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HPcc High Performance Computing and Communications based on Commodity Technologies

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at NIST Information Technology Laboratory Washington DC on January 22 98. Foils prepared 21 January 98

We discuss role of commodity (Web) technologies in future high performance computing environments
We describe how a network of Web/CORBA/COM servers architecture can naturally support both parallel and distributed computing while
We describe applications to both metacomputing, and parallel computing and suggest this approach can provide attractive user environments leveraging the huge commodity investment
We suggest critical importance of CORBA and component based software in HPCC -- Javabeans seem very important
We describe role of collaboration technology in linking computers with people
We describe use of Java as a general coding language for scientific and engineering computation
This approach unifies distributed event driven simulations with classic massively parallel time stepped computations

This mixed presentation uses parts of the following base foilsets which can also be looked at on their own!
General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint)
General NPAC Foils-B starting June97(PowerPoint)
Commodity(Web) Technologies in the service of Computational Grids
Miscellaneous Presentation Material used in 1996
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects January 97-
Collection of Images for General NPAC Projects January 98-
Scivis Java Visualization System
JavaBeans and Visual HPCC ComponentWare
Master for TANGO Applications -- C2, Education, HealthCare, Simulation
Master Set of Foils for Two Talks at Dayton (Multidisciplinary Applications, Tango Collaboratory)
Master Set of WebWisdom Education and Training System: Distributed Objects and Collaboration
Master Presentation on Java for Simulation and Education
Master Set of Presentations on Java for Computational Science
Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects April96-
Introduction to Java to be used in (Scientific) Computing
Possible Java Frameworks for Computing

Table of Contents for HPcc High Performance Computing and Communications based on Commodity Technologies

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1 HPcc High Performance Computing based on Commodity Technologies January 22,98 NIST
2 Abstract of Commodity Technologies in HPCC for NIST

What is NPAC in a Nutshell
3 People and Infrastructure in NPAC
4 Nature of NPAC Programs

HPCC in a Snapshot
5 The Computing Pyramid
6 The HPCC Dilemma and its Solution

Commodity Technologies
7 What is Commodity Software
8 Component Based Programming Environments
9 Approaches to Distributed Objects
10 Java ORB Approaches to Distributed Objects - II The object web awakens!
11 Pragmatic Object Web Technology Model
12 Object Web Software is the Best
13 Synergy of InterNet and IntraNets

Multi-Tier Computing Model
14 Exploiting Multi-Tier Commodity Software Model
15 A Web-based 3-Tier Computing System
16 Today's Confusing Multi-Technology Real World Second Tier Server Layer
17 Pure CORBA Architecture for a distributed Information System (There are similar COM and Javabean /RMI Versions)

MetaComputing with the Object web
18 Three Roles of Object Web Technologies in Computing
19 Computational Grid and the Object Web
20 Structure(Architecture) of Applications - I
21 Structure(Architecture) of Applications - II
22 Metacomputing with Web Architecture
23 One Strategy for a Object Web-based Metacomputing
24 Web-Server based Metacomputer Capabilities at 3 levels
25 WebFlow Globus and FrontEnd (DARP,SciVis) Architecture II

A Strategy for High Performance Messaging
26 Proposed Approach to High Performance Messaging
27 Three Possible Implementations of CFD CSM Linkage
28 Picture of JavaBean and JDK1.1 AWT Event Model

Overview of applications of this Approach
29 Some Capabilities of the Object Web (Server) Architecture for Computing

30 WebFlow Flip Module
31 WebFlow WaveFilter Module
32 WebFlow: Image Processing
33 Example of WebFlow = AVS/Khoros using Web
34 WebFlow Globus and FrontEnd (DARP,SciVis) Architecture II
35 Architecture of WebFlow linked to Globus

Interpreted Front Ends
36 Web Architecture Supports Interpreted Environments
37 Architecture of Interpreted Front End
38 Code WebFlow and Image Processing Parameters for Spatial Filter from SciVis in WebFlow from DARP I
39 Code WebFlow and Image Processing Parameters and SciVis Output from DARP I
40 PPT Slide

Parallel Computing as opposed to Metacomputing
41 Parallel Computing v. Metacomputing
42 A Parallel Computer Viewed as a Single CORBA Object
43 Each Node of a Parallel Computer viewed as a Separate CORBA Object
44 Can HPcc Give High Performance if applied to each node of a parallel computer?
45 Fig. 13: Each node of a parallel computer instantiated as a Corba object.
46 A Message or Protocol Optimization Bridge
47 Fig 15: A message optimization bridge

Integration of Distributed Simulation with Object Web Based HPCC
48 Integration of DIS with Object Web Based Computing
49 Technology Convergence Roadmap - Overview for Forces Modeling, Integrated Modeling and Testing for DoD

HPCC ComponentWare
50 What are JavaBeans I
51 What are JavaBeans II
52 Next Steps for HPcc using JavaBeans
53 Wrapping Existing Applications
54 System and User Perspective
55 3 by 3 Diagram of Programming Environments versus System Complexity from PC to HPCC

HP Corba Recapitulated
58 Aspects of HPCORBA Architecture
59 HPCORBA Layer with SIO Analogy

Standards for HPCC
60 Role of Standards in HPcc
61 CORBA Software Model
62 Possible Java Frameworks for Computing
63 What/Why is a Framework?
64 Too many Frameworks!
65 Proposed Java Computing Services Framework
66 Possible Services in a Java Computing Framework - I
67 Possible Services in a Java Computing Framework - II

Integration of Collaboration with Object Web Based HPCC
68 Tango Collaboration System
69 Tango Screen: Talking Heads and White Board
70 Typical Web Collaboration Architecture
71 The TANGOsim C2 Application
72 Command and Control Screen with Multimedia Message
73 A demo of animated objects controlled by simulation engine of Tango collaborative system - III

Tango/WebFlow and Multidisciplinary Applications
74 TANGO Structure of Multidisciplinary Applications
75 Minimal Web based Multidisciplinary Application
76 Comparison of Communication/Linkage Models

Status of Tango
77 Status of Tango Collaborative System
78 The current Capabilities of Tango -I
79 The current Capabilities of Tango -II
80 The current Capabilities of Tango -III
81 Tango Screen: Physics Applets -- Cross Product, Planets and Neural Network
82 The current Capabilities of Tango -IV

Java in Scientific and Engineerng Computation
83 Java as the Language for Computational Kernels!
84 Some Critical Features of Java as a Programming Language
85 Comparison of Java and Fortran 77/90
86 Java Links the Bottom and Top of Pyramid

Performance of Java
Java LINPACK Benchmark Page 87 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for HPCC? -Java- I
Java LINPACK Benchmark Page 88 Performance of Java is Dreadful!
Java LINPACK Benchmark Page 89 LinPack Java Performance Updated to Sept 30 1996
90 LinPack Java Performance Updated to June 3 1997
91 What Limits Performance of Compiled Java?
92 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for HPCC? -Java- III

Approaches to Parallel Java
93 Classes of Simulations and their High Performance Needs
94 Java and Parallelism?
95 "Pure" Java Model For Parallelism
96 Mechanisms for Data Parallelism in HPJava

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List of WebWisdom URL's Used in this Foilset

key HPcc URL * HPcc as High Performance Commodity Components by gcf on Sun Nov 23 1997
Times 2 Foils referenced Foil 45 Foil 47
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