Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 17 November 1998

Foil 58 Vector Supercomputers in a Nutshell - I

From Master Foilset for HPC Achitecture Overview CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- Fall Semester 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

This design enhances performance by noting that many applications calculate "vector-like" operations
  • Such as c(i)=a(i)+b(i) for i=1...N and N quite large
This allows one to address two performance problems
  • Latency in accessing memory (e.g. could take 10-20 clock cycles between requesting a particular memory location and delivery of result to CPU)
  • A complex operation , e.g. a floating point operation, can take a few machine cycles to complete
They are typified by Cray 1, XMP, YMP, C-90, CDC-205, ETA-10 and Japaneses Supercomputers from NEC Fujitsu and Hitachi

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