Given by Nancy McCracken at ARL Database Tutorial and CPS616 on February 98. Foils prepared 3 Feb 98
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Summary of Material
Java RMI allows the programming of distributed applications across the Internet. One Java application or applet (the client in this context) can call the methods of an instance, or object, of a class of a Java application (the server in this context) running on another host machine. |
An example of Distributed Object Programming - similar to CORBA, except that CORBA allows the remote objects to be programmed in other languages.
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Summary of Material
Nancy McCracken |
Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse NY 13244-4100 |
Java RMI allows the programming of distributed applications across the Internet. One Java application or applet (the client in this context) can call the methods of an instance, or object, of a class of a Java application (the server in this context) running on another host machine. |
An example of Distributed Object Programming - similar to CORBA, except that CORBA allows the remote objects to be programmed in other languages.
Java RMI adds a number of classes to the Java language. The basic intent is to make a call to a remote method look and behave the same as local ones. |
Classes are added for
Local Machine |
Remote Machine |
Local Java |
local method |
Remote Java |
remote method |
The architecture of a method call from the client to a method on the server. |
Client |
Server |
Stubs |
Remote Reference |
Skeletons |
Remote Reference |
Transport |
To call a method on a remote machine, a surrogate method is set up for you on the local machine, called the stub. |
It packages the parameters, resolving local references. This is called marshalling the parameters:
The stub builds an information block with
Stubs will also "unmarshall" return values after the call and receive RemoteExceptions. It will throw the exceptions in the local space. |
On the server side, a skeleton object receives the packet of information from the client stub and manages the call to the actual method:
The transport layer handles all the network issues.
The goal is for local and remote objects to be semantically the same. |
For Java, an important issue is garbage collection, which automatically deallocates memory for local objects. Remote objects are also garbage collected as follows:
One difference between local and remote method calls is that objects are passed to local method calls effectively by reference, whereas they are copied via the serialization technique to pass to remote method calls. |
In setting up an RMI client and server, the starting point is the interface. This interface gives specifications of all the methods which reside on the server and are available to be called by the client. |
This interface is a subclass of the Remote interface in the Java rmi package, and must available to the compiler on both the client and server. |
Example: A server whose object will have one method, sayHello(), which can be called by the client: public interface Hello extends java.rmi.Remote { String sayHello() throws java.rmi.RemoteException; } |
All remote servers are a subclass of the class UnicastRemoteObject in the rmi.server package. Extending this class means that it will be a (nonreplicated) remote object that is set up to use the default socket-based transport layer for communication. |
This is the inheritance diagram of the server classes: |
Beginning of example HelloImpl class: import java.rmi.*; import java.rmi.server.*; public class HelloImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements Hello |
Object |
Remote Object |
RemoteStub |
RemoteServer |
UnicastRemoteObject |
Remote interface |
Creating an instance of this class calls the constructor in the same way as for a normal local class. The constructor initializes instance variables of the class. |
In this case, we also call the constructor of the parent class by using the keyword "super". This call starts the server of the unicastremoteobject listening for requests on the incoming socket. Note that an implementation class must always be prepared to throw an exception if communication resources are not available. private String name; //instance variable public HelloImpl (String s) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { super(); name = s; } |
The implementation class must provide a method for each method name specified in the Remote interface. (Other methods may also be given, but they will only be available locally from other server classes.) |
Note that any objects to be passed as parameters or returned as values must implement the interface. Most of the core Java classes in java.lang and java.util, such as String, are serializable. public String sayHello() throws RemoteException { return "Hello, World! From" + name; } |
This method will call the constructor of the class to create an instance. |
It will also install a security manager to make sure that any calls initiated by a remote client will not perform any "sensitive" operations, such as loading local classes. public static void main (String args [ ]) { System.setSecurityManager (new RMISecurityManager()); try { HelloImpl obj = new HelloImpl("HelloServer"); . . . // name registry code goes here } catch (Exception e) { . . . } // code to print exception message } |
The rmi registry is another server running on the remote machine - all RMI servers can register names with an object by calling the rebind method. |
The name given to rebind should be a string of the form: Naming.rebind("//osprey7:1099/HelloServer", obj); where the machine name can default to the current host the port number can default to the default registry port, 1099 |
For large distributed applications using RMI, a design goal is to minimize the number of names in the registry. The client can obtain the name of one remote object from the registry, and other remote objects from that rmi server can be returned as values to the client. This is called "bootstrapping". |
Example call to rebind for the main method in HelloImpl: Naming.rebind("HelloServer", obj); |
Look at full example and |
The client must also have a security manager. Applets already have one; applications will make the same call to System.setSecurityManager as the server did. |
The client will look up the server name in the name registry, obtaining a reference to the remote object: String url="rmi://"; Hello obj = (Hello) Naming.lookup(url + "HelloServer"); |
Then the client can call any method in the interface to this server: obj.sayHello(); |
Look at Hello.html and |
1. Compile the java code. |
2. Place the interface class extending Remote on the server and the client. |
3. Place the implementation class extending RemoteObject on the server. |
4. Generate stubs and skeletons on the server by running the program rmic. Copy the stubs to the client. |
5. Start the name registry server on the rmi server machine. |
6. Start the program that creates and registers objects of the implementation class on the rmi server machine. |
7. Run the client program. |
For more details, see the RMI tutorial at |