Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 22 February 1998

Foil 46 Data Parallel Grav Pipeline Algorithm, concluded

From Fox Presentation Fall 1995 CPS615 Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science -- 1998 Enhancements. by Geoffrey C. Fox

if (( N mod 2) = 0 ) then ! final one way acceleration if N even
  • Xc = cshift (Xc, dim=2, shift = -1)
  • Mc = cshift (Mc, dim=2, shift = -1)
  • Ac = cshift (Ac, dim=2, shift = -1)
  • D = Xc-X
  • R = sqrt (spread (sum (D*D, dim=1), dim=1, ncopies=3)))
  • D = D/R**3
  • A = A + Mc*D
end if
! combine accelerations for final result - circulating particle in i'th
! position corresponds to fixed particle (i-(N-1)/2)
Grav = A + cshift (Ac, dim=2, shift = (N-1)/2)
end function Grav

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