CORBA for Software Publication
In the CORBA model, software is published as a collection of object services, conforming to well-defined interfaces stored in repositories, implementable in a variety of programming languages, and remotely accessible from a variety of platforms and client languages.
Note that to be precise, only languages that have IDL binding/compiler support can be used directly in CORBA but their list grows and currently includes:
- C, C++, Cobol, Smalltalk, Ada, Java.
Many HPCC packages are not object-oriented but CORBA supports C to IDL bindings which allows to wrap and publish non-object software as a collection of remote objects.
- Can do Fortran similarly and Fortran90 (HPF) is even object oriented and easier
CORBA allows one to promote existing Fortran/HPF/C++/MPI etc codes to become well documented components to be used in modern object ComponentWare system
We suggest that CORBA based repackaging of NHSE HPCC libraries would broaden substantially the market acceptance of this software.
- Fits nicely with Netsolve and NEOS network-enabled servers