Basic HTML version of Foils prepared
Jan 8 1998
Foil 4 Video Client 1.3 Environment
Video on Demand SubSystem -- TANGO Interactive Training NPAC Training --
Dec 11 and 12 1997
Bart Winnowicz
Netscape must be properly configured:
VOD mime-types have to be associated with Video Client files
vod/nvs - set to launch vclient.exe from Video Client directory
vod/ofs - set to launch seek.exe from Video Client directory
When Netscape asks you what to do with the new mime-type:
choose "Pick app..." and "Browse..."
find your local Video Client directory
choose appropriate file (vclient.exe or seek.exe)
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,
If you have any comments about this server, send e-mail to
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on Fri Jan 9 1998