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Java Tutorial - Summer 1997 Part 1:Introduction to Java Language

Given by Nancy J. McCracken,Geoffrey C. Fox at CEWES Tutorial, Classes SU/Jackson State on July 22-25 and Fall 97. Foils prepared 20 Sept 97

Overview including History and alpha versus production issues
Comparison of Java and Javascript
Overall Java Philosophy and Features including security etc.
And in Remaining Parts of Tutorial!!
  • Java Programming Language
  • Object Oriented and Class Structure
  • Exceptions
  • Applet Programming and Threads
  • Abstract Windowing Toolkit
  • Networking and I/O
  • Futures and HPCC Implications

Table of Contents for Java Tutorial - Summer 1997 Part 1:Introduction to Java Language

001 Java Tutorial - Fall 97
    Part 1:  Introduction to Java Language
    and Applets
002 Abstract of Java Tutorial
003 What is Java in a NutShell?
004 Architecture of Java Applets
005 Overview -- What are Java applets in detail?
006 Running a Java Applet
007 Architecture of Java Applications
008 Java Applications in a Nutshell
009 The Simplest Java Application:  Hello, World!
010 Java Applets
011 Applet Tag: Calling Applets from HTML - I
012 Applet Tag: Calling Applets from HTML - II
013 <param> Tags and Applets
014 The Simplest Java Applet:  Hello, World!
015 Displaying your applet from a Web page.
016 Overview and History of Java Development
017 History of Java Language and Team
018 History of Java Language and Team until Dec. 95
019 JDK 1.0 -- The Java Development Kit!
020 JDK 1.1 -- Java grows!
021 Java Web Servers
022 Java vs. JavaScript
023 Comparison of Java and JavaScript -- I
024 Comparison of Java and JavaScript -- II
025 Overall Java Philosophy and Features
026 Some Key Java Features
027 Java Features -- It's Simple and Familiar!
028 Java Features -- It's Object-oriented
029 Java Features -- It's  Architecture-Neutral
030 Java Features -- It's Portable
031 Java Features -- It's Somewhat Interpreted
032 Java Features -- It's Distributed
    (and can support parallel computing)
033 Java Features -- It's Robust
034 Java Features -- It's (Hopefully) Secure
035 Java Features -- High Performance
036 Java Features -- It's Multithreaded
037 Java Features -- It's Dynamic
038 Sun's Comparison of Language Features I
039 Sun's Comparison of Language Features II
040 Java Books -- I
041 Java  Books -- II
042 Java Beta Books -- III
043 Resources for the Java Programming Language

© on Sun Oct 12 1997