Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 17 November 1998

Foil 47 Spatial versus Temporal Locality II

From Master Foilset for HPC Achitecture Overview CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 If first (main memory access) takes time T1 and each subsequent (i.e. cache ) access takes time T2 with T2 << T1, and a data value is accessed l times while in cache, then average access time is: T2 + T1/l
2 Temporal locality ensures l big
3 Spatial locality helps here as fetch all data in a cache line (say 128 bytes) in the time T1. Thus one can effectively reduce T1 by a further factor equal to number of words in a cache line (perhaps 16)

in Table To:

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