Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 27 June 97

Foil 39 VRML2 -> Java3D Transition Phase (I)

From Distributed Simulation (DIS,HLA) HPCC and the Object Web Visit to ARL Aberdeen -- June 5-6 97. by Wojtek Furmanski

VRML2 is useful for moderate complexity 3D interactive applications but not for advanced systems such as flight simulators or highly interactive computer games.
Web3D is now in a transition stage, completing a full cycle from highly specialized (SGI only) to highly standardized (Web) interfaces.
VRML started as a static scripted subset of SGI Open Inventor - a complete object-oriented (C++) high level rendering and dynamic 3D scene description system.
VRML2 added Java nodes to support interactive behavior and some VRML2 browsers (such as LiquidReality by DimensionX) restored effectively an OpenInventor-like functionality by implementing full VRML engine in Java.

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