Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 8 January 98

Foil 2 Abstract of Commodity Technologies in HPCC for China

From General NPAC Foils-B starting June97(PowerPoint) Beijing and Chang Sha China -- 28 Dec 97 to 5 Jan 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 We describe some aspects of HPCC in USA and in particular the new NCSA computational alliance and the proposed petaflop initiative
2 We discuss role of commodity (Web) technologies in future high performance computing environments
3 We describe how a network of Web/CORBA/COM servers architecture can naturally support both parallel and distributed computing while
4 We describe applications to both metacomputing, and parallel computing
5 We suggest critical importance of CORBA and component based software in HPCC -- Javabeans seem very important
6 We describe role of collaboration technology in linking computers with people
7 We describe use of Java as a general coding language for scientific and engineering computation
8 This approach unifies distributed event driven simulations with classic massively parallel time stepped computations

in Table To:

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