Overview of Computational Science
HPCC Technology and Applications
Draft (February 1998)
Created by the Northeast Parallel
Architectures Center at Syracuse University
with support from the CEWES
MSRC Programming Environment and Training (PET) Program
Copyright 1998 by Syracuse University
CPS 615 -- Computational
Science for Simulation Applications
Lectures from CPS 615 and other course in Syracuse University's Computational
Science Curriculum. This course is designed to teach the basic tools from
mathematics and computer science that are needed to give computational
solutions to scientific and engineering problems. As taught by Prof.
Geoffrey C. Fox in Fall 1997 and previous offerings. Includes 33 foil sets
containing more than 1900 foils.
Parallel Computing Works!
by Geoffrey C. Fox, Roy D. Williams, and Paul C. Messina
This book describes work done at the Caltech Concurrent Computation Program,
Pasadena, California. This project ended in 1990 but the work has been
updated in key areas until early 1994. The book also contains links to
some current projects.
Designing and Building Parallel
Programs: Concepts and Tools for Parallel Software Engineering
by Ian Foster
Designing and Building Parallel Programs is a book for students and professionals
who need to know how to write parallel programs. It is neither a programming
language manual nor an academic treatise on algorithms. Instead, it approaches
parallel programming as an engineering activity, in which programs are
developed in a methodical fashion and both cost and performance are considered
at each stage in a design. It is intended as both an introduction to parallel
programming and a practitioner's guide for programmers, engineers, and
scientists developing programs for parallel and distributed computer systems.
Selected Technical Reports
Prospects for Parallel Computing
1992, Geoffrey C. Fox, Syracuse University
Basic Issues and Current Status
of Parallel Computing--1995, Geoffrey C. Fox, Syracuse University
Software and Hardware
Requirements for Some Applications of Parallel Computing to Industrial
Problems, Geoffrey C. Fox, Syracuse University, three application
areas (Chemistry, CFD, and Monte Carlo Simulations) covered as case studies.
High Performance Distributed
Computing, Geoffrey C. Fox, Syracuse University
Cluster Computing Review,
Mark A. Baker and Geoffrey C. Fox, Syracuse University
An Application Perspective
on High-Performance Computing and Communications, Geoffrey C. Fox,
Syracuse University
The following materials are available only in the form of PostScript
An Overview of Scientific Computing,
Lloyd Fosdick and Elizabeth R. Jessup, University of Colorado at Boulder
Distributed-Memory MIMD Computing:
An Introduction, E. R. Jessup, University of Colorado at Boulder
SIMD Computing: An Introduction,
C. J. C. Schauble, University of Colorado at Boulder
Fortran90 and Computational Science,
Computational Science Education Project
The Current Status of Fortran90 and
Fortran95, John Reid, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Writing Data Parallel Programs
with High Performance Fortran, Edinburgh Parallel Computer Center
Writing Message-Passing Parallel
Programs with MPI, Edinburgh Parallel Computer Center
Tutorial on MPI: The Message
Passing Interface, William Gropp, Argonne National Laboratory
A User's Guide to MPI, Peter S.
Pacheco, University of San Francisco
Comments on Java Numerics, David
A Review of Selected Topics from
Numerical Analysis, Lloyd D. Fosdick and Elizabeth R. Jessup, University
of Colorado at Boulder
An Introduction to
the Conjugate Gradient Method Without the Agonizing Pain, Jonathan
Richard Shewchuk, Carnegie Mellon University (also available formatted
as foils for classroom
Programming Examples
(from CPS 615)
Standards Documents
Computational Science Reference Pointers (to materials both on and
off this CD-ROM)
We are grateful to Ian Foster and Addison Wesley for making available Designing
and Building Parallel Programs (Online) and to Morgan Kauffman for
making available Parallel Computing Works! We also appreciate the
assistance of Saleh Elmohamed and Deepak Ramanathan in collecting and organizing
the materials.
We plan to issue further editions of this CD-ROM in the future with revised
and expanded materials. Your feedback is valuable in helping us decide
what should be included in future releases. Please send your comments to