Basic HTML version of Abstract of Foils prepared 13 July 97

Abstract of JavaBeans and Visual HPCC omponentWare

From JavaBeans and Visual HPCC omponentWare Study of DoE2000 Initiative -- July 1997. by Wojtek Furmanski, Geoffrey Fox *

We proposed an evolutionary process of developing user-friendly visual component based authoring tools for HPCC by integrating the current C++ and coming Java based parallel object technologies via CORBA with the JavaBeans based visual component technologies.
Our proposed process starts from the existing parallel C++ object libraries and provides HP-ORBlet based interoperability with Java.
Next, the CORBA/Enterprise Beans based server/backend side component technologies are incorporated in the Java server and adapted to the HPCC needs within the emergent Java Frameworks for Computing.
Finally, the BeanBox based front-end visual tools provided by the industry are being linked via client-side ORBlets with the tier-2+3 components to offer visual authoring of HP-Components and HPCC applications.
Examples are given from DoE HPCC Technologies

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