Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 17 November 1998

Foil 25 Top 10 Supercomputers November 1998

From Master Foilset for HPC Achitecture Overview CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Top 500 Supercomputer List from which you can get customized sublists
1 Machine Mflops Place/Country Year # PROCS
2 1 Intel ASCI Red 1338000 Sandia National Lab USA 1997 9152
3 2 SGI T3E1200 891500 Classified USA 1998 1084
4 3 SGI T3E900 815100 Classified USA 1997 1324
5 4 SGI ASCI Blue 690900 LANL USA 1998 6144
6 Mountain
7 5 SGI T3E900 552920 UK Met Office UK 1997 876
8 6 IBM ASCI Blue 547000 LLNL USA 1998 3904
9 Pacific
10 7 IBM ASCI Blue 547000 LLNL USA 1998 1952
11 Pacific
12 8 SGI T3E1200 509900 UK Centre for Science UK 1998 612
13 9 SGI T3E900 449000 NAVOCEANO USA 1997 700
14 10 SGI T3E 448600 NASA/GSFC USA 1998 1084

in Table To:

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