Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 21 January 98

Foil 29 Some Capabilities of the Object Web (Server) Architecture for Computing

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) NIST Information Technology Laboratory Washington DC -- January 22 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Here are some examples of using our approach where large scale industry investment in Web technology appears to add significant value to metacomputing systems built with Web architecture
  • We illustrate some of them in following foils
  • many also apply to parallel computing environments
2 Multidisciplinary and Computational Steering Applications
  • link people data computation with collaboratory server as part of system
3 Visual and Interpreted Programming Environments
  • MATLAB/AVS/ Khoros like Systems (coarse grain Software Integration)
  • Software Component based approaches
4 Technologies to get High Performance CORBA
5 Integration with Forces Modeling (Distributed Event driven Simulation)
6 Integration with Networked enabled servers such as NEOS and Netsolve
  • These are naturally implemented using CORBA as are
  • Software repositories (RIB from National High Performance Software Exchange)

in Table To:

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