Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 10 January 98

Foil 27 Proposed Approach to High Performance Messaging

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) NIMA HQ Fairfax Virginia -- January 12 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

As a first step, implement multi-module systems with each module linked via Java Servers
  • Modest performance (non - parallel) linkage with easy database, collaborative system etc. access
Where necessary "escape" down to classic HPCC technologies for data transport keeping control at server level
  • e.g. following foil illustrates this for a typical two module coupled CFD(fluids) and CSM(structures) problem
  • e.g. JDBC would access a parallel database in same way as sequential database at control level. However backend would implement "parallel query option" transparently to user.
This seems very convenient in JDK 1.1 "event model" which is mechanism used by Javabeans to communicate
  • this is illustrated in foil after next!

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