Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 17 November 1998

Foil 53 Finite Difference Example for T3E Cache Use I

From Master Foilset for HPC Achitecture Overview CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Interesting Article from SC97 proceedings on T3E performance
REAL*8 AA(513,513), DD(513,513)
REAL*8 X (513,513), Y (513,513)
REAL*8 RX(513,513), RY(513,513)
DO J = 2,N-1
DO I = 2,N-1
XX = X(I+1,J)-X(I-1,J)
YX = Y(I+1,J)-Y(I-1,J)
XY = X(I,J+1)-X(I,J-1)
YY = Y(I,J+1)-Y(I,J-1)
A = 0.25 * (XY*XY+YY*YY)
B = 0.25* (XX*XX+YX*YX)
C = 0.125 * (XX*XY+YX*YY)
Continued on Next Page

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