We describe the Pragmatic Object Web (POW) model integrating Java COM and CORBA |
We present an overall architecture for a fully POW based virtual learning system including Web-linked database at its heart |
We consider applications which combine asynchronous and synchronous learning and combine education and training |
We describe Tango Collaborative Infrastructure in the above context |
We use examples from K-12, Undergraduate, Graduate and Continuing Education including special (handicapped users) education |
Can traditional universities survive this revolution or perhaps some will grow from it !? |
GeneralFoils97B General NPAC Foils-B starting June97(PowerPoint) WebWisdomNov97Master Master Set of WebWisdom Education and Training System: Distributed Objects and Collaboration PPTPennStateMaster Master Presentation on Java for Simulation and Education NPACScreenDumps97 Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects January 97- JSUFall97Master Master Set of Foils for Web Programming Course DistLearningOct97 Remarks on Distance Learning WhitePaperJune97 Set of Poster and Similar Presentatons DaytonJune97Master Master Set of Foils for Two Talks at Dayton (Multidisciplinary Applications, Tango Collaboratory) TangoApplicationsFeb97MasterMaster for TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation
GeneralFoils97B 087 001 WebWisdom An Object Web approach to Education and Training December 27,97 -- January 6,98 Beijing and Chang Sha Hunan China GeneralFoils97B 088 002 Abstract of WebWisdom Object Web for Education and Training for China
GeneralFoils97B 089 003 Some General Remarks WebWisdomNov97Master 004 004 Some Observations on Education GeneralFoils97B 090 005 Technology Opportunities in Education I GeneralFoils97B 091 006 Technology Opportunities in Education II
PPTPennStateMaster 042 007 Architecture of WebWisdom Education Delivery System WebWisdomNov97Master 012 008 Critical Tools and Services in WebWisdom NPACScreenDumps97 145 009 Collage of 7 NPAC Course Home Pages PPTPennStateMaster 044 010 WebWisdom Design Details - I JSUFall97Master 003 011 Architecture of JSU Distance Education GeneralFoils97B 105 012 Pragmatic Object Web Technology Model PPTPennStateMaster 045 013 WebWisdom Design Details - II PPTPennStateMaster 046 014 WebWisdom Design Details - III
WebWisdomNov97Master 003 015 Basic Object Web Technology Model GeneralFoils97B 092 016 Educational Glossary I GeneralFoils97B 061 017 CORBA Software Model WebWisdomNov97Master 005 018 Asynchronous and Synchronous Learning DistLearningOct97 008 019 Vendors and Projects WebWisdomNov97Master 010 020 CSC499 at Jackson State JSUFall97Master 011 021 Architecture of JSU Distance Education WebWisdomNov97Master 011 022 Next Steps in CSC499 Experiment
WhitePaperJune97 009 023 NPAC Education Projects WhitePaperJune97 010 024 K-12: Living SchoolBook http://lsb.syr.edu WhitePaperJune97 011 025 Special Education http://www.pulsar.org WhitePaperJune97 012 026 Undergraduate Education http://www.phy.syr.edu/courses/modsim.html WhitePaperJune97 013 027 Graduate Education/Continuing Education http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/wisdom/help/ http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/cps615fall96/ http://www.npac.syr.edu/education/web/ WhitePaperJune97 014 028 Industry Outreach: Syracuse Language Systems http://www.syrlang.com/
GeneralFoils97B 094 029 Educational Glossary III GeneralFoils97B 095 030 Educational Glossary IV GeneralFoils97B 104 031 Database Architecture for WebWisdom GeneralFoils97B 096 032 Educational Glossary V GeneralFoils97B 097 033 Educational Glossary VI GeneralFoils97B 098 034 Educational Glossary VII
GeneralFoils97B 099 035 Educational Glossary VIII WebWisdomNov97Master 014 036 Status of Tango Collaborative System DaytonJune97Master 019 037 TANGO Applications with their participants WebWisdomNov97Master 011 038 Next Steps in CSC499 Experiment WebWisdomNov97Master 015 039 The current Capabilities of Tango -I NPACScreenDumps97 076 040 Tango Screen: Talking Heads and White Board WebWisdomNov97Master 016 041 The current Capabilities of Tango -II WebWisdomNov97Master 017 042 The current Capabilities of Tango -III NPACScreenDumps97 077 043 Tango Screen: Physics Applets -- Cross Product, Planets and Neural Network WebWisdomNov97Master 018 044 The current Capabilities of Tango -IV NPACScreenDumps97 085 045 NPAC 3D Visible Human Room in VRML2. II NPACScreenDumps97 136 046 Collection of Shared Applications (incl 3D Visible Human) in the New Tango TangoApplicationsFeb97Master 006 047 The TANGOsim C2 Application NPACScreenDumps97 035 048 A demo of animated objects controlled by simulation engine of Tango collaborative system - III
GeneralFoils97B 100 049 Educational Glossary IX GeneralFoils97B 101 050 Educational Glossary X GeneralFoils97B 103 051 Virtual Classrooms: Televirtual Environment
WebWisdomNov97Master 013 052 Where are We Now ?
GeneralFoils97B General NPAC Foils-B starting June97(PowerPoint)87 88 89 90 91 105 92 61 94 95 104 96 97 98 99 100 101 103
WebWisdomNov97Master Master Set of WebWisdom Education and Training System: Distributed Objects and Collaboration4 12 3 5 10 11 14 11 15 16 17 18 13
PPTPennStateMaster Master Presentation on Java for Simulation and Education42 44 45 46
NPACScreenDumps97 Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects January 97-145 76 77 85 136 35
JSUFall97Master Master Set of Foils for Web Programming Course3 11
DistLearningOct97 Remarks on Distance Learning8
WhitePaperJune97 Set of Poster and Similar Presentatons9 10 11 12 13 14
DaytonJune97Master Master Set of Foils for Two Talks at Dayton (Multidisciplinary Applications, Tango Collaboratory)19
TangoApplicationsFeb97MasterMaster for TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation6
GeneralFoils97B General NPAC Foils-B starting June97(PowerPoint)61 87 88 89 90 91 92 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 103 104 105
WebWisdomNov97Master Master Set of WebWisdom Education and Training System: Distributed Objects and Collaboration3 4 5 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
PPTPennStateMaster Master Presentation on Java for Simulation and Education42 44 45 46
NPACScreenDumps97 Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects January 97-35 76 77 85 136 145
JSUFall97Master Master Set of Foils for Web Programming Course3 11
DistLearningOct97 Remarks on Distance Learning8
WhitePaperJune97 Set of Poster and Similar Presentatons9 10 11 12 13 14
DaytonJune97Master Master Set of Foils for Two Talks at Dayton (Multidisciplinary Applications, Tango Collaboratory)19
TangoApplicationsFeb97MasterMaster for TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation6