Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 10 January 98

Foil 66 Each Federate Must Play By the Rules

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) NIMA HQ Fairfax Virginia -- January 12 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

6. Federates shall have an HLA Simulation Object Model (SOM), documented in accordance with the HLA Object Model Template (OMT)
7. Federates shall be able to update and/or reflect any attributes of objects in their SOM and send and/or receive SOM object interactions externally, as specified in their SOM
8. Federates shall be able to transfer and/or accept ownership of attributes dynamically during a federation execution, as specified in their SOM
9. Federates shall be able to vary the conditions (e.g., thresholds) under which they provide updates of attributes of objects, as specified in their SOM
10. Federates shall be able to manage local time in a way which will allow them to coordinate data exchange with other members of a federation

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