Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 22 February 1998

Foil 28 Form of the Computation -- Data v. Message Parallel

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- 1998 Enhancements. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Computation of numerical method is inherently iterative: at each time step, the solution depends on the immediately preceding one.
2 At each time step, Grav/MPGrav is called (several times as using Runge Kutta):
  • For each particle i, one must sum over the forces due to all other particles j.
  • Computation is O(N2) - potential for parallel computation in either i (Message Parallel) or j or both (Data parallel if needed).
3 We will use 4th order Runge Kutta to integrate in time and the program is designed an overall routine looping over time with parallelism hidden in Grav/MPGrav routines
4 We first analyse Data Parallel (starting with classic SIMD method) and then go through Message Parallel version

in Table To:

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