Xuse(j),M(j) and increment MPGrav(i)

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Foil 40 Features of Very Bad Naive Message Parallel Algorithm

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The parallelism is perfect and both communication and computation are load balanced
However messages are small (as described 4 words - a 3 vector Xuse and mass M) and
communication » 4 tcomm(for small messages)
where estimate ~15 tfloat could be higher depending on how 1/ri,j3 calculated. As involves division and square root, it is expensive if done directly. Sometimes better to calculate by table lookup but this involves slow memory access
As typically tcomm/tfloat » 10 even for quite large messages (and worse for small ones), the above estimate suggests that communication dominates ...

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Foil 41 Much Better Message Parallel Algorithm

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We can solve the small message size and poor communication/computation ratio by a simple change in algorithm which still preserves owner's compute rule.
Reverse loops over i and j so that j is outer loop and i inner loop
First for each i in processor, set MPGrav(i) = 0
Now looping over j, increment each MPGrav(i) by contribution of those j that are local to processor
Now fetch those j which are off processor and communicate as before M(j), Xuse(j)
For this j, run over all i in processor, incrementing MPGrav(i) by the contribution of this j
This version of algorithm reduces communication by a factor of the grain size n =N/Nproc
and total communication overhead is approximately
which is small for n > 100

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Foil 42 Blocking of Messages

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The algorithm as described before still has small messages but this can be addressed for both "very bad" and "much better" algorithm by "blocking" j loop so that one fetches not 1 but J values of j at a time.
This implies messages can be "arbitarily" large and user can choose J so that:
  • Messages are long enough to avoid latency (start-up) performance degradation
  • Messages are short enough so that don't use too much space in memory of each processor (otherwise choose J= N - Nproc)
See later comments on cache use and pipelining of messages for further related issues

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Foil 43 Compilers, Caches and Data Locality

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As owner's compute rule is obeyed, a good parallelizing compiler should be able to "automatically" find the "much better" algorithm as inverting loops and blocking are standard optimization strategies
Note that "much better" parallel algorithm is also correct sequential algorithm as naturally uses each j value N-1 times as j block fixed in cache and i values are cycled through
  • Now size of block J controlled by cache size and not processor memory size as in parallel case
  • Note each i value used J times, each j value N-1 times
General lesson is that amount of computation and amount of data re-use are as important as amount of communication

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Foil 44 Communication and Computation Complexity

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The O(N2) long range force algorithm has largest communication load but the smallest known form of overhead (except pleasingly parallel problems) which is proportional to 1/n where n grain size
  • Computation is even larger than communication!
Compare Laplace (general PDE) in two dimensions which has overhead proportional to 1/n1/2 in two dimensions and 1/n1/3 in 3 dimensions
Such PDE's have small (edge) communication but an algorithm with computation proportional to N not N2 each iteration
N-body problem has computation proportional to N2 and general rule is that as algorithms get either more complex or more compute intense, the relative amount of communication decreases and does NOT increase
  • complexity increases computation more than communication

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Foil 45 N-body Problem is a one dimensional Algorithm

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Not only is performance model characteristic of one dimensional problem but we also we used a one-dimension parallel decomposition
Note these one dimensional characteristics are independent of dimension of space that particles move in.
Normally d is thought of as dimension of physical space in which problem posed.
But the geometrical interpretation of d is only valid where interaction between particles is itself geometrical i.e. short range
Rather N body algorithm has no geometric structure and you see d=1 characteristic of algorithm
See Chapter 3 of Parallel Computing Works for a longer discussion of this from a "Complex Systems" point of view
Note the simple N-body problem has some interesting features
  • Very low communication/compute ratios
  • Best parallel methods violate owner computes rule -- also true in recent molecular dynamics problems with shorter range force
  • Unexpected dimension

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 20 October 1997

Foil 46 Factor of Two in the Parallel O(N2) Algorithm

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
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Symmetry of force on particles: Fij = -Fji (Newton's Law of Action and Reaction!)
  • only half need to be computed
  • Sequentially this can easily be taken into account for one just does loops with sum over particles i, and then sums for force calculation over particles j <= i and then calculate algebraic form of Fij and then accumulates -- Force on i increments by Fij and Force on j decrements by Fij
Parallel version has two issues -- firstly one cannot use "owner-computes" rule directly and secondly one must worry about load blancing
Assuming for example that processors
assigned with block distribution in
column direction.
  • To calculate the force between
  • 2 particles will take N/Nproc iterations
  • in the longest running processor

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Foil 47 Best Message Parallel N Body Algorithm - I

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
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Previous Algorithm is not as good as it looks for it has an efficiency of 50% reduced by terms of order 1/n
  • For some cases, efficiency is 100% if only want "potential" and not forces -- this is case of correlation histogram example given earlier
Degradation is because of Newton's law of action and reaction which says that
Fi,j = -Fj,i
which reduces sequential computation load by a factor of 2
This is not trivial to exploit in parallel algorithm as Fi,j and Fj,i are needed in different processors and so one MUST violate owner's compute rule to exploit
  • Thus very hard for a compiler to find the best algorithm although as in other set of data parallel foils, one can express in HPF with some difficulty
  • Most natural to express in message parallel syntax

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Foil 48 Best Message Parallel N Body Algorithm - II

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
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Introduce a new array MPGrav_travel(i) which will travel through the array picking up the symmetrically generated terms
First in each processor, initialize both MPGrav(i) and MPGrav_travel(i) to zero
Now we as before have a an outer loop over j which in practice will be blocked into J items for message size issues
  • This time communicate in block Xuse(j) M(j) and MPGrav_travel(j)
Now loop over each i in each processor and have some flag to decide whether or not Fi,j is to be calculated in Home of i or Home of j
if( Fi,j is to be computed in home of i) Then
find Fi,j and use it to increment MPGrav(i) with Fi,j and
Increment MPGrav_travel(j) with Fj,i = - Fi,j

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Foil 49 Choice of Place to Compute Fi,j

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
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We need a criterion for deciding where to compute Fi,j so that for EACH j block, there is an equal of computation in each processor
If the criterion is calculate in Home of i if i<j (natural sequential choice), then this is NOT load balanced for a one dimensional block decomposition as amount of work decreases as i increases and one gets to later numbered processors
However one can use a cyclic or scattered decomposition (and "interaction criterion" i<j ) as then each processor has particles distributed throughout array
  • This is typical of load balancing triangular matrix algorithms such as Gaussian elimination
Note that this "best" algorithm halves computation and "doubles" communication as one is transferring twice as much information (7 not 4 items for each j)

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Foil 50 The Two Basic Distributions in HPF

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
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We used BLOCK in the Laplace equation example and so this is appropriate distribution for "local" or geometric type problems
CYCLIC is called scattered in our early work (or is a special case of scattered which is perhaps random distribution of objects on processors) is appropriate in cases where "load-balancing" is more important than locality
  • Simplest examples are matrix inversion and graphics rendering problems
  • In solving equations (we will do later) Ax=b , there is no "nearest neighbor" structure between rows and columns, but rather one eliminates rows and columns and cyclic distribution ensures work remains balanced
  • In calculating pixels, work depends on complexity of picture at that pixel and so best to distribute pixels cyclically (or randomly) to processors.

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Foil 51 The Example of Matrix Inversion

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
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Matrix Inversion set up on two processors after
0 2 and 4 rows/columns eliminated
Note BLOCK decomposition leads to all work being on one processor at end even if starts off balanced

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Foil 52 Example of Graphics Rendering

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
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Here we show a 16 by 16 array of pixels with either CYCLIC or 8 by 8 two dimensional BLOCK,BLOCK

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Foil 53 Final Remarks on Best Algorithm

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
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In our description of "much better" and "best" algorithm, we assumed that one broadcasts each J block to each processor
There are some different ways of setting this up which can be more efficient on some architectures
  • Especially on classic architectures of times gone by where there different costs for different communication paths
The data parallel part of foils in fact describes the natural pipeline algorithm which rotates J blocks through processors one step at a time
This has the feature (different from previous explanation) that each processor is handling a different set of j's at a given stage in computation.

HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 20 October 1997

Foil 54 Better Data Parallel Pipeline Algorithm for Computation of Accelerations,
taking 1/2 the time for iterations over force computation

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
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Pair together the data for every particle Xi with the data for every particle Xj by iterating over a pipeline (circulating) array.

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Foil 55 Pipeline Algorithm in detail

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
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A denotes MPGrav and Ac denotes MPGrav_travel
Case when i compared to i is not needed as particles dont interact with themselves
At step k, interact particle i with particle j= 1 + mod((i+k-1),N)
Accumulate force on i due to j in fixed Ai
Accumulate negative of this as force on j due to i in circulating Acj
At the end of the algorithm, add Ai and Aci
In parallel version, Note that Ai will be calculated in "home processor for particle i but Aci will travel around the machine being accumulated in processor holding particle j
Thus this violates the owner computes rule and so this parallel algorithm must be implemented by hand -- the compiler will not find it automatically

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Foil 56 Basic Message Parallel pipeline operation

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
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First step is to Circulate(shift) one position and calculate acelerations Fij and Fji in all index positions
Shifting pipeline (N-1) times gives correct algorithm but does not save "Newton's factor of two".
Just need (N-1)/2 steps when N is odd and N/2 steps when N is even which saves factor of two.
Shift in blocks of J particles for message passing to block for good performance

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Foil 57 Examples of Message Parallel Pipeline Algorithm

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
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HTML version of Scripted Foils prepared 20 October 1997

Foil 58 Notes and References

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 97. *
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These O(N2) techniques successful on astrophysical problems of size a few thousand particles. Larger problems, such as on the scale of galaxies, do not calculate all pairs of particle interactions but use "fast multipole" and estimate force for areas of distant particles. The data structure for this technique is a Barnes-Hut tree.
Burden, Richard L. and Faires, J. Douglas, Numerical Analysis. Fourth edition, PWS-Kent Publishing Company, 1989. This is basic ODE reference
There is also ODE chapter from the CSEP book, http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/csep/ode/ode.html
Chapter 9 of Solving Problems on Concurrent Processors, Volume I does parallel O(N2) message parallel
Salmon, John K. Parallel Hierarchial N-body Methods, dissertation from Caltech, technical report SCCS-52, CRPC-90-14, 1990 is original practical fast multipole.

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