Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 22 February 1998

Foil 51 Excerpts from an HPF program for this algorithm

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- 1998 Enhancements. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 ! declarations of global variables
2 module nbodyvars
3 real, dimension ( : , : ), allocatable :: X, V, M
4 integer NB ! number of particles
5 real G
6 end module
7 ! allocate arrays
8 subroutine setup ( )
9 use nbodyvars
10 open (10, file=fnm, status="OLD")
11 read (10, *) NB
12 allocate (X (3, NB))
13 allocate (V (3, NB))
14 . . .
15 end subroutine

in Table To:

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