Java versus JavaScript versus HTML issues |
Some simple motivating JavaScript examples |
Language features and syntax |
JavaScript's object model Ń methods and properties |
Arrays (old and new) in JavaScript |
Method arguments |
with and other object-related syntax |
Built-in objects: Array, Date, Math, Object, String |
Navigator objects: window, document, location, etc. |
Property arrays: frames, anchors, forms, images, etc. |
Event handling including Function object |
Cookies |
User objects and Examples including using JavaScript for frames |
001 UC Certificate Program Summer 1997 Web Technologies and Software Products Module on JavaScript 002 Abstract of CPS616 JavaScript Presentation 003 General Remarks on JavaScript - I 004 General Remarks on JavaScript - II 005 Java / JavaScript Structure 006 Performance Issues 007 We need to know HTML! 008 JavaScript "Hello World" Example - I 009 JavaScript "Hello World" Example - II 010 JavaScript Form Example - I 011 JavaScript Form Example - II 012 Dynamic HTML 013 LiveWire -- Netscape's Approach to CGI 014 <SCRIPT> Tag Attributes - I 015 <SCRIPT> Tag Attributes - II 016 JavaScript URLs 017 Embedded Variables 018 JavaScript versus Java - I 019 JavaScript versus Java - II 020 JavaScript Values, Names, etc. 021 JavaScript Expressions - I 022 JavaScript Expressions - II 023 JavaScript Control Structures 024 JavaScript Object Model - I 025 JavaScript Object Model - II 026 Example of a JavaScript Function 027 User-defined Objects - I 028 User-defined Objects - II 029 The with Statement 030 The for-loop Revisited 031 Arrays in JavaScript - I 032 Arrays in JavaScript - II 033 Arrays in JavaScript - III 034 The arguments Array 035 The Keyword this 036 Numeric Parsing Functions 037 The eval Function 038 JavaScript Objects 039 Math and Number Objects 040 JavaScript String Objects - I 041 JavaScript String Methods - I 042 JavaScript String Objects - II 043 JavaScript String Methods - II 044 JavaScript Date Objects 045 The Object/Property Hierarchy 046 The Confused Window Labelling Scheme 047 The Window Hierarchy Pictorially 048 Creating New Windows 049 Role of Frames in JavaScript 050 Basic Frame Example 051 Basic Frame Rules 052 Use of Dummy Frames in JavaScript 053 General Syntax of <FRAMESET> Tag 054 General Syntax of <FRAME> tag 055 Event Handlers in JavaScript - I 056 Event Handlers in JavaScript - II 057 Event Handlers in JavaScript - III 058 Event Handlers in JavaScript - IV 059 The Function Object and Event Handlers 060 JavaScript Form Example 061 JavaScript Link Example 062 Structure of Index-Mainframe Example 063 Timeout methods 064 Timeout Example - I 065 Timeout Example - II 066 More on Document Objects -- Image 067 The Asynchronous JavaScript/Browser 068 prototype Property 069 Cookies and "Hidden" Fields 070 Cookies Files on the Client 071 Specification of a Cookie - I 072 Specification of a Cookie - II 073 Use of Cookies in Server Program 074 Use of Cookies in Client Program 075 TAINTING! Security in JavaScript 076 LiveConnect Java to JavaScript - I 077 LiveConnect Java to JavaScript - II 078 Dynamic Forms in JavaScript - I 079 Dynamic Forms in JavaScript - II 080 Dynamic Forms in JavaScript - III 081 Dynamic Forms in JavaScript - IV