Given by Byeongseob Ki, Scott KLasky at NPAC Documentation on Sept 12 97. Foils prepared Sept 12 97
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Summary of Material
Scivis is a client-server (3-tier) data visualization and analysis system by taking full advantage of Java. |
The purpose of this system is provide researchers with a customizable data analysis system to aid their research. |
We also provide a collaborative framework, where the users can exchange data and their own personalized filters. |
Available via |
Contains over 29K lines of Java code (2K lines of user-definable filters). |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Byeongseob Ki |
Scott Klasky |
Scivis is a client-server (3-tier) data visualization and analysis system by taking full advantage of Java. |
The purpose of this system is provide researchers with a customizable data analysis system to aid their research. |
We also provide a collaborative framework, where the users can exchange data and their own personalized filters. |
Available via |
Contains over 29K lines of Java code (2K lines of user-definable filters). |
Backend sends data to Scivis via a socket. |
The client may be implemented in any language. We provide initial support for Java, C, C++, and Fortran90 programs to connect to the server via a function call: |
java_ser("sample_data",time,x,y,nx) |
The users can send the data to the server anywhere and any platform if the socket is supported. (Currently we have tested this on (SGI, Dec Alpha, Solaris, SP2, Linux, NT). |
Server |
Via Socket |
Isosurface has permanent connection |
Pipe data |
1. When Scivis receives a data set from a client, it creates a visualization window called GFrame1D, 2D, 3D, Vec depending on the type of data.
2. The data set is stored in class DataSet1D, 2D, 3D, Vec according to its rank.
3. Each time data of the data set is stored in classes TimeData1D, 2D, 3D, Vec.
Scivis can plot 1- and 2-dimensional data, vector data and isosurface data. Each data set is composed of several time data. |
Each data set has it's name to identify it from other data sets. The visualization window are also classified by unique names. The user has the capability of renaming each window. |
Data can be written in either ASCII or Binary into a file and can be read either format. |
We also provide a utility to read a HDF file to visualize it. |
A filter is an action which is performed on data set(s) to create new data based on this action. |
It is impossible to include analyzing features which are needed for every end users, so we allow for users to dynamically add filters to Scivis. |
E.g. Merging of data sets by point-and-click, extraction 1d data from 2d data , extraction of some portion of the data, numerical method filters such as Cubic Spline. |
We have created a repository for users to share with others. |
Each filters and manipulation over the data set and visualization windows are collaborative among collaborators. |
The users can share their filters with collaborators who do not have. Result data is sent if the connected server does not have it's filter. Otherwise it just sends a command to perform the action of the specified filter. |
The connection can be in either master/master or master/slave mode. The actions of the master are reflected on all other collaborator's windows. |
The slave users are limited to simply observing the actions of the master, although they can manipulate data which will not be seen by the master. (Individual windows can be blocked from collaboration--stealth mode.) |
Server E |
Server B |
Server A |
Server C |
Server D |
B |
E |
C |
D |
A |
connections |
Connection in master mode |
Connection in slave mode |
We allow for collaborations for up to 50 users. |
Scivis can show next and previous time data, and animate data-sets over time (1D,2D,3D,etc.) |
Each visualized plots can be outputted to postscript or GIF files. |
For 2D/3D graphs, we have designed a color-map editor. Users can customize the map by dragging the color graphs. Scivis supports RGB and HSB color models. The user can also store color maps to a file and read it later. |
Zooming and panning |
Visualization windows can be organized by window manager. |
A screen dump from a Scivis Session |